Yay I love this thread! I'm having a really difficult time with work right now because I have to drive multiple hours each day since I go to my clients and it's made my pelvic pressure so bad that I can barely walk by the end of the day.
Oh thank god for this thread. I'm dealing with contractions constantly, coupled with intense back pain. I was trying to explain to DH tonight how mentally and physically exhausting this is, but he just isn't getting it. So far the only thing that's helped me is lying fairly still, either on my left side or propped up on my back, but I can't be horizontal 24/7.
@shanparadise do you ever hurt after laying on one side too long? I'll finally get comfortable and ease the pain but sure enough a few hours later that side aches and I have to switch
@Backbypopulardemand Usually my back will start hurting if I lay on one side for too long. And then when I heft my giant stomach over to the other side, I start contracting. I can't win.
My doctor told me yesterday that I will most likely be a back laborer with the explanation of contraction pain I gave him, and for whatever reason mine are coupled with chest pain. Feeling like I can't breathe spikes my anxiety and then it's a slippery slope to me crying. This week was the third time I've had an episode since 28 weeks or so that lasted hours and he finally gave it a name. But seriously, if you guys find anyway to stop it let me know because I can't be leaving work over this each time.
What blows my mind is that I've NEVER heard of contractions and laboring progressing like it did (as a STM I was certain it was textbook labor) and then stopping. I've definitely heard of BH being confused for labor but not real contractions starting and stopping.
After the 13/14 hours of prodromal labor on Monday, I am terrified that it will happen again and I won't be able to trust my body or instinct to know the difference between the real thing and the false alarms. I told my doctor on Wednesday that I'm not calling until I hear the baby crying.
This isn't helpful as a coping mechanism at work, but I've found an epsom salt bath slows down the contractions and makes the backache more tolerable for a few hours. I also had my husband do some serious counter pressure on my low back last night and rubbed my belly with lavender essential oils right before bed, which led to the first night in a week where I wasn't up all night contracting. I know my body has got to be exhausted, but at this point I'm doing everything I can to make sure I'm not too exhausted when active labor comes.
Add me to this group. 3 weeks of constant contractions. Only 2 more weeks until my induction. I'm miserable. I tried explaining to DH how mentally and emotionally draining it is but he just says I'm always miserable this late in pregnancy. Jerk. Thanks goodness this is my last baby. I stay home, so I don't have to worry about working, but these kids are driving me bonkers. When they get really bad, I try to take a nap. Usually I can take a nap and they are gone by the time I wake up.
Yeah, that's what I've read helps. Sleeping, warm baths and relaxing. None of which is possible in the middle of the night at work with alarm bells going off and crisis management. Ughhh. Also changing positions, trying to drink lots of water and lying down..
@LadyFleck I'm also now terrified that I'm not going to know when it's the real thing. I had 9 contractions in an hour last night, but only 2 of them felt "real" and the rest felt like BH. I went to bed thinking I may wake up giving birth. I just hate to be that person to call the doctor every single day about the same thing.
@shanparadise I'm worried about not knowing when I've transitioned from prodromal labor to early labor. Some of these are so intense that I feel like we're ramping up and I'll miss the window to call my midwife/doula.
I've been having hours of contractions every day for a week and trying to stave them off so I could make it to 37 weeks (tomorrow). The nausea started yesterday and now between the contractions and the feeling like I need to puke I'm praying that as soon as the clock turns on 37 weeks the process of getting this baby out starts. Because I feel like shit and I'm tired of being in "labor."
@elenabrent I'm mentally preparing myself for this to last until birth. That way if it doesn't, it will be a lovely surprise. And if it does... well you'll find me curled up in the fetal position aka. where I currently am.
Farts to BH and low back pain! Turn into labor or get the hell outta my work day! 3-6pm like clockwork... It's going to be a long rest of this pregnancy
@elenabrent I read that too and it depressed me. I talked to my doctor about it and she said she had prodromal labor from 31 weeks on. NINE EFFING WEEKS of it. I can't imagine. Thank god I'm down to three weeks now.
The last week has been BH a few times an hour every hour while I'm awake, and while at least they don't hurt, I always feel like I got the wind knocked out of me for a few minutes. It's exhausting.
Joining you ladies today. I've been having contractions on and off since about 10 this morning. They're mainly in my lower back, but some of them take my breath away with the cramping!
Called earlier today after I had a few since I wasn't sure what was going on, they said to time them and come in if it got to be 5-1-1. I've been lying down now for a couple hours and they seem to have stopped.
Currently living in fear that I'm not going to know when I'm in real labor. My doctor said to call if I felt that way, but I really don't want to spend weeks in the hospital with false labor.
@LadyFleck Still contracting. It seems to come and go more now than before when it was constant. It freaks me out when I get the back contractions in with the BH though... that makes me think they're real, but those come so intermittently.
@shanparadise That's so frustrating. I'm sorry you're continuing to have to deal with it. It's like you have to tell yourself, "Just stop thinking about it and when it comes, it comes." NOT easy for me as I am a total control freak!
@LadyFleck I am the definition of control freak! I kept telling myself if I made it through my sister's wedding last weekend then they could come, but now that that's passed its like okay now what?!
@shanparadise I keep giving myself those little goals along the way and it helps but deep down inside I fear this child is going to torture me by going over my due date. I may have to go into hiding. Not even my mother wants to talk to me if that happens.
@LadyFleck At least since I'm having twins 38 weeks in my for sure end of the road. I'll be induced by July 16th at the latest, but man does that feel far away!
