July 2015 Moms

Another one on the way???

So I just needed to talk and the TTC and 1st Trimester boards just didn't seem right. So turned to my friends from the past year + here. My son who will be 1 on July 24th is as high strung as they come. There isn't a day that goes by where we don't get some comment like "wow he sure has a lot of energy", "what a little wiggle worm", etc. from strangers. On top of that he doesn't sleep! He never has been a good sleeper. In the past three months I think the longest stretch we have gotten is 3 hours. On top of the exhaustion of taking care of this ball of energy, we are currently building a house, and I am now 4 days late! I absolutely wanted more children, but we tried for a long time to have our first and I figured we would have to try again for quite a while for the next. So being late is freaking me out right now. I have taken 3 home tests and all negative so far, but still no period. So this waiting game to find out if I really am pregnant is bugging me out on top of the stress of the timing of all this! Sorry I am just so tired and needed to vent it all out!

Re: Another one on the way???

  • n3na94n3na94 member
    edited July 2016
    Hi mama!! Thank you for sharing with us. It usually  Takes year or more for our bodies to go back to normal.  You mentioned that you were feeling stress sometimes stress has a lot to do with late periods.  If you are pregnant then smile mom God's timing is perfect. And think of the positives your little one will be a lot older by then and I'm sure he will love to be an older brother and most older brothers become really responsible with the welcoming of a new member of the family. I EBF  and I have only gotten my period three times and missed one month without it .  Like I said it could be stress or your body still regulating .  Either way mama take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy . You have a beautiful family and don't worry with what the future holds .   Everything will be OK, God is in control, and this will be another beautiful blessing for your family!  Keep us posted mama !
  • meq124meq124 member
    edited July 2016
    @tabbiekat13 I just got a BFP 4 days ago. We were trying, but the thought of the ensuing chaos is overwhelming to think about. If you are, I think you will look back in a year or two and think of how much of a blessing it was. Plus, your DS will change a lot over the course of 9 months! If you are late and still having negatives, chances are your cycle is funky this month, mine turned positive 4 days before I was supposed to have my period. If you haven't tried a First Response Early Result test, they are supposed to be super sensitive and that's what showed mine 4 days early. Fx for you girl that it's just a wonky cycle, but if not I am here for you (as is everyone else in July '15)
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • sgrho2sgrho2 member
    My daughter will be 1 on July 15 and I got a BFP on March 10 at approximately 10 weeks. I too, thought my cycle was just wonky and had a negative pregnancy test. Finally went to the doctor and when the test was positive had an ultrasound and saw my baby. DH and I were literally in shock! Every time we would make eye contact we would just laugh. 

    The Shock is wearing off now that I'm 26 weeks and getting big, and we're beginning to accept that the next 3 years will be hectic but really rewarding as our kids (the new baby is a boy) will be really close in age and hopefully super close as they grow up! 

    So-here's hoping that whatever is supposed to be will be. Good luck!
  • Thank you all for your comments! They definitely did make me feel a little bit better. I just wanted to report that it was a false alarm though! 6 days late for some reason but no baby #2 just yet. Thanks again for your comfort!
  • I thought I was pregnant about 2 months ago. I had all the "signs" that I did when I found out I was pregnant with DD. That turned out to be a false alarm as well, but I completely understand how it makes you reevaluate everything that's going on in your life. (In our case, it meant we started trying for our 2nd!)
    Read about my motherhood journey and more at http://hallidaynelson.com/
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    TTGP July Siggy Challenge: Summer Fails
  • I am trying so hard to get pregnant! My little one turns one on July 23. We tried for 2 months to get pregnant with him and it happened right away! And my first took about 3 months of trying and I got pregnant. I'm getting so frustrated. Since we've been trying since our little one was 4 months old. 
    I've had so many false alarms. And swear I feel kicks in my stomach like every day, haha. and have had late periods. and skipped periods! Still negative pregnancy tests.
    Bobby Llewellyn born September 29, 2012
    Kade Wayne born July 23, 2015
    MC in February 2017
    MC in November 2017
    Oliver Dean (Ollie) due December 17, 2018

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • DH and I weren't trying but weren't preventing getting pregnant. We were going with if it happens it happens moto lol. Well when DS was 6 months we found out it happened. Our second lil boy is due October 17th. Our sons will be 15 months apart. I  exciting about having 2 lil boys close together they will be best friends. I know at first it's gonna be overwhelming but I will adjust and in the end it will be okay. It's a blessing.
  • n3na94n3na94 member
    jewel1029 said:
    DH and I weren't trying but weren't preventing getting pregnant. We were going with if it happens it happens moto lol. Well when DS was 6 months we found out it happened. Our second lil boy is due October 17th. Our sons will be 15 months apart. I  exciting about having 2 lil boys close together they will be best friends. I know at first it's gonna be overwhelming but I will adjust and in the end it will be okay. It's a blessing.
    Congratulations mama and God bless you! It really is a double blessing! :blush:
  • Thank you so much! 
  • After a miscarriage in May, I'm pregnant again! So nervous but excited. I hope everything goes smoothly.  New baby coming March 2017! 
  • n3na94n3na94 member
    newmommyZ said:
    After a miscarriage in May, I'm pregnant again! So nervous but excited. I hope everything goes smoothly.  New baby coming March 2017! 
    I'm so sorry for your loss mama and I'm praying this blessing will make his or her big entrance in March 2017! God is in control and God bless you and your family mama! Keep us posted! :blush:
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