June 2016 Moms

Weekend check in

how far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G?

rants/ raves / symptoms:

what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby?


GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion?

Re: Weekend check in

  • how far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G?

    12 days, boy

    rants/ raves / symptoms:

    Recovering from a cs so still kind of sore but definitely on the up and up

    what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby?

    the transition from 1 to 2 has been pretty seamless so far. Just trying to adjust to lack of sleep. 


    GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion?

    we just got a Honda Pilot and I think it's the perfect mom car 
  • How many days old is baby? 15 day old baby boy

    rants/ raves/ symptoms: only thing bothering me now is my c section incision is infected.

    How are you adjusting to life with baby? Good now that hubby is back from business trip.

    GTKY: we just upgraded to a Durango from a Subaru Forester and it is awesome now that we have 3 kids.

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  • how far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G?

    16 days old boy

    rants/ raves / symptoms:

    My poor baby is just always gassy and fussy. Trying to address my oversupply issue to see if that helps.

    what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby?

    Its the sleep, and the freedom to do what I want when I want that I miss.


    GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion?
    Nissan Marano is the best for multiple kids but currently I have the Rogue and that works great right now.
  • Sorry about the quote box! 
    how far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G?

    4 day old girl. 

    rants/ raves / symptoms:
    rant: my breasts are so hard and sore! I'm not BF this time around, so waiting for the milk to dry up is crazy uncomfortable. 

    Rave: the pp cramping is finally getting better, my bleeding has slowed down so much it's almost gone, and I've been able to use the bathroom with pretty much no pain since delivery. I'm very greatful for all of these! 

    what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby?

    My mom goes home tomorrow, and dh goes back to work on Wednesday, so we will see how I handle real life with three kids by myself  :)


    GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion?

    whatever works for you! I love our Ford Escape, but I have friends who swear by their mini van

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • how far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G? Baby boy is 2 weeks old today. 

    rants/ raves / symptoms: Just waiting for my incision to heal. Not too much pain anymore, but it is a little itchy where the tape has been. 

    what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby? So far so good. I've definitely had some anxiety over whether baby is sleeping enough, eating enough, getting enough awake time, etc., but we're getting into a good rhythm now and I think all the crazy hormones are starting to level out. 

    questions? Does anyone else's LO change up his/her schedule on a daily basis? I feel like I wake up everyday to a new baby in terms of when and how much he eats, sleeps, etc. 

    GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion? Currently we have a Mazda 3, which is a terrible mom vehicle. We'll be shopping for something a little bigger later this summer. 
  • edited June 2016
    Tawny87 said:
    how far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G?
    39+6... scheduling induction at tomorrow's appt.

    rants/ raves / symptoms:
    Rants-horrible low back pain every morning after waking up every hour at night.

    what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby?
    Just waiting now


    GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion?
    We are looking to get a 4 runner so we can haul baby and dogs with no problems.

  • how far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G?

    12 days old, boy 

    rants/ raves / symptoms:

    I love having my mom here to help (she lives with us)!  We have been rotating nights so my husband and I are able to get some sleep. As for symptoms, the bleeding has decreased tremendously but I'm wondering when the stitches will dissolve???  They are at the top and I feel like that's going to make sex uber uncomfortable wen we get to that stage. Also, since I'm not breastfeeding, waiting for the milk to dry up was horrendous but I think I'm nearing the end of this battle (5,000 breast pads later...)

    what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby?

    establishing some sort of routine has helped keep my sanity. Napping whenever I can and utilizing my moms help when we need her has made it very manageable. We venture out on errands practically everyday (I hate just sitting at home)!  And no I don't regret my decision to not use an infant carrier lol. 


    just wondering about the stitches in my lady bits and when they will dissolve. 

    GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion?

    I currently drive a Nissan Altima which I love but having the big car seat in it fully reclined and rear facing doesn't leave the passenger a lot of room since the seat has to be moved up so far. I would love to upgrade to an SUV (Tahoe or Escalade) but don't think it's necessary with just one kid. Lol. 

  • How far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G? 40 wks 2 days

    rants/ raves / symptoms: I feel like the baby will never come out. I feel good but uncomfortable and I am not sleeping well.  

    what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby? Nothing. We are ready! Just trying not to go crazy waiting. 

    questions? Nope. 

    GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion? I have a versa. A bit small but hopefully it will work for us. 
  • how far along/ how many days old is your baby? B/G? My son is on Day 10 pp (I've realized my counting is almost always off since I can never remember what day it is!) 

    rants: Visitors that camp out on the couch for hours, offer no assistance, create more work, and suck up all the precious bonding time that my husband and I want to have with our son. 
    raves: My husband has been a rockstar and really helpful. Sure, he sometimes does/says things that drive me crazy, but overall I'm so grateful to have him around to help and provide moral support.
    symptoms: Engorgement! It's better now than it was a couple of days ago but I hate how difficult it can make latching. I express a little bit before feedings if I feel overly full but it can still be a challenge. 

    what at are you doing to prepare/ how are you adjusting to life with baby? The first few days were rough, especially with the cluster feedings but we're starting to fall into a routine. I'm still a bit of a nervous new mom but that too has gotten better with each day. 


    GTKY: Best "mom" vehicle in your opinion? No opinion really, I like sedans and crossovers. When we were car shopping last summer, we looked into a Honda Fit. I really like that car and think that it would be a great choice for us in the future. We ended up not needing to buy a car since the in laws gave us theirs when they bought a new one.
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