How many weeks? Size/comparable fruit/object?
Baby-related happenings this week:
GTKY: What's your total guess/gut-feeling as to when you're going to give birth? Or if you have an induction or c/s date scheduled, how are you feeling about it right now?
DD1: Born January 2013
DD2: Due July 12, 2016
Two rescue dogs

July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations

Re: ~~Tuesday Ticker Change~~
37, winter melon
Baby-related happenings this week:
Just a regular OB appt. on Friday, but I might get my first cervical check. I'll find out about the GBS swab, too.
I want to know who actually has "raves" at this point? Anyway...everything hurts, ankle and hand swelling comes and goes, feeling lots of low pressure, the usual stuff.
GTKY: What's your total guess/gut-feeling as to when you're going to give birth? Or if you have an induction or c/s date scheduled, how are you feeling about it right now?
My guess is a few days past my due date. I'm going to go with a range of 7/14-16. Really hoping I go on my own.
36 weeks, 2 plates of beignets. Mmmmmm I love beignets!
Baby-related happenings this week:
Packing the hospital bag.
The back pain that was only at night for a long time has decided to hang out with me all day and lots of groin/pubic bone pain when I walk. I like to tell myself my wottle is cute
GTKY: What's your total guess/gut-feeling as to when you're going to give birth? Or if you have an induction or c/s date scheduled, how are you feeling about it right now?
Im guessing close to my EDD but I'm really very clueless. I'd like baby to come just a few days to a week early as my MIL booked her flight for 10 days after my EDD and will be staying with us for a week. My mom comes 3 days after my MIL leaves for a week as well. I'm grateful for all the help and how excited they are, but it's got me feeling overwhelmed. I enjoy being the hostess with the mostest and I genuinely hate help from others. I'm an OCD control freak. And if one more person tells me to let them help and not care "how it's done" I may snap. I really would rather something not be done than be done, but not my way. It's a curse, seriously.
I also want to maximize time with just baby, my husband, our daughter, and I. As of now, if I deliver on my due date, I won't be home alone with baby myself until s/he is over 3 weeks old. So I have mixed feelings about that too.
Baby related things? Growth scan and OB today, massage tomorrow and just general putzing to get the clutter my husband keeps putting in the nursery
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: My husband is my rave. He is just so excited and anxious for the little guy to be here. Biggest rant is the pinched nerve to my outer thigh, I cannot believe how much it hurts and all I can do is wait
GTKY: I really have no clue, I think I would like next week but I am counting on going later. He's been trending pretty big on his growth scans so an extra week and half of growing time past my due date does make me cross my legs in fear
Baby-related happenings this week: I had my checkup yesterday and everything looks good. The OB says cervix checks start at next week's appointment! I also have a chiro appointment today so I'm looking forward to less pain in the next week! This weekend we are picking up the crib from my sister and putting that together, so the nursery will have some actual furniture in it!
Rants/Raves/Symptoms? I actually feel fairly good except for the hip pain that causes me to limp around a lot. It's definitely worse when I'm working. I love the baby kicks though and I'm going to miss having him/her so close to me and being selfish about our special time together.
GTKY: What's your total guess/gut-feeling as to when you're going to give birth? Or if you have an induction or c/s date scheduled, how are you feeling about it right now? At this point, I don't feel like I'm going to go into labor anytime soon. When people see me, they say it's any day now but I honestly don't feel it. I think it's going to be at least another two weeks which I'm happy with. I am curious how my cervix looks though so I'm looking forward to next week's appointment!
Baby-related happenings this week:
Usual weekly appointment, crossing my fingers having LO.....but it's just wishful thinking
So ready to be done, but also having mini freak outs about having another baby.
GTKY: What's your total guess/gut-feeling as to when you're going to give birth? Or if you have an induction or c/s date scheduled, how are you feeling about it right now?
3 days past my due date would be my guess. I would like to go between weeks 39-40 , but DD was 6 days past her EDD so I don't expect this LO to come early.
37 weeks! Honeydew Melon. This week has always stuck out as some magic number to me for some reason, but now that it is here 21 days has never felt so long or so short in my life.
Baby-related happenings this week:
Weekly doctors appointment tomorrow. My practice doesn't do cervical checks so it's a quick weight, BP, urine, and listen to baby's heartbeat.
I have finally figured out the solution to my tight hips in the middle of the night! I work in a lot of hip mobility exercises throughout the day and things like leg swings to the sides/front/ back. Along with two pillows between my legs at night I am finally pain free.
GTKY: What's your total guess/gut-feeling as to when you're going to give birth? Or if you have an induction or c/s date scheduled, how are you feeling about it right now?
For some reason I've been saying the 4th of July for my whole pregnancy. I'm due 7/12. My MIL has been saying all along how there is no way I will make it to my due date (gotta get her psychic baby goggles apparently) because SHE was early with her kids... because that's totally how this works! Not. A large part of me would like to make it to 7/12 to prove her wrong.
35; a bunch of carrots and a mini lop rabbit
Baby-related happenings this week:
Just doing laundry, getting a stroller/car seat combo and hopefully getting my dressers from my dad after he paints them so I can put away all the clothes!
Everything is sore. Back, feet, hips, knees and more. Heartburn galore. It's just so much fun!
GTKY: What's your total guess/gut-feeling as to when you're going to give birth? Or if you have an induction or c/s date scheduled, how are you feeling about it right now?
I'm thinking I'll probably go about a week early just because I've measured 2 weeks ahead of schedule the whole time. That would be about July 19th. Honestly when I found out I was pregnant I couldn't remember my last period because they're always irregular anyways. We shall see!