I really don't like the trend of dying your hair un-natural and weird colors.(Like Kelly Osborne lavender) Lots of people I know from High School/ College are still doing this, and they are the first to post long fb posts about not being taken seriously or not being where they want to be with their career in life. I also work at a middle school, and see loads of kids with this. They often have roots that are about 4 inches long and some strange, washed out, fried hair going on. Not attractive IMO.
@Henchbytch...I would think by going around and constantly talking about oneself as being an introvert, that would therefore make you not a real introvert? Confused.
@Henchbytch...I would think by going around and constantly talking about oneself as being an introvert, that would therefore make you not a real introvert? Confused.
My point exactly. If you feel it necessary to tell everyone, you're just being an AW.
People that use the self-checkouts that really don't know how to use them, and then hold everyone up when they need help from the store staff (I was behind this mess the other day at Target). Also, people using the self-checkouts with an entire cartload of stuff, with a line of people behind them with just a few things.
As an introvert, talking about it constantly does make you a aw.
Eta, Ive dyed my hair purple and bright red(because pin up red is hot) and, right now I'm in the process of going rose gold. Had all of this while working for the government with tattoos. What's funny is I've never thought anyone who didn't do something crazy to themselves was being tacky. It's worse to me to judge someone's sole outward appearance than who they are on the inside.
I have had every color hair under the sun when I was a teenager and early 20's. Plus peircings and tatts. Now its to trendy. My hair is 100% natural now. I only have one hole for each ear and 1 tragus.
My UO is that I don't actually like the newborn/infant phase and I'm not looking forward to it. I think it's mentally/physically exhausting when they can't do anything for themselves, especially when you have to be working full time. If I could fast forward to a walking/talking/eating and playing on their own kid (basically DS1) I totally would. I'm hoping and praying for the best but the first year of DS1's life sucked. PPD sucks.
Hair apt today in 2 hours, this is my hair goals because I'm 29 and a "hipster" for doing it. I'll also have 6 earrings in my lobes, my nose ring and my two cartilages in. Maybe I'll get an industrial today because I'm feeling like telling the establishment to screw themselves.
I think crazy hair colors are fun and expressive for kids and people who don't need or want "establishment" jobs. I think it is naive or purposefully blind to expect others not to judge by hair and appearance in general. (We get it everyday thanks to our pregnant bellies.) To @Hannahmp30 's point, don't whine to me if you have mad tats and blue hair and can't understand why you can't find an office job... Otherwise go for it! I missed my chance at fun hair and now have to admire others. Although I gotta say, the colorful hair fails may've scared me off anyways. There're some doozies out there!
Hair apt today in 2 hours, this is my hair goals because I'm 29 and a "hipster" for doing it. I'll also have 6 earrings in my lobes, my nose ring and my two cartilages in. Maybe I'll get an industrial today because I'm feeling like telling the establishment to screw themselves.
@thepen15ismighty that actually looks pretty tasteful to me IMO. Is that considered a balayage (hand painted) effect? I hate coloring my hair because of the time it takes/frequency of upkeep but I was thinking of getting some kind of balayage look once my hair grows out since maintenance is only like every 6 months. I think showing some piercings and even tattoos at work (within reason) is now considered within the realm of "business casual." I frequently wear tank tops/dresses to work because it's 100+ degrees out and show off my tattoos. Don't really care if it bothers anyone.
@ktomorrow had an establishment job actually, with tattoos and tattoos are pretty common and no one didn't get hired due to that. You can't bitch about not getting a job if there is a dress code that's the kicker. To me it's just where does the judgment stop, it's hair atm but you see me with a baby and I'll get pegged for what being a horrible mother because of visible tattoos and funky hair? There's a point where people need to myob. Can't complain about being called disgust for breastfeeding in public then turn around and make the same judgement call on someone who dyes their hair purple.
@thepen15ismighty that's really pretty! I totally want to see your after pic! If I wasn't SUPER lazy when it comes to hair and beauty stuff in general I would totally do this to my hair! I luckily have one of those jobs that don't care too much about hair color/tatts/piercings. But I only get my hair cut like 2x a year. I'm very very low maintenance.
