June 2015 Moms

Low Hemoglobin (iron deficiency) - advice?

DD had her bloodwork done at her 1 year appointment yesterday (she took that finger prick like a BOSS - didn't cry at all and just watched the nurse squeeze and collect the blood haha).  Turns out she has a "slight" iron deficiency.  The doctor advised a multivitamin, but DH and I would really prefer to try to control this via diet - especially since it's only a slight deficiency and the multivitamins will likely have so much iron that it will constipate her (as I hear that is a common outcome).


Any tips and tricks?  I just read that dairy inhibits iron absorption, which is GREAT because we had been making her morning oatmeal with milk (sigh).  However, she has now rejected being spoon fed entirely, so she doesn't even get oatmeal or cereal anymore.  We give her dry cheerios, but probably not enough for a full serving.  She loves broccoli and green beans and we can occasionally get her to eat eggs and meat which is good.  daycare has decent success with meat as well.  Any other ideas?  I did see a recipe for making pancakes with baby oatmeal, so I may try that...she does love pancakes and I can probably fool her into getting some iron that way. 


Anyone in the same boat, and what have you done to resolve the issue?  Or if you have any recommendations for multivitamins, i'll take those too!

Re: Low Hemoglobin (iron deficiency) - advice?

  • No advice here, but LO had the finger prick yesterday without the same outcome as you.  He screamed and cried worse for that, than the shots.  He wouldn't keep the bandaid or gauze on and was flinging and slapping blood everywhere.  We were a mess yesterday.  Quite an unusual appt, he is becoming very opinionated as he ages :) don't we all ;)  These appts were so much easier when they wouldn't move around so much.  
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  • Kalu05Kalu05 member
    We had low iron at our 9 month visit.  We did do iron rich food (spinich, oatmeal, etc) and some higher iron Happy and Plum snacks (there's a spinich/strawberry small nutigrain type bar we did).  We were prescribed a liquid iron supplement and she did get constipated.  However, we just did a quarter of the dose.  Levels were normal at our one month visit.  Best of luck!
  • I had low iron when I was pregnant, and we worked on diet to help that. Asparagus and Brussel Sprouts are high in iron, along with most dark green leafy veggies like spinach. Red meats. I think pork was not as good as red meat, but better than other meats like chicken or fish. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ^^ I forgot collard greens.

    Also, maybe you're not into this, but you could try those toddler supplements like Similac Go and Grow. They're meant to be added to food, so you could add to the oatmeal (if you get to feed oatmeal again)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • delujm0 said:

    DD had her bloodwork done at her 1 year appointment yesterday (she took that finger prick like a BOSS - didn't cry at all and just watched the nurse squeeze and collect the blood haha).  Turns out she has a "slight" iron deficiency.  The doctor advised a multivitamin, but DH and I would really prefer to try to control this via diet - especially since it's only a slight deficiency and the multivitamins will likely have so much iron that it will constipate her (as I hear that is a common outcome).


    Any tips and tricks?  I just read that dairy inhibits iron absorption, which is GREAT because we had been making her morning oatmeal with milk (sigh).  However, she has now rejected being spoon fed entirely, so she doesn't even get oatmeal or cereal anymore.  We give her dry cheerios, but probably not enough for a full serving.  She loves broccoli and green beans and we can occasionally get her to eat eggs and meat which is good.  daycare has decent success with meat as well.  Any other ideas?  I did see a recipe for making pancakes with baby oatmeal, so I may try that...she does love pancakes and I can probably fool her into getting some iron that way. 


    Anyone in the same boat, and what have you done to resolve the issue?  Or if you have any recommendations for multivitamins, i'll take those too!

    For a while, I put oatmeal mixed with a little yogurt into the fridge, in the morning. Then at lunch, I put little blobs of it onto LO's high chair tray. Cold, it binds together, so he can pick it up with his hands.
    It's a big mess, but gets oatmeal into his system, his way.
    Just an idea, in case you haven't heard it before. I learned it from another mama.

  • @virginiaunicorn11 that is an awesome idea, I may try that.  I was also looking into making oatmeal pancakes for her instead of using the premade buttermilk ones we get at the grocery store.  I'm about to make some banana bread using her baby oatmeal in place of some of the of regular flour.  I will get this into her body.  luckily she loves broccoli, so I can at least give her that every day.


    Thanks for the ideas everyone!  I know DD LOVES spinach and kale, her favorite purees included leafy greens, but now she won't take purees so I am foiled.  So I bought stuff this weekend to make spinach pesto sauce...I figure I can put it on her pasta or make it thick and spread it on toast for her, and that might trick her into getting the spinach into her body.  we'll see how that goes. :-)

  • How about smoothies with lots of leafy greens, fruits, and milk?
  • How about smoothies with lots of leafy greens, fruits, and milk?

    we have thought of this, she doesn't really drink out of a sippy cup yet (I know, we're the worst), but when she does we're going to give this a go!
  • I second the cast iron suggestion. We cool in our cast iron a lot. I had great iron through pregnancy and postpartum and LO has always had good iron. You do have to care for cast iron differently from regular pans, but it is worth it.
  • My LO won't let me spoon feed him but I let him kinda do it with help, I make it a little thicker so it stick on the spoon. He loves it but also lets dad feed him with a spoon so I take advantage when dads around. 
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