
Anyone used for profile printing?

Hello all -  New to this board, new to adoption.  My husband and I have completed our homestudy and made our profile... now I'm working on getting copies of the profile printed up.  Wondering if anyone has experience using  I made our profile a weird size (10x10) so having trouble finding places that I can get it printed... its less than 20 pages so I can't use shuttefly. is the only site I've found so far that can print the odd size with the number of pages I have.  But - the minimum number of copies I can print is 10 so I'm nervous to place such a large order without seeing how the quality is first.  Maybe someone has used them and can put my mind at ease?  Or has recommendations for paper quality to use because they have like 40 choices.  :-/

Thanks in advance.

Re: Anyone used for profile printing?

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