Anybody have anything exciting planned? I knew it was coming and then it snuck up on me. My husband has been pretty great through all of this.
Also, my own dad! He was pretty much the 1st person I told. He's been excited since the begining and so supportive throughout my pregnancy and since LO was born.
I honestly don't know how to begin to show appreciation for the Father's in my life!
Re: Father's Day Tomorow
All this bitching and I'm doing it. If he weren't leaving for 8 months I would've told him eff you and order a pizza, especially since I'm on no dairy, no soy and can't eat one lick of the dinner or dessert that he's chosen, but he deserves it so here I stand in the hot ass kitchen baking a chocolate cake from scratch, buttercream from scratch, and homemade country fried steak to make in my very near future. He's worth it!
DD picked out a Ninja Turtle card to give DH
We got DH some workout clothes and a new computer bag for work. For my dad we are taking him to Blue Hill at Stone Barns as soon as I'm ok with leaving the baby for that long and we can get a reservation.
DD: 05/14/16
Also, we're totally not golf people but my in-laws have been grooming my son to play whenever they see him, and it is incredible how quick they can pick up a good swing at such a young age! They've taken him to the driving range a few times and he absolutely loves it, I bet your little guy will too.