Trouble TTC

Intro - TFAS (child mentioned)

Hi, my name is Megan.  I've been participating pretty regularly in TTGP board since I got Mirena out last August and been lurking lately here and the other IF board, but *think* I fit better here since I really don't have an official IF diagnosis.  I've been having long cycles (lots of variability in length, but right now averaging 50 days).  I am on cycle 7 / month 11.  My first 2 cycles were anovulatory, and now I ovulate, but really late in the cycle.  I've already tested for PCOS and Cushing's and don't have either, so it's been just a grind of temping and going through tons of OPKs trying to pinpoint O so I can actually get some timing in.  I started acupuncture in April and I just had my first RE consult today.  I'll be starting a testing cycle with Comid next week.

I have a 3 year old son with DH who keeps me on my toes.  We've been married 3.5 years and have 2 Pekingese dogs.  I look forward to getting to know the members here on the board!  
Me: 33 DH: 31
DS: 5 years old
TTC #2 since August 2015
July 2016: Testing cycle with 100 mg Clomid = BFN
August 2016: 50 mg Clomid + IUI = BFN
October 2016: IVF#1 - 13 retrieved / 12 mature /  9 fertilized / 2 blasts
November 2016: FET#1 = chemical
January 2017: FET#2 = chemical
March 2017: IVF#2 - 18 retrieved / 18 mature / 16 fertilized / 5 blasts
April 24, 2017: FET#3 - BFN
May 24, 2017: FET#4 - BFP! - Beta #1 151 - Beta #2 503 - Due date 2/9/18
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Intro - TFAS (child mentioned)

  • Hi! You are welcome here :) I hope you have a good consult with your RE and get some insight. Long cycles can be SO frustrating! Hang in there :)

    Me 34 DH 36 Married since July 2010 
    MFI (High DNA Fragmentation) & Mild endometriosis
    TTC #1 since June 2015 
    Aug 2016 - May 2017  6 IUI's with letrozole - BFN
    April 2017 - laparoscopy to remove mild endo
    June 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU - Cancelled early ovulation, no eggs retrieved. 
    Aug/Sept 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU, cetrotide - 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature
    5 eggs ICSI'd 6 eggs frozen - 1 day 5 blast transfered, 2 expanded blast frozen - BFP!
    May 2018 - Baby girl born - Our Joy

    TTC #2 since July 2019
    July 2019 - FET - BFN
    Jan 2020 - FET - canceled due to family health issues
    Mar 2020 - FET - low beta - chemical pregnancy
    July 2020 - ICSI'd remaining 6 eggs - 3 fertilized - 2 survived to early blast stage, transfered both - Chemical Pregnancy

  • Thanks @ReesaAnne16 - long cycles are the worst! I am very hopeful that this testing cycle will work out to be a good treatment plan.  I was really pleased with this RE. He is in a solo practice and meets with you every visit.  I felt relieved to get a game plan to move forward with.
    Me: 33 DH: 31
    DS: 5 years old
    TTC #2 since August 2015
    July 2016: Testing cycle with 100 mg Clomid = BFN
    August 2016: 50 mg Clomid + IUI = BFN
    October 2016: IVF#1 - 13 retrieved / 12 mature /  9 fertilized / 2 blasts
    November 2016: FET#1 = chemical
    January 2017: FET#2 = chemical
    March 2017: IVF#2 - 18 retrieved / 18 mature / 16 fertilized / 5 blasts
    April 24, 2017: FET#3 - BFN
    May 24, 2017: FET#4 - BFP! - Beta #1 151 - Beta #2 503 - Due date 2/9/18
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Welcome! Your RE sounds great. I saw mine in Feb, she set a f/u appointment for May at that time. From then on I only saw the NP. When I had to reschedule the May visit so my husband could attend I could not get back in until August! :/ Good luck!
    TTC since May 2013
    Mild PCOS, Compound Heterozygous MTHFR
    No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
  • Helloooo!  Sounds like you have a solid plan in place.  Good luck with everything and keep us posted on the weekly check in.
    TTC since May 2015 with domestic partner of 13 years. Me 33 OH 33.  No ovulation or natural menstruation. Normal SA.
    Diagnosed PCOS February 2016
    First cycle 50mg Clomid 5/3/16, O'd CD 19 BFN
    Second cycle 50mg Clomid 6/1/16 O'd CD 18 BFN
    Third cycle Clomid 6/29/16 O'd CD 16 BFP @11dpo!
    EDD April 3 and praying things work out!
  • Welcome. I hope things go well for you.  You are one of many on here who I have heard mention acupuncture. I am curious as to what it is supposed to do/help with.  Although, curiosity may be where it ends for me....I don't know if there are many acupuncturists in central WI. Lol.
    Me:33, DH:38 Married: 8/2/2014
    TTC #1 Since: April 2015
    Unexplained Infertility

    Cycle 1&2 : Clomid 50mg- BFN
    Cycle 3: Letrozole 2.5mg- BFN
    Cycle 4: Letrozole 5mg- BFN
    Cycle 5: HSG-normal
                  Clomid 100mg+ Estrace- BFN
    Cycle 6: Letrozole 5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progestrone- BFN
    Cycle 7: Letrozole 5mg, Cyst found during follicle check
    Cycle 8: Birth control to treat left ovary cyst
    Cycle 9: Letrozole 7.5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
    Cycle 10: Letrozole 7.5mg, 2 Cysts found during follicle check
    Cycle 11: Clomid 100mg+Estradiol+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
    Cycle 12: Clomid 100mg- BFN
    Cycle 13-16: Natural attempts while awaiting IVF 
    Cycle 14: IVF-BFN

  • @Megzb510 welcome! Hope the RE can get you some answers...! 

    Ive also wondered about acupuncture and what the benefit of it is with TTC 
    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • Hey @megzb510 welcome over here! Sorry you're here too but a lot of familiar faces from TTGP
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
  • @hoffmanr7 & @harleyquinn0621 - I started going because a lot of women on TTGP got KU after doing it. My acupuncturist works closely with a local RE and adjusts herbs based off blood work results etc. so he is pretty science-based as well. It's relaxing. I've been doing it since beginning of April but it can take time I guess. 
    Me: 33 DH: 31
    DS: 5 years old
    TTC #2 since August 2015
    July 2016: Testing cycle with 100 mg Clomid = BFN
    August 2016: 50 mg Clomid + IUI = BFN
    October 2016: IVF#1 - 13 retrieved / 12 mature /  9 fertilized / 2 blasts
    November 2016: FET#1 = chemical
    January 2017: FET#2 = chemical
    March 2017: IVF#2 - 18 retrieved / 18 mature / 16 fertilized / 5 blasts
    April 24, 2017: FET#3 - BFN
    May 24, 2017: FET#4 - BFP! - Beta #1 151 - Beta #2 503 - Due date 2/9/18
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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