Hi ladies I'm bumping this thread. I searched for prodromal labor hoping to find some info and was glad to see a support thread. I am MISSERABLE!! I have been having BH since pretty early on but in the last 2 weeks they have gotten intense. They are 5 min apart and relentless. I get no break from them. Although they aren't "painful" like I expect labor contractions to be, they aren't pleasant. And this week I have also gotten period like cramps with them, cramps in my side like running on a full stomach, and the feeling that I have to poop with the more intense ones. I am in the bathroom constantly and it's super annoying!
I got a cervical check at 36 weeks after telling my midwife all of my symptoms and I was 1cm, 60% effaced and he was at -2 station so pretty far down in my pelvis. It was at least encouraging knowing that my contractions are doing something!! I will be 38 weeks on Monday and I am probably going to go ahead an have a membrane sweep to get this party started.
I hope you all have found some relief! This is brutal, but we are so so close. I just have to keep telling myself that there is an end in sight. How are you all doing??
I'm on the contractions struggle bus. Two weeks ago I had my bloody show, and then I had a week of bedrest (to get me to 37w) where I would have 3-5 hours of prodromal contractions a night. This past Monday at 1.30am I woke up to contractions every 2-3 minutes apart that were intense and lasted 1m. After almost two hours of tracking them I rallied the troops. Unfortunately, they led nowhere fast. I've had consistent contractions every 2-15 minutes day and night since Monday. My cervix is changing, on Tuesday night (last time I was checked) I was 4cm, fully effaced, and the baby was in 0 position. But active labor eludes me. I'm starting to lose it emotionally and physically. I am running the Barkley Marathons of labor.
Still dealing with contractions here too, Nothing progressive, just contractions that make it hard to breathe at least 5 times an hour for the last 2 weeks. They aren't really painful either, I have back pain and pelvic pain that are worsening. WHY ARE THESE PRESENTATIONS SO CONFUSING?! It's exhausting particularly now when I'm trying desperately to fall asleep and I have to keep breathing through them. I really want things to just ramp up and become the real deal already.
@elenabrent that sounds exhausting!! I am so sorry you are going through all of that just to end in frustration. It sounds like your LO will make their appearance soon though so that's encouraging.
Have you guys been trying any of the OWT to get things started? I have been walking 2 miles every day with my puppy, bouncing on the yoga ball until I can't sand it any more, pelvic opener stretches, pineapple (because I love it and eat it anyway), RRL tea, sex, squats, and probably more I just can't think right now. I'm hoping the membrane sweep next week does the trick! My bday is Monday and I told my H that all I want is to go into labor so we are going on a hike/uphill waddle to see if that helps at all. Are we done yet?
@elenabrent that sounds so tiring. Hang in there, hopefully you don't have to deal with it too much longer!
I am getting so sick of these super spaced out contractions. I had a few during the night last night, and then a couple more this morning so far, but they aren't worth being timed or anything.
I'm right there with you guys - I ended up heading to labor and delivery last night due to these miserable contractions. 8-10 mins apart for 3-4 hours, feel like BH with menstrual like cramps and a very sore lower back. Of course it was nothing.. 0cm dilated, 50% effaced, -2 position. Boo! I'm 37 weeks today and probably have a ways to go. Good luck ladies!!
@arhodes6 - I bought a pineapple this past week and am going to try making smoothies with it! And of course lots of walking, around 3 miles every day at the gym. Something's gotta work!
I'm also in the still contracting club. I'm a bit further behind (I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow) so I don't necessarily want these babies out just yet, but this false labor is still killing me. I started losing my mucus plug a few days ago, so I know things are going on down there, but these babies are choosing to stay put for now.
I had a serious bout of prodromal last week and some intermittent contractions through the remainder of the week. And the nothing. Not a damn thing. These mind games are driving me insane.
Re: Prodromal Labor Support Thread
What blows my mind is that I've NEVER heard of contractions and laboring progressing like it did (as a STM I was certain it was textbook labor) and then stopping. I've definitely heard of BH being confused for labor but not real contractions starting and stopping.
After the 13/14 hours of prodromal labor on Monday, I am terrified that it will happen again and I won't be able to trust my body or instinct to know the difference between the real thing and the false alarms. I told my doctor on Wednesday that I'm not calling until I hear the baby crying.
I've been having hours of contractions every day for a week and trying to stave them off so I could make it to 37 weeks (tomorrow). The nausea started yesterday and now between the contractions and the feeling like I need to puke I'm praying that as soon as the clock turns on 37 weeks the process of getting this baby out starts. Because I feel like shit and I'm tired of being in "labor."
I got a cervical check at 36 weeks after telling my midwife all of my symptoms and I was 1cm, 60% effaced and he was at -2 station so pretty far down in my pelvis. It was at least encouraging knowing that my contractions are doing something!! I will be 38 weeks on Monday and I am probably going to go ahead an have a membrane sweep to get this party started.
I hope you all have found some relief! This is brutal, but we are so so close. I just have to keep telling myself that there is an end in sight. How are you all doing??
Have you guys been trying any of the OWT to get things started? I have been walking 2 miles every day with my puppy, bouncing on the yoga ball until I can't sand it any more, pelvic opener stretches, pineapple (because I love it and eat it anyway), RRL tea, sex, squats, and probably more I just can't think right now. I'm hoping the membrane sweep next week does the trick! My bday is Monday and I told my H that all I want is to go into labor so we are going on a hike/uphill waddle to see if that helps at all. Are we done yet?
I am getting so sick of these super spaced out contractions. I had a few during the night last night, and then a couple more this morning so far, but they aren't worth being timed or anything.