Baby Names

Which of these names would be "trendy"?

chowderswifechowderswife member
edited June 2016 in Baby Names
So i was wondering which of these first and middle names you would consider trendy? Popularity doesn't really bother me with names like William or Logan but the trendyness of a name would. Thank you for your help.

Boy names.
Oliver Wade.
Winston Rhys.
Logan Max.
Connor Slade.
William Clark.
Rhys Maximus.
Slade Waylon.
Maxwell Logan.
Wesson Clark.
Clark Winston.
Wade Maxwell.
Wilson Rhys.

Girl names
Violet Mavis.
Bridget Rosemary. 
Annabelle Maeve.
Astrid Dawn.
Vivienne Mavis. 
Scarlett Vivian.
Mavis Willa.
Athena Dawn. 
Bianca Willow.
Thea Scarlett.
Dawn Bernadette.
Jocelyn Rose. 
Bernadette May/Mae. 
Alexandra Vivian.

*edited because I can't spell

Re: Which of these names would be "trendy"?

  • I think Slade and Clark would be the most "trendy" but neither is particularly common.  Usually "trendy" names rise dramatically in popularity and then fall off.  Slade in particular strikes me as trying to be cool.  I'm not sure Wesson is a name.  Maybe Weston?  And Wilson usually has one L.  I think the rest of the names are fairly classic.
  • ashleyandelyashleyandely member
    edited June 2016
    Your girl list is fantastic!!

    I would think that Winston, Slade & Wesson are the trendiest on your boy list. 

    ETA: also Waylon. 
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
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  • chowderswifechowderswife member
    edited June 2016
    I think Slade and Clark would be the most "trendy" but neither is particularly common.  Usually "trendy" names rise dramatically in popularity and then fall off.  Slade in particular strikes me as trying to be cool.  I'm not sure Wesson is a name.  Maybe Weston?  And Wilson usually has one L.  I think the rest of the names are fairly classic.
    I only asked because someone some where mentioned that Thea is trendy and my husband likes Wesson because of Smith and Wesson.
  • Your girl list is fantastic!!

    I would think that Winston, Slade & Wesson are the trendiest on your boy list. 

    ETA: also Waylon. 
    Thank you girl names are easy for us to agree on my husband says it is because we are ment to have girls. Winston is one of the few boy names that we actually both love slade my husband loves and i think it is ok we both can agree on Wesson and I kind of like Waylon. Thank you for your comment.
  • KyleeWallerKyleeWaller member
    edited June 2016
    Slade sticks out for me as well. I agree that Thea seems to be becoming a bit trendy, but you could give her the FN Theodora, or Theodosia and I think that would set it apart. 

  • Slade is, awkward?  It and Wesson strike me as trying to be cool and tough.

    Nothing else stands out as trendy though.
  • Slade sticks out for me as well. I agree that Thea seems to be becoming a bit trendy, but you could give her the FN Theodora, or Theodosia and I think that would set it apart. 

    My husband isn't a big fan of nicknames but im trying to convince him to have Thea be a nickname for a longer name. I'm liking using Cynthia for a full name for Thea 
  • Slade sticks out for me as well. I agree that Thea seems to be becoming a bit trendy, but you could give her the FN Theodora, or Theodosia and I think that would set it apart. 

    My husband isn't a big fan of nicknames but im trying to convince him to have Thea be a nickname for a longer name. I'm liking using Cynthia for a full name for Thea 
    I would have never thought of using Cynthia, but I love it!
  • jenEPjenEP member
    All the girl names are beautiful. Slade and Wesson are so different than your other strong names. They are both pretty terrible in comparison. Waylon is a much better option! I also love Winston. Even though Winston might be considered trendy because it's rising in popularity, it's a legitimate, classic name. To me this is so different than trendy, made up names like Slade and Wesson. 
  • I think Slade and Clark would be the most "trendy" but neither is particularly common.  Usually "trendy" names rise dramatically in popularity and then fall off.  Slade in particular strikes me as trying to be cool.  I'm not sure Wesson is a name.  Maybe Weston?  And Wilson usually has one L.  I think the rest of the names are fairly classic.
    I only asked because someone some where mentioned that Thea is trendy and my husband likes Wesson because of Smith and Wesson.
    I'm not trying to be snarky here, but I think the same people that would side eye you for picking a "trendy" name would definitely side eye you for naming your child after a gun brand.  But since you didn't explicitly say that you don't want a trendy name because of how other people view it, perhaps you don't care.  I'm just pointing it out.
    I dont really want Wesson as my kids name and i don't really want a trendy name either. If i had to pick a nmae right now for a boy it would probably be Winston or Connor. I do like Weston also. But you are right about the gun related name
  • Slade sticks out for me as well. I agree that Thea seems to be becoming a bit trendy, but you could give her the FN Theodora, or Theodosia and I think that would set it apart. 

    My husband isn't a big fan of nicknames but im trying to convince him to have Thea be a nickname for a longer name. I'm liking using Cynthia for a full name for Thea 
    I would have never thought of using Cynthia, but I love it!
    Cynthia is my mom's name that is the only reason i even thought of it
  • jenEP said:
    All the girl names are beautiful. Slade and Wesson are so different than your other strong names. They are both pretty terrible in comparison. Waylon is a much better option! I also love Winston. Even though Winston might be considered trendy because it's rising in popularity, it's a legitimate, classic name. To me this is so different than trendy, made up names like Slade and Wesson. 
    Exactly this.  Your list includes mostly classic names that are various degrees of popular but all strong except for Slade and Wesson. I'd take them off the list. Especially given so many other wonderful options. Good luck! 
  • When I hear Wesson I think the vegetable oil brand, not a gun. Either way, probably not great.
  • So i was wondering which of these first and middle names you would consider trendy? Popularity doesn't really bother me with names like William or Logan but the trendyness of a name would. Thank you for your help.

    Boy names.
    Oliver Wade.
    Winston Rhys.
    Logan Max.
    Connor Slade.
    William Clark.
    Rhys Maximus.
    Slade Waylon.
    Maxwell Logan.
    Wesson Clark.
    Clark Winston.
    Wade Maxwell.
    Wilson Rhys.

    Girl names
    Violet Mavis.
    Bridget Rosemary. 
    Annabelle Maeve.
    Astrid Dawn.
    Vivienne Mavis. 
    Scarlett Vivian.
    Mavis Willa.
    Athena Dawn. 
    Bianca Willow.
    Thea Scarlett.
    Dawn Bernadette.
    Jocelyn Rose. 
    Bernadette May/Mae. 
    Alexandra Vivian.

    *edited because I can't spell
    I would say boys name are more b&w when it comes to trendy or not. The -exxe (where x is a consonant) is a trend for girls lately, as are A names. I can't really say *why* (as in a rule) I bolded some of them, its just how they "feel". FTR- trendy or not I love your girl names.

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  • I don't see anything particularly trendy, except...

    I think of Slade as trendy because of the term "slayed" that is constantly being thrown around now to mean that someone (usually a celebrity) looked awesome or performed well. That term annoys me so much. 

    Of the girl names, the only one I think of as trendy is Astrid. I know it is a very old name, but I'd never heard it until maybe 5 yrs ago, around the time How to Train Your Dragon and The Office both featured that name. Not a fan of it - too many obvious jokes with the first syllable being a$$.
  • I marked the ones I think of as really time stamped or just really peaking now as trendy. The trendy girl names are all pretty classic too but they feel like they're in a boom. I only judged on first names since middles aren't commonly used.

    Boy names.
    Oliver Wade. *trendy
    Winston Rhys.
    Logan Max. *trendy
    Connor Slade.
    William Clark.
    Rhys Maximus. *trendy
    Slade Waylon. *just awful
    Maxwell Logan.
    Wesson Clark. *cooking oil
    Clark Winston.
    Wade Maxwell.
    Wilson Rhys.

    Girl names
    Violet Mavis. *trendy
    Bridget Rosemary. 
    Annabelle Maeve.
    Astrid Dawn.
    Vivienne Mavis. *trendy
    Scarlett Vivian.
    Mavis Willa.
    Athena Dawn. 
    Bianca Willow.
    Thea Scarlett. *possibly getting trendy. Thea is skyrocketing in popularity.
    Dawn Bernadette.
    Jocelyn Rose. 
    Bernadette May/Mae. 
    Alexandra Vivian

  • sagoonsagoon member
    edited June 2016
    I think Rhys is somewhat trendy and Athena is definitely trending right now.  Otherwise, there are certainly some popular names in there but those were the only two that really stand out for me.

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