@randishane011804 it'll get their eventually. I have a hair dresser that makes it a process but she's not expensive so I don't mind. She understands my hair ADD every few months.
@thepen15ismighty people who judge ability or character on hair, tats, piercings are short sighted but common as dirt. That's awesome that your office is better informed. I'm in law in Austin where hiring with my close minded boss is special. All these creative expressive hardworking people written off due to style, but we do have close minded clients being as they're mostly big corporate types and biz is biz. I don't condone the reality but I know it is there and better to go establishment if needed to get a job and then wean peops off their misconceptions by slowly going more your own way or accept close minded offices are not in your future! If peops judge a mother by her hair, formula feeding, or breast feeding in public (and they will), they can suck it. If I feel the need to judge a mother, I hope it will be by the happiness and health of her child. Although being FTM I'm more likely to watch moms for tips and tricks then to judge!
@thepen15ismighty love love love love the hair so pretty. Eh, most definitely do not agree with that comment about establishment jobs. I work in an office full of lawyers and there are two lawyers with purple and blue hair. When I was at the public defenders' office, a definite "establishment job", my supervisor had ombré pink hair, hella tats and was super bad ass. So I think that's all baloney. But then again, I live in CA, in the Bay Area, where people are more liberal, chill and accepting than most places. This is probably why I'm never leaving!
My UO: I hate watermelon. I have three friends who said that all they craved when they were pregnant with their summer babies was watermelon. I love all other melons but watermelon tastes like soggy cardboard. No thanks!!
I've never dyed my hair but am a natural redhead so I've always been different because of that. Thinking of "getting crazy" after the baby by going with a short, blonde bob.
UO: I hate when people hold the door open for me. I appreciate the gesture but when I am 10 steps behind you I feel obligated to waddle at my fastest capacity so you're not standing there forever waiting on me. Thanks, but I got this.
I can't do the colorful hair (or, really, change from my natural color at all) because seeing the roots drives me insane. I am, however, the proud bearer of *multiple* visible tattoos. I was also, until a few short weeks ago, a researcher with one of the largest teaching and medical institutions in the nation. One of my closest friends is a researcher with Veteran's Affairs and is sleeved out with a septum piercing.
The only time a tattoo ever got in the way of me getting a job was at In-N-Out (because they are a Christian establishment), and once I had to cover my tattoos when I worked for a veterinarian who also thought Sponge Bob turned children gay.
If you want to judge me based on how I modify my body, you'd better not have plastic surgery, remove your body hair, wear make-up, dye your hair 'acceptable' colors, or have had braces, because YOU body modify as well.
Edit, because Bump ate half of my post. Stupid Bump.
My UO: I'm a gun owner who agrees with stricter gun laws. I think keeping a firearm for home defense is perfectly acceptable, and will always choose 'furthest retreat' over 'castle' if I find myself in the position to use my firearm. I think the NRA hinders gun ownership in this country by acting like extremists.
I have tattoos, have changed my hair color more times than I can count, and have seven piercings in my ears alone. It's never proved to be an issue for me, except in high school when I worked at the Bath and Body Works they said I had to cover my tattoo. My boss had full sleeves and he also just wore long sleeves and we complained about the establishment together. Now when I worked in the university accounting office, a theoretically much more...uptight sounding environment, I showed my tattoos everyday, including my top less girl, and the only thing anyone ever said were compliments. But I do live in Portland and most people don't blink at that sort of thing.
With how they are used, and therefore presented in the media, I don't blame you. Bad gun owners who don't properly store firearms, resulting in the death of children playing with guns, gun 'nuts' holding a gun over their heads on national t.v. and screaming about you taking it from their 'cold, dead hands', and psychopaths who use them in fits of rage to murder anyone from a teen in a hoodie to a club full of revelers make it easy to hate guns. Those of us who keep guns at home, locked in bedside safes in case someone breaks in to harm us don't end up being national news.
With how they are used, and therefore presented in the media, I don't blame you. Bad gun owners who don't properly store firearms, resulting in the death of children playing with guns, gun 'nuts' holding a gun over their heads on national t.v. and screaming about you taking it from their 'cold, dead hands', and psychopaths who use them in fits of rage to murder anyone from a teen in a hoodie to a club full of revelers make it easy to hate guns. Those of us who keep guns at home, locked in bedside safes in case someone breaks in to harm us don't end up being national news.
This. Yes. Thank you.
My husband has his concealed carry, is active duty military, we not only enjoy shooting as a hobby, but he collects world war 2 era rifles, along with a multitude of new and modern guns as well. We have a very large gun safe, and I am well versed in how to use several of our guns in case of a home invasion.
Our daughter started with a BB gun at 4. She had to be able to recite the marine corps rifle rules before she was allowed to touch it, followed by being able to name every piece and part to her gun. Now at the age of 9, is a very proficient shot with "real" guns, and I am not worried if she was at a friends house and came across a gun, that she would know exactly how to handle the situation.
It's not us, responsible gun owners, you hear about on the news, it's the idiots you hear about. Which is not fair for the millions upon millions of responsible gun owners.
I like guns and I think going to the shooting range is fun. Here in gun-happy Texas pretty much everyone has at least one gun. That being said, I am in full support of stricter gun control laws. It seemed way too easy to get a gun in Texas. Walked into the sporting goods store and within half an hour we were done and on our way to the shooting range. Also, I think open carry laws are STUPID. All of my brother in laws do open carry just so they can be audastic pricks and go around and intimidate people like we live in the wild wild west or something. So dumb. It also makes me sad that so few gun owners are responsible and actually keep their guns in a gun safe. For example, my mother in law just keeps hers in the nightstand unlocked. With a bunch of her grandkids around. So dumb. Luckily she lives in Georgia so we hardly ever go near her but still. dumb.
@LDSJM123 We are a military and CC household as well. My husband was putting new grips on his handgun the other day, and came upstairs to show me. He woke me from a nap so I sat up, half asleep, and confirmed the weapon was cleared before checking out the new grips. He told me he had never been more proud of me. Practice makes perfect.
I'm astounded by the amount of our friends who have brought out their handguns to show off and have handed us loaded and chambered weapons. Or the amount of people who will point the gun around all willy nilly when checking the weight, sights, etc. These are *infantrymen*, for fucks sake.
Even though our weapons are stored in safes I always clear them and store the magazines in a separate area of our bedroom when we have guests. A little forethought can prevent accidental gun deaths.
With how they are used, and therefore presented in the media, I don't blame you. Bad gun owners who don't properly store firearms, resulting in the death of children playing with guns, gun 'nuts' holding a gun over their heads on national t.v. and screaming about you taking it from their 'cold, dead hands', and psychopaths who use them in fits of rage to murder anyone from a teen in a hoodie to a club full of revelers make it easy to hate guns. Those of us who keep guns at home, locked in bedside safes in case someone breaks in to harm us don't end up being national news.
And I have no problem with that, I wish more people were that responsible. To be clear, I don't hate people who own guns and store them/use them responsibly - one whole side of my family has guns, hunts, etc. But I hate gun culture, our pitiful gun laws, and our inability to do in anything in the face of countless gun tragedies. It's obviously a complicated issue but at the end of the day, I hate them and I hate knowing how easy we make it for them to fall into the wrong hands.
@stellaluna14 I was taking our shared frustrations and running with them. I hate that, as a gun owner, those nutjobs are associated with me in any way, or think that I feel as passionately about owning everything from a bb gun to a rocket launcher as they do. I want to look at them and go 'Oh no, Koolaid, we are NOT the same brand of crazy!' @rnyland1 YES to open carry allowing people to walk around with their chests all puffed out looking ridiculous.
I have a "serious" "establishment" job working for as a web developer for a huge corporation. I have had purple and fire engine red hair in the last year and I wear a hoop in my nose daily since I was 19 and enjoy changing up ear piercings on the reg, but always keep at least 4. I also don't shave my pits and enjoy wearing sleeveless tops and going braless to work. I'm actually braless at work right now! Everyone can feel free to judge my hipster a$$ all the way to the bank! "The establishment" pays the big bucks to the people with the skills and doesn't give a rats a$$ what they look like in my experience. The best dressed snots with "serious" looks can feel free to think what they like- good luck with that attitude! Let us know how far it gets you
UO?: One of the things I'm planning to do when this baby is born and I'm allowed again is dye my pit hair! DH loves the new trend of highlighter colored arm pit hair and I'm intrigued!
