June 2016 Moms

How long did you wait to go to the hospital?

ive been having pretty mild contractions for about an hour. They are about 5 minutes apart, but only last 30 seconds and don't hurt all that much.

I just don't know if I should go into the hospital or not! It was so much easier the other two times because it hurt so much I just knew it was time. Dd came fast (3 hour labor), but I don't want to track down a sitter for the kids if it's a false alarm.

how strong were your contractions and how long did you wait? I feel like a first time mom again. 
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Re: How long did you wait to go to the hospital?

  • I'd call your OB office and ask them what they recommend. I didn't have contractions in the beginning with my first, it was my water breaking that sent me to the hospital.  With my second it was a scheduled c-sec and I never had any signs of labor.  This time I'm having lots of cramps/contractions, but like you I'm not sure what's real and what's just false labor.  Since I'm trying for a vbac my OB wants me in sooner rather than later, and I'm going to talk to her today about when I should go in if the contractions keep up. 
    Good luck and hopefully we'll both have babies in our arms soon!
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

  • Well birth center for me. They don't admit until you're about 6cm. I show up with contractions 3-5 min apart but I was only 2cm. Sent me to labor at home three hours later I showed up yelling and crowning... I should have trusted my gut and left my house sooner before the urge to push happened.
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  • I'd call your ob. My guess is they'll probably make you wait it out though.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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  • I would say call your ob. I went right away but only because they had stopped pre term labor at 33 weeks and I knew I was 5cm already. And mine hurt. But I did also call my dr to make sure it was want she wanted me to do. (Even tho I was half way to the hospital when she finally got back to me lol) and I'm glad I did cause my dude came 20 min after I arrived. They should be able to help you decide what to do. I think it's good to labor at home as long as you can
  • Yah, my modwife said if they keep up to come in (I'm gbs+ so they want me to get the antibiotics). Praying this is the real thing! 

    Fingers crossed!
  • Good luck!
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • I had contractions 2-3 min apart, weren't painful just uncomfortable. I had my DD about 4-5 hours later after the contractions started. my contractions didn't become painful til I was about 7cm dilated.
  • I went to l&d triage with steady contractions that were painful and about 5 minutes apart, lasting 1-2 minutes. I also thought I was just losing my MP, but it turned out my water broke the day before while in the bathtub and I didn't realize it. It wasn't bloody at all like they say it could be, so naturally I didn't think anything of it. They did a swab for amniotic fluid and I was admitted right away.

    I'd say trust your instincts. If you're uncomfortable, head in.

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  • I luckily was already in the hospital when I went into labor because everything went so fast I'm not honestly sure I would have made the drive up.
  • My midwife said if you can walk and talk and your water has not broke then stay home. when you can't walk or talk through a contraction or your water breaks then call the clinic and they will tell you to head to l&d or not. 
  • been having contractions since about 1 pm today...some overly painful and others just uncomfortable...still able to eat, drink, talk and walk...supposed to go to a friends birthday dinner tonight but debating calling the doctor.  They're between 8-11 minutes apart.  Had gone to the bathroom and when i walked back into my living room felt liquid running down my legs which my husband said to assume was urine since i didn't feel the gush.  I tried to explain to him that i may not necessarily get the gush that some women experience.  Haven't felt any more leaking since then...but these cramps that I'm feeling are just absolutely horrible...like period cramps to the 10th degree.  I feel like if I'm going to call my doctor, she's going to tell me it's nothing because the contractions are so far apart still.
    ~* Met Husband: July 26, 2009 <3Said Yes: July 26, 2010 <3Married:  September 10, 2011 <3Baby Due: June 17, 2016 *~

  • been having contractions since about 1 pm today...some overly painful and others just uncomfortable...still able to eat, drink, talk and walk...supposed to go to a friends birthday dinner tonight but debating calling the doctor.  They're between 8-11 minutes apart.  Had gone to the bathroom and when i walked back into my living room felt liquid running down my legs which my husband said to assume was urine since i didn't feel the gush.  I tried to explain to him that i may not necessarily get the gush that some women experience.  Haven't felt any more leaking since then...but these cramps that I'm feeling are just absolutely horrible...like period cramps to the 10th degree.  I feel like if I'm going to call my doctor, she's going to tell me it's nothing because the contractions are so far apart still.

    Call. They can test if it was your water and mine felt like period cramps as well.  Trust me it's better to go in and waste their time than to pop a baby out on the bathroom floor.  (Which is what almost happened to me)
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