Hey mama! I bought my LO an Elmo tooth brush and it comes with a flouride free toothpaste, you can get it at any of the drugstores got mine in target. Seen it In Duane reade and rite aid.
Hey mama! I bought my LO an Elmo tooth brush and it comes with a flouride free toothpaste, you can get it at any of the drugstores got mine in target. Seen it In Duane reade and rite aid.
I use Auromere aruyvedic toothpaste because I love the way it tastes and it makes my mouth feel cleaner than other brands. You can buy it from Amazon. It's fluoride free. Baby loves it!! It kind of tastes like licorice... An herbal flavor.
Re: Toothpaste?
TTGP July Siggy Challenge: Summer Fails