Here I go again, throwing my 2 cents in... I work for the govt and am the lead manager in my department. I am only 29, I have 11 piercings in my ears, 2 foot tattoos and a wrist tattoo.. all of which is shown. I have had my hair every color while it has been mostly blonde or brown I do throw pink, blue and purple highlights in there every once in a while. I also have a job where I meet with a lot of customers and very high military staff. Only reason I get treated differently is because I am a woman in a man's workplace not because of what I look like. If your work permits it, more power to you! My coworker also does blue hair and pink and she too is very respected. (Again, as much as a woman in a mans work can be)
I dont know how to tag someone (again, media idiot...) but that hair color is gorg! Rock out with that!
@tazer894 all you have to do is put an @ and then type the persons username. It should pop up a little drop-down with choices.
I was a govt worker for 9 years, died my hair and pierced my tongue and have half a dozen tattoos, including a piece that covers my entire back from neckline to ass crack. Even when I worked in law enforcement, the rules were pretty lax.
My UO: I secretly love the lavender and rose gold hair. I can't pull it off, though, so I stick to my natural color, which is a hard-to-match amber-gold "pumpkin spice" color. Not quite blonde, not quite red, not quite brown. I hated it for the longest time.
I have a few friends who drive motorcycles and are very fast to blame other motorists when there's an accident involving a motorcycle. I don't believe there's ever only one person to blame without knowing the details but I see way too many motorcycle drivers driving like pricks because they can bypass traffic and cut in between cars. The rules of the road work both ways. Yes, I'll "look twice save a life" but it really pisses me off when I see a motorcyclist pass everyone on the right waiting for a traffic light.
I miss my crazy hair color. When I was accepted into a graduate program I dyed it a natural color. Totally kicking my self in the ass for not keeping it fun for a few more years. Now I teach college, and it is frowned upon. Thinking about going blue until I start back up in Janurary.
I miss my crazy hair color. When I was accepted into a graduate program I dyed it a natural color. Totally kicking my self in the ass for not keeping it fun for a few more years. Now I teach college, and it is frowned upon. Thinking about going blue until I start back up in Janurary.
I go to a private college and the professors are all tatted with crazy colored hair. Maybe you should look into a liberal private college so you can rock your awesome hair.
@sboston06 Oh my god, this! Every morning on Rt. 1 coming into Boston, and on 93 going home, there's some nitwit weaving in and out of lanes. Gives the responsible motorcyclists a bad name. We're all trying to get home, buddy!! Ugh!
Do people in offices really care about colored hair, tattoos and piercings anymore? I work in a creative field so I've never had to worry about the way I decorate my body at work.
Also, I love you @noelietrex and I can't wait to see your colorful pit hair
The one thing I've been wanting to do when baby gets here is dye my hair, my hair looks dreadful at the minute. My UO: I don't know whether it's just my family and the people I know but the majority of older people I know suck at giving baby advice. Years ago people didn't know any better when it came to certain things like feeding baby solids etc. All the advice I've received from the older generation is so outdated. In saying that, I'm sure there is a ton of older people who know exactly what they are on about but unfortunately I don't know any of them. I'm just stuck with the "it's safe to give a baby some Guinness in their bottle" people. No, just no.
Re: UO 6/16
Eta, Ive dyed my hair purple and bright red(because pin up red is hot) and, right now I'm in the process of going rose gold. Had all of this while working for the government with tattoos. What's funny is I've never thought anyone who didn't do something crazy to themselves was being tacky. It's worse to me to judge someone's sole outward appearance than who they are on the inside.
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
Hair apt today in 2 hours, this is my hair goals because I'm 29 and a "hipster" for doing it. I'll also have 6 earrings in my lobes, my nose ring and my two cartilages in. Maybe I'll get an industrial today because I'm feeling like telling the establishment to screw themselves.
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
@thepen15ismighty that will be some rockin hair! Enjoy!
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
Married May 16th 2015
July BMB June Siggy
Eh, most definitely do not agree with that comment about establishment jobs. I work in an office full of lawyers and there are two lawyers with purple and blue hair. When I was at the public defenders' office, a definite "establishment job", my supervisor had ombré pink hair, hella tats and was super bad ass. So I think that's all baloney. But then again, I live in CA, in the Bay Area, where people are more liberal, chill and accepting than most places. This is probably why I'm never leaving!
My UO: I hate watermelon. I have three friends who said that all they craved when they were pregnant with their summer babies was watermelon. I love all other melons but watermelon tastes like soggy cardboard. No thanks!!
July16 JULY siggy challenge
UO: I hate when people hold the door open for me. I appreciate the gesture but when I am 10 steps behind you I feel obligated to waddle at my fastest capacity so you're not standing there forever waiting on me. Thanks, but I got this.
The only time a tattoo ever got in the way of me getting a job was at In-N-Out (because they are a Christian establishment), and once I had to cover my tattoos when I worked for a veterinarian who also thought Sponge Bob turned children gay.
If you want to judge me based on how I modify my body, you'd better not have plastic surgery, remove your body hair, wear make-up, dye your hair 'acceptable' colors, or have had braces, because YOU body modify as well.
Edit, because Bump ate half of my post. Stupid Bump.
My UO: I'm a gun owner who agrees with stricter gun laws. I think keeping a firearm for home defense is perfectly acceptable, and will always choose 'furthest retreat' over 'castle' if I find myself in the position to use my firearm. I think the NRA hinders gun ownership in this country by acting like extremists.
I have tattoos, have changed my hair color more times than I can count, and have seven piercings in my ears alone. It's never proved to be an issue for me, except in high school when I worked at the Bath and Body Works they said I had to cover my tattoo. My boss had full sleeves and he also just wore long sleeves and we complained about the establishment together. Now when I worked in the university accounting office, a theoretically much more...uptight sounding environment, I showed my tattoos everyday, including my top less girl, and the only thing anyone ever said were compliments. But I do live in Portland and most people don't blink at that sort of thing.
My husband has his concealed carry, is active duty military, we not only enjoy shooting as a hobby, but he collects world war 2 era rifles, along with a multitude of new and modern guns as well. We have a very large gun safe, and I am well versed in how to use several of our guns in case of a home invasion.
Our daughter started with a BB gun at 4. She had to be able to recite the marine corps rifle rules before she was allowed to touch it, followed by being able to name every piece and part to her gun. Now at the age of 9, is a very proficient shot with "real" guns, and I am not worried if she was at a friends house and came across a gun, that she would know exactly how to handle the situation.
It's not us, responsible gun owners, you hear about on the news, it's the idiots you hear about. Which is not fair for the millions upon millions of responsible gun owners.
I'm astounded by the amount of our friends who have brought out their handguns to show off and have handed us loaded and chambered weapons. Or the amount of people who will point the gun around all willy nilly when checking the weight, sights, etc. These are *infantrymen*, for fucks sake.
Even though our weapons are stored in safes I always clear them and store the magazines in a separate area of our bedroom when we have guests. A little forethought can prevent accidental gun deaths.
UO?: One of the things I'm planning to do when this baby is born and I'm allowed again is dye my pit hair! DH loves the new trend of highlighter colored arm pit hair and I'm intrigued!
I dont know how to tag someone (again, media idiot...) but that hair color is gorg! Rock out with that!
I was a govt worker for 9 years, died my hair and pierced my tongue and have half a dozen tattoos, including a piece that covers my entire back from neckline to ass crack. Even when I worked in law enforcement, the rules were pretty lax.
My UO: I secretly love the lavender and rose gold hair. I can't pull it off, though, so I stick to my natural color, which is a hard-to-match amber-gold "pumpkin spice" color. Not quite blonde, not quite red, not quite brown. I hated it for the longest time.
It worked!
Also, I love you @noelietrex and I can't wait to see your colorful pit hair
My UO: I don't know whether it's just my family and the people I know but the majority of older people I know suck at giving baby advice. Years ago people didn't know any better when it came to certain things like feeding baby solids etc. All the advice I've received from the older generation is so outdated. In saying that, I'm sure there is a ton of older people who know exactly what they are on about but unfortunately I don't know any of them. I'm just stuck with the "it's safe to give a baby some Guinness in their bottle" people. No, just no.
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018