Baby Names

Austin for a girl? other ideas that go with MN Shane

We are TG and struggling to pick a girl's name. It's negotiable, but if possible we want to use Shane as the middle name for boy or girl.  I think the top boy name now is Gideon Shane, which we both like a lot.  DH really likes Austin for a girl, but I've never met a female Austin so I'm not sure.  Plus, combined with Shane, I think it's too masculine. Thoughts generally on Austin for a girl?  Or any ideas of girls names that sound pretty with Shane as the MN?  We like names a little off the beaten path, like no top 50.  Another one I like is Eden but DH isn't sure, and I don't love it with Shane.  

Re: Austin for a girl? other ideas that go with MN Shane

  • tmk0325tmk0325 member
    I do think Austin Shane is too masculine. I definitely think boy and not girl. You could do Eden Shayne if you wanted a different version of Shane. My friends daughters name is Ella Shayne and I think it's adorable. :) 
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  • KatieJ6KatieJ6 member
    There is a female Austin is the school I work in and she gets mistaken on lists as a boy all the time. 

    If you really love the name would you be open to using it in the middle name spot?

    Katie married to Matt 
    Mom to Micah(03/2013) and Asher(01/2015) 
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  • I agree that Austin Shane is too masculine.


    You could also consider Shana or Shaina for a girl.
  • kmvisiolikmvisioli member
    edited May 2016
    Really don't like Austin on a girl, especially with nn Shane. It's not popular here, but what about Ashlyn instead of Austin? Gideon Shane is great, though!

    Edit to add a few more suggestions: Allison, Emma, Aubrey, Eva, Ava, Everly, Autumn
  • