Having a newborn means taking care of this new human being who is totally dependent on you. You may provide most of the care for LO or maybe you split it with DH/SO, either way, your life takes a major turn and you don't have the free time you had before. Your "me" time can easily become "we" time. What do you do for your "me" time, whether it is 15 min. to yourself or a few hours when someone is there to help out with LO?
Re: What do you do for "me" time?
When DH will take both kids, or toddler naps and baby naps at the same time (lol - this has only happened one time ever but it was so magical!) or baby actually goes down at night somewhere not on my person I pretty much want one of two things: a shower or sleep. Or wait - forgot one, to eat something my toddler won't take that I can actually eat with two hands before it gets cold.
I've gone for a mani/pedi, a massage, and for beers with girlfriends and honestly spent the majority of that time worried about LO, which I'm sure I will get better at, but for now I really just like to have a little bit of time close to home.
PS- Isn't it sad that sleep and showers are "me time" now. I'd be interested to see what our SOs consider "me time now"
DH watches LO for me to take a shower at nights, but I've been feeling so smelly/gross by the middle of the night that the pre bed showers don't feel like they do anything and I've started to skip doing them in lieu of a mad dash sans DH watching LO in the mornings.
Tonight DH is bringing home framboise, I'm going to make my garlic tofu and he's taking both kids on a walk. This is definitely the first me time I've had since having her...he just has to get his butt home!!!
Once a week my mom comes by and I then leave the house to go to Crossfit, get my hair done etc. I also just wander around town checking out shops with the freedom of being able to jaywalk, run to make lights and all the other risky stuff I wouldn't do with a baby in tow. I don't know why I take such pleasure in jaywalking, but my life is about small wins at this point.
DH's best friend and wife take the baby for a couple of hours on Saturdays and I usually go to Crossfit then as well.
I haven't gotten much more creative than that. Eat, sleep, jaywalk, bathe and Crossfit.
I SAHM so dentist appointments are like some type of break because I drive there (a whole 10 mins) and blast my music ridiculously loud. It is glorious because I don't worry at all about the lyrics, words, messages they are sending to my kid, or volume hurting little ears. So I look forward to my every 6 month dentist appointments because of the drive.