May 2016 Moms

Milk stash

I haven't been around much lately so sorry if this has come up already. 

Originally I planned on staying home but a job opportunity has come up that I'd love to take advantage of. This means daycare, pumping and sending bottles along with LO. Where do I start? When do I slide in extra pumps? How do I know how much to put into each freezer bag? How will I know how much to send with her? Do I need a lunch box and ice pack to send her to daycare with? I'm incredibly clueless. 

Me: 31 | DH: 33
DD: 05/14/16
Baby #2 EDD: 12/23/19

Re: Milk stash

  • I'm not sure how to work extra pumpings in for the best results. I exclusively pump, so I can't help there. 
    For getting your stash going... I like to freeze 1 ounce portions in a silicone baby food ice cube tray. I'll freeze my leftovers for that day, then package in a Ziplock with that date. I then put that bag inside another freezer bag. I like doing this because 1. I can customize how many ounces I thaw and 2. Its cheaper than buying breastmilk specific freezer bags. (Its safe to do this)
    My upcoming daycare allows me to send frozen milk in a bag OR I can prefill bottles for that day. 
    Previously, I sent prefilled bottles in a lunch cooler type bag that was placed in the fridge. I also sent x amount of frozen as a just in case. That worked well!
  • I exclusively pumped for my twins last time, and with one baby nursing this time, I pump after her morning feeding, before the twins wake up. Around 6 or 7am. Sometimes I pump one side while she nurses the other side.

    Congrats on the dream job!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

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  • yogahhyogahh member
    I haven't been around much lately so sorry if this has come up already. 

    Originally I planned on staying home but a job opportunity has come up that I'd love to take advantage of. This means daycare, pumping and sending bottles along with LO. Where do I start? When do I slide in extra pumps? How do I know how much to put into each freezer bag? How will I know how much to send with her? Do I need a lunch box and ice pack to send her to daycare with? I'm incredibly clueless. 

    Did you get the job??

    cat fail animated GIF

  •  My baby is getting a bottle of formula every night as well as a bottle of breastmilk so in the morning I am very full and I pump after I nurse.  On weekends, I pump and do bottles all day and on those days I always pump more than she ends up eating so I freeze some of that as well.
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • I asked for similar advice in the breastfeeding thread several days ago as well as asked some of my working mom friends. Based on their advice, I pump once in the morning. The first two days, I was getting about 2 ounces from one breast, and the last two days I've been getting 4 ounces. I feed from one side per feeding, so I only pump from one breast since I'm afraid of engorgment. I haven't noticed a huge difference, but I am slightly more engorged in the morning than before. It could be in my head though. 

    As as for freezing, I read it's best to store in 2ounces or 4 ounces. I use the Avent freezer bags. I like them a lot better than the Medela bags. I've also heard of the ice cube thing, but I'm not ready to offer a bottle. I'll probably try that method out when I'm ready to turn around the milk faster. Just look for BPA free containers and bags. 

    I also read somewhere that it's good to have 100oz frozen in your stash before you go back to work. Basically 1 hour away = 1 ounce. 
  • Oh yeah hate the Madela bags but have a to use :( ah well --  I freeze them laying flat and then have a storage system that I use in my deep freezer:

    The First Years Breastflow Milk Storage Organizer 
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • @saladflambe Glad I'm not the only one! I never felt like they shut well, and even when I did think I sealed them, I could still squeeze milk through the lock. The Avent ones feel so much more secure. Why do you have to use Medela?
  • Oh yeah hate the Madela bags but have a to use :( ah well --  I freeze them laying flat and then have a storage system that I use in my deep freezer:

    The First Years Breastflow Milk Storage Organizer 
    Oh I so wish we had a chest freezer to use with something like that! I hate having all the bags of breast milk that won't evenly stack on top of each other all over my freezer with no system for what should be used first so you just have to check all the dates each time. 
  • missnc77 said:
    @saladflambe Glad I'm not the only one! I never felt like they shut well, and even when I did think I sealed them, I could still squeeze milk through the lock. The Avent ones feel so much more secure. Why do you have to use Medela?
    I just have a ton I bought so I want to use them up
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • I am a strict lansinoh milk storage bag user! Amazon has a good deal on the 100 count!
    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
  • I had a Lansinoh bag sample that I used and liked. Now I'm nervous to use the 20 Medela bags in have :neutral: 
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • I had a Lansinoh bag sample that I used and liked. Now I'm nervous to use the 20 Medela bags in have :neutral: 


    I used the medela bags with DS1. They never leaked for me, but they could be difficult to pour from-- just cutting the top off or the corner off of the bag made it much easier. The measurement markings aren't extremely accurate either, but are an okay approximation.
  • My LC's advice was that I don't have to start building a big stash because I'll be pumping the next days supply every day at work. She just said I have to count the number of feedings that I'll be at work for and be sure to pump that many times. I am too nervous not to build some supply though and so I occasionally pump now but will pump once a day in the morning every day in about 3 weeks when we start to introduce her to bottle feedings. I feel so sad about the idea of bottle feeding for some reason, even though I know it is necessary and good. 
  • @LadySamLady Try and think about how it gives your husband the opportunity to offer her nourishment.

    It's funny, I was struggling with feeding, but now that I'm adding 4 oz a day to my stash, I already feel better. It makes me feel like I have a backup if I can't feed her for some reason. Now, I'm way less anxious about feeding. My husband asked if I wanted to introduce a bottle now that it's been 4 weeks, but I told him that I want to wait longer. Last week, I was ready to buy formula after having an anxiety attack. I'm so thankful I problem solved and reached out for stash advice rather than giving up. It made all the difference for me mentally! I'm now going for 6 weeks no bottle.

  • I am a strict lansinoh milk storage bag user! Amazon has a good deal on the 100 count!
    Same here I like them too. Work really well and keeps me organized . 
  • I just asked this in the breast feeding thread but I thought I might as well try to get as much advice as I can. DD is a great eater and latcher and does well with a bottle too. I want to start a stash so that SO can feed her and bond too but I'm having issues pumping. I currently have a Medaella manual pump and can't get my electric one until the middle of July. Every time I pump I only get a combined 1/2 oz or less so I pump two separate times to get 1 bottle for  SO to feed her in the evenings. That seems like such a low amount and now I'm worried I don't make enough milk even though she's gaining weight fine.. how can I pump, increase supply, and BF at the same time? I'd hate to pump and then DD wake up to an empty boob because she is so not on a schedule yet. (she's 10 days old btw)
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