So I just needed to talk and the TTC and 1st Trimester boards just didn't seem right. So turned to my friends from the past year + here. My son who will be 1 on July 24th is as high strung as they come. There isn't a day that goes by where we don't get some comment like "wow he sure has a lot of energy", "what a little wiggle worm", etc. from strangers. On top of that he doesn't sleep! He never has been a good sleeper. In the past three months I think the longest stretch we have gotten is 3 hours. On top of the exhaustion of taking care of this ball of energy, we are currently building a house, and I am now 4 days late! I absolutely wanted more children, but we tried for a long time to have our first and I figured we would have to try again for quite a while for the next. So being late is freaking me out right now. I have taken 3 home tests and all negative so far, but still no period. So this waiting game to find out if I really am pregnant is bugging me out on top of the stress of the timing of all this! Sorry I am just so tired and needed to vent it all out!
Re: Another one on the way???
The Shock is wearing off now that I'm 26 weeks and getting big, and we're beginning to accept that the next 3 years will be hectic but really rewarding as our kids (the new baby is a boy) will be really close in age and hopefully super close as they grow up!
So-here's hoping that whatever is supposed to be will be. Good luck!
TTGP July Siggy Challenge: Summer Fails
I've had so many false alarms. And swear I feel kicks in my stomach like every day, haha. and have had late periods. and skipped periods! Still negative pregnancy tests.
Kade Wayne born July 23, 2015
MC in February 2017
MC in November 2017
Oliver Dean (Ollie) due December 17, 2018