i lost mine 6 days before i went into early labour. also, not sure how many weeks you are, but they can regenerate if you lose them too early. like a PP mentioned, it really doesn't mean a whole lot.
Lost mine on a Thursday. Water broke Monday. Baby born Tuesday. But it really doesn't mean anything, so don't get too excited by make sure your bags are packed!
I lost a decent chunk of mine, if not all of it at 36+4 after my first cervix check. I'm 39+4 today, still very much pregnant and am losing chunks again because it regenerated. It really means nothing as far as when you'll go into labor.
Re: Mucus Plug is out!
Losing it really means nothing.
Me - 33, DH - 33
Married - May 2014
DH - Low Count/Motility/Morph - Varicocele vein x 2 - surgery (8/11) - success!
BFP - 10/10/15, EDD - 6/20/16 - It's a BOY!
Baby #1 - 6/29/16 - Lucas Christopher, 10 lbs 3 oz, 22.25 inches
Baby #2 - TTC May 2017
BFP - 9/10/17, EDD - 5/26/18 - It's a GIRL! - RCS May 22nd
My Chart