June 2016 Moms

Crying cant sleep 39 week 1d

Crying at night ever two hours i get up to tinkle my hips/groin area hurt so bad its unbarable. Id rather sleep standing up!!! Husband is upset i dont want to have sex i cant lay down with out being in pain an clearly standing up while doing the deed isnt going to work at this point! 5days till scheduled c... 

Re: Crying cant sleep 39 week 1d

  • Totally feel your pain with how uncomfortable it is to sleep.

    HOWEVER- your husband needs to get over the sex thing. Seriously we're 9 months pregnant at this point. Tell him he will have to wait, and that he can take care of himself if he's horny.
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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  • He does know you won't behaving sex for close to 6 weeks after birth, correct? I'm side eyeing your husband right now.
    This was news to my husband a couple months ago.  Haha.

    He has helpfully offered to try and kickstart labor.  know he's thinking - this is it, dead man walking, better try to get some now!
  • He does know you won't behaving sex for close to 6 weeks after birth, correct? I'm side eyeing your husband right now.
    Some OBs even say 8 weeks! I had a horrible 3rd degree tear with my 1st and no joke, H and I didn't have sex til about 8 weeks post partum...and it was horribly painful!
  • Same here. Hip pain and pain in my vagina area is almost unbearable!! I don't cry but I def could.. and my hubs can kiss my ass he ain't getting nothing. And hasent got much  especially now since I'm getting lightning crotch! Whew that will stop ya in your tracks real fast. I have 10 days left until my scheduled c section. My baby is too large and boy I feel it!! Good luck and don't cry momma :( it is almost over 
  • I feel your pain too.  The no sleeping thing...I've caught up on my star gazing.  Stars are beautiful at 2am with no moon.  Waddle to the window and check them out.  Realize you're almost done.  You at least have a scheduled date.  I'm still up in the air! 
  • I'm totally in the same boat. My FH wants to have sex all the time to try and put me into labor and he just doesn't understand how painful it is. I want to walk to get things going too but it hurts way too much to do anything right now.
  • 38 was here. So uncomfortable! Hang in there and tell your hubs to deal with it! 
  • Are you sleeping with your hips stacked (12 o'clock/6 o'clock) even with a pillow between them?  If so, change your sleeping position to 3 o'clock/9 o'clock...  it takes remembering, but my hip pain went away!  Feel better!!
  • I feel your pain.. I'm 39 weeks today.. But I'm scheduled for Tuesday
  • I litterly wake up every hour an turn also wierd but my hands an arms have been falling asleep an swelling while i sleep... been staking pillows aswell just sticking it out no sleep! 2 days to go 
  • I've started sleeping for about half the night sitting up on the couch with pillows packed in around me and it's been great. I can't sleep 8 hours that way, but I can do 2-3, and then a nap later. It's been a huge relief for my hips.
    Frankly, if your husband is angry about not having sex at this point, you might want to talk to someone about it, like your doctor or a close friend. That kind of attitude borders on emotional abuse, if you ask me. 
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