
IVF and Fibriod

hello all! I'm going thur my first IVF cycle on SD7. On baseline day we found out I had a Fibriod it as gotten to the size it as to be removed before we can do transfer. As anyone been thur fibriod surgery if so can you give tips?


Re: IVF and Fibriod

  • @cmm012 has. She is a good resource about it. I also have one but it's small, and aeems like riskier to have it removed than leave it. When I was trying to figure out what to do she was extremely helpful. Good luck!
    Me: 29 DH: 28
    Together since 2008, married Sept 2013
    ttc #1 since July 2014
    DX: unexplained infertility
    Sept, Oct, Nov Clomid 50 mg: BFN
    Feb 2016 IUI w/ 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel, Prometrium: BFN
    March 2016 IUI w/ 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel, Prometrium: BFN
    June 2016 IVF: BFP 6/28!!! beta #1: 358, beta #2: 1428, beta #3: 3742

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • cmm012cmm012 member
    Hi @bharvey10! Where is your fibroid? That will determine the type of surgery you have and the recovery time. If it's in the uterine cavity, they will remove it through the vagina. Recovery time is less than in its in the lining or outside the uterine cavity. In that case they have to go in through your abdomen.

    Married Jan. 2014
    Me:36 DH: 39
    TTC since August 2014, Mild PCOS + uterine fibroids
    Myomectomy June 2015- 18 fibroids removed
    IVF #1, May 2016 = 32 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized, 7 frozen, 3 PGS normal
    FET#2, July 2016 = one embryo transferred 
    BFP! Beta = 617
    Due date = 4/9/17
    Delivery date = 3/20/17
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  • I had one removed it was the rare kind that was half in and half out of my uterus.  they went in hysteroscopically (?sp) and used a laser to cut what they could see and then i guess the muscles push more into my uterus where they keep cutting until no more comes through.  I was out of work for a week for recovery.  I only had pain the day of and a little cramping the next day.  they needed to leave a catheter balloon in there for 3 days to prevent scar tissue from forming and creating problems.  when they removed the balloon it was like birthing a water balloon; my "water broke" and then they used tweezers to remove the balloon lol, very odd sensation.  6 months later we just finished our first IVF cycle.  The 6 month wait was for my DH not for me, i think they would have let me start after a month or so of healing.  i was told that with the fibroid it would be a bigger risk of not being able to carry a baby so there was almost no choice but to remove it but i was also told there is a large chance they wouldn't get it all and it would grow back.  thankfully they seem to have removed the entire thing.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • @cmm012 it's outside my lining I was told that they would make a small spot kinda where a c-section would be and take it out with a big spoon. At first we was just going to go with it there but it's went from a 3 to a 6 in a week so my dr doesn't like it so we opt to take it out after my eggs are retrieved. I was worried I would have to have a c-section when we get pregnant (I would rather have a c-section than have a miscarriage or early delivery)
  • cmm012cmm012 member
    So, you'll want to find out if they are doing a laparoscopic (small incisions) or an open surgery (one bigger incision). Recovery time differs. Also, after my first myomectomy, I was told I would have to have c-sections. You'll want to check on that as well as your recovery time. I could not start TTC until 6 months after my second surgery. The surgery overall is uncomfortable, but doable. You might be sore for a couple of weeks. 
    Married Jan. 2014
    Me:36 DH: 39
    TTC since August 2014, Mild PCOS + uterine fibroids
    Myomectomy June 2015- 18 fibroids removed
    IVF #1, May 2016 = 32 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized, 7 frozen, 3 PGS normal
    FET#2, July 2016 = one embryo transferred 
    BFP! Beta = 617
    Due date = 4/9/17
    Delivery date = 3/20/17
  • Thanks @cmm012 she said small incision she also said we could to embryo transfer probably around 3 months after surgery. 
  • cmm012cmm012 member
    That's great news. With a small incision, you'll be sore, but again it's very doable. You won't be able to do heavy lifting for a few weeks afterwards. You also may need to roll out of bed in the mornings rather than sitting up. Listen to your body and don't over-do it.
    Married Jan. 2014
    Me:36 DH: 39
    TTC since August 2014, Mild PCOS + uterine fibroids
    Myomectomy June 2015- 18 fibroids removed
    IVF #1, May 2016 = 32 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized, 7 frozen, 3 PGS normal
    FET#2, July 2016 = one embryo transferred 
    BFP! Beta = 617
    Due date = 4/9/17
    Delivery date = 3/20/17
  • Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting this out so hopefully there will be no stopping the future!
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