Hello ladies. So I am new to this board, but not to the bump. However, I have not been on thebump since September after my D & E for a missed miscarriage. My DH and I have a 4 year old daughter and have been ttc for over 2.5 years. I have hypothyroidism that is currently controlled with medication.
In March we finally decided to see an RE. My OB/GYN just didn't seem that interested in getting to the root of the problem. She sent me for some blood tests and was going to put me on clomid.
After extensive testing, my RE determined I am ovulating well but my progesterone levels are low. Also, he discovered I had blocked tubes, which I have since had surgery to fix in April. Finally, he discovered my DH has a low sperm count. Around 40% is viable.
So, we have all these problems stacked up against us. DH has changed his caffine intact, drinking lots of water and taking vitamins. RE has said we need to do IUI but DH isn't willing to take that step just yet (I think it hurt his man pride to find out his little fellows aren't working right!). I am on progesterone now. We DB at all the right times. And we just wait. I am currently in my tww right now.It gets harder and harder every month. At this point, I just need a group to talk to because it just feels so lonely.
Sorry this turned into a novel but I am glad to be here.
Re: New to this board. Intro, loss and child mentioned
Hope your stay isn't a long one and that you feel at home here.
i am right there with you on how hard it is. It seemed so easy when we were teenagers and now it's virtually impossible (we had our first child when we were 20 - she's 13 now). My husband has no pride left, he had testicular cancer in '06 and has always said its his fault. he was the one that told me he was pretty much done with natural, time to do IUI (after 4 years of our sex life revolving around baby making, I can't blame him). Our doc is the most optimistic man I've ever met - he is surprised each month when I'm back in. Our counts aren't great but they're not too horrible - one was 36 total motal and another smaller sample was only 8.
I think I've emotionally given up. I day dream about that BFP but I've come to expect the BFN. We're on our second IUI this month, after three straight I'm throwing in the towel, at least for a bit to give my body a rest from the meds. How much longer on your 2ww? Fingers crossed - as my doc always says, it only takes 1 (doesn't that sound like such bs though?).
My RE was also very optimistic which I really love, but at the same time, it is more of a let down when it doesn't happen. This will be my 3rd cycle seeing him.
Me: 36 - slight DOR (AMH: 1.1), decent OAR; DH: 41 - Morphology 4%
NTNP July-Aug 2014, ATTC Sept 2014-Present
October 2014 - CP
July 2015 - Clomid + #1 IUI = BFN
September 2015 - Clomid + #2 IUI = CP
October 2015 - Letrozole (5 follies - yay!) + #3 IUI = BFN
November 2015 - CP
December 2015 - CP
February 2016 - Letrozole + #4 IUI = CP
April 2016 - CP
May/June 2016 - IVF #1 and IUI #5 (Estrace + Follistim + micro-hCG + HGH) = BFN
Struggled to conceive #1 2012-2013
Clomid #1: March 2013 - BFN; Clomid + IUI: May 2013 CXL; BFP on 4/22/13 = Baby Boy #1 1/1/14