Hi--lurker from June 2016 here. I wanted to ask you ladies because the majority of the June ladies haven't had their babies yet, so obviously haven't dealt with this yet.
My feet, ankles and legs swelled up a few days before I ended up having my son (born on the 26th). They are still swollen and uncomfortable now. Do you May moms have any experience with this? What do your doctors say? Do you have any ways to deal with it and encourage the swelling to go down?
Basically, at the hospital, they kept an eye on it but said it might get worse before it got better because of the IV fluids I received during the birth. However, I did expect it would be at least a bit better by now, but no luck. Any tip, suggestions?
Thanks in advance--and congrats to you all on your adorable LOs (I have been hardcore lurking on your birth announcement thread, as have many of the June board moms)!
TTC#1 since May 2011
BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks
BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d

BFP #3 October 6, 2015. WHAT???

Re: Still swollen 5 days PP?
you ou need to have your H/SO put lotion on your feet and calves and massage your feet and legs by pushing the fluid up towards your heart. So this while having your feet up twice a day. The technique BFF used was using her thumb and index finger like the picture and squeeze while running it up your leg. It works like a charm. My swelling was completely gone the next day even with me doing 8,000 steps according to my Fitbit.
ME: 35 DH: 39
Married July 2011
DD Born 8/12
TTC #2 since 11/13
ME: Submucosal Fibroid Surgery Date APRIL 14th 2015 -Left Tube is blocked by Fibroid~Surgeon removed 26 Fibroids from my Ute and Unblocked my Tube
DH:Azoospermia...Thank God we have 12 vials of frozen swimmers
July 15-Check to see if Ute is all healed
IUI #1 8/3/15...BFN
IUI #2 9/5/15...BFP on 9/17/15
Beta #1-344
Beta #2-809
Beta #3 8,390
1st u/s 8/8/15 1 bean HB 135 @ 6w5d
BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks
BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d
BFP #3 October 6, 2015. WHAT???
BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks
BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d
BFP #3 October 6, 2015. WHAT???