July 2016 Moms

Monday Bitchfest

Let's hear it, who's the bitch? Or what's the bitch? 

Re: Monday Bitchfest

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  • DS went to bed an hour and a half past his bed time and woke up (earlier than usual) before 7am. Too tired for this!
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
  • @stellaluna14 Exactly!!! It's 5 am and I'm wide awake! I hope I can fall back asleep soon!
    Pregnancy Ticker

    July16 JULY siggy challenge

  • @stellaluna14yes!!! I woke up at 3 when my husband gets up for work and took a long time to get back to sleep. I think it was like 5 ish.  I'm so over it. Every night with this shit. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • setoshsetosh member
    I was also up between 4 and 5 this morning. Every time I can't fall back asleep I think of you guys that are also awake and it makes me feel better. So thanks!
  • @theshannondee what?? Shut that ish down!! That is so inconsiderate of him to do that without consulting you. I would just lay it on the line and if he still doesn't get it call your nurses ahead of time and make a allowed in and not allowed in list. He is your support person and seems to be forgetting while this super exciting for him you are the one about to do all the hard work! 
    TTGP March Siggy Challenge Drunken Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • jennyleigh16jennyleigh16 member
    edited May 2016
    @theshannondee that sounds horrible! I'm with @TiffRox81 though, at least you found out ahead of time. 
  • @theshannondee What is it with DHs making poor decisions this weekend?! My DH was drinking at a BBQ over the weekend and decided to text a picture of me to his friends. This picture consisted of me slouched down sitting on our couch with my shirt rolled up because I was trying to see if DH could see the baby moving from his chair. And on top of that, you could totally see my stretch marks in all their glory. So somehow he thought it was a good idea to send that picture to his friends since they had "asked" how I was doing. I voiced my immediate displeasure at him sending that picture because it was less than flattering. He then decides to show our friends at the BBQ to prove to me that "it's not that bad." Maybe it's not that big of a deal but that wasn't a picture that I had planned on showing anyone so the fact he decided to send it out and show it to people made me upset. He still hasn't apologized, insisting that it was a cute picture. Yeah, ok.

    Me: 31  DH:35
    Started TTC in June 2014
    Started seeing RE in June 2015
    HSG in July 2015 = normal, started Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI cycle in August 2015
    Cycle #3 in October afforded 1st month of mature follicles - underwent IUI
    BFP on 10/27/15 - EDD 7/8/16
    DD#1 born on 7/1/16

    TTC #2 in September 2018
    BFP on 12/2/18 - EDD 8/16/19
    Team Green!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • One of DH's friends that he hadn't heard from in nearly a year invited us to a BBQ today. DH didn't mention to the guy that we are having a baby,  and doesn't get why it would be awkward for me to show up to a party 35 weeks pregnant without any pre-announcement. Or why I'm not super jazzed to sit in 85 degree heat and watch acquaintances drink all day. 

    Oh,  and I peed my pants today. In a porta potty, standing right in front of the toilet. No bladder control at 35 weeks! 
  • @stellaluna14 And it doesn't help that we lack the energy to run around all day. You're right these last weeks are a bit isolating. I don't last long at all! 
  • It's just too hot.  And if DH suggests I take a "cool bath" (as if that's some kind of legit substitute for floating in a pool) one more time I may punch him. Or cry.  Or cry and then punch him.  Either build me a pool or shut the eff up and stop asking me what's wrong and offering "solutions".  So much rage right now.
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
  • So aside from pregnancy insomnia which is turning me into a cranky betch....DS1 came down with a stomach bug on Saturday evening. He spiked a fever of 105.2 at one point (which we brought down very quickly) but he wasn't himself all day yesterday. Today he's feeling much better and actually eating but still has "the poops." So we did actually enjoy Saturday afternoon at the pool but after that we basically did nothing this whole 3 day weekend! I swear I've got cabin fever!
  • @stellaluna14  Isolating really is a good word for it. I keep saying that I was prepared for all the physical changes during pregnancy, but I had no idea how rough it would be emotionally. 

    MH works shift work and was away this past weekend. I booked tomorrow off work because we have a mid-day dr appointment and it's a lot of driving to go to work, then to the dr, then back to work, then home so I figured I'd just take the day. MH is off tomorrow and I told him I took the day off, all excited that we could spend some time together. He just told me he's going to be gone to his buddy's all day. No particular reason, just to hang out. Ugh. 
  • My mother. I had to be induced due to severe preeclampsia. Baby was born at 34 weeks and 2 days. Not once did my mother call me while I was in the hospital for over a week even though she knew I had high blood pressure. My father thought I should give her a chance, so I played nice. Had my mother hold her today. She almost stuck a painted fingernail in my daughter's mouth. Switched to her knuckle at the last minute (hands were washed before we went into the NICU). It was clear that my daughter, who associates something in her mouth with food right now, was getting upset because she was hungry and wasn't getting anything from my mother's finger, so I had to take her and calm her down because my mother wouldn't stop teasing her. Mother then proceeded to complain that the nurses weren't cleaning her because she had a bit of dried milk on her chin from a previous feeding. And, after spending about $300 on clothes for the baby today, mother then announced that she was going to open up a bank account for my daughter. A nice enough gesture, but my mother always offers up money only to use her "kindness" against you at a later date. I gave my mother a chance. It'll never happen again. 
  • @Whovian_4 sorry to hear about mom giving you grief! But congrats on the baby :)
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • @Whovian_4 I'm so sorry your mom is so difficult. But congrats! How's baby doing?  
  • @Whovian_4 sorry your mom isn't getting it! This is why we aren't allowing anyone to touch LO for a while. Congrats on baby!
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • My car which didn't want to start today.  Really hoping I don't have to buy a new car three weeks before I have this baby.
  • @Whovian_4 congrats (and good luck with grandma)!

    there's an effing police helicopter circling my area the past 30ish or so minutes. I want to sleep go away and leave the nice bad guy alone!
  • @Whovian_4 sorry your mom is wing awful. Can't wait to see your little one though! How are mom and babe doing? 
  • @Whovian_4 congrats on the birth of your little one. Sounds like your mother needs a freaking time out. 
  • WevilleWeville member
    @Whovian_4 I'm sorry you are having a tough time with your mom!  Congratulations on the little girl, glad she is doing well!
  • @Whovian_4 so glad to hear you are getting discharged 
    TTGP March Siggy Challenge Drunken Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @Whovian_4 congrats! It sounds like everything is going well :smile: sorry you're having to deal with a difficult mom situation when you are already dealing with so much. Glad she gets to come home soon so you can relax 
  • @Whovian_4 Congrats on the baby, glad to hear she will get to go home soon!
  • @Whovian_4 congratulations! Hope your homecoming comes soon and goes well!
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
  • @Whovian_4 congratulations! Sorry you have to deal with stress from your mom, but I hope all goes well with your discharge, and your baby can come home soon!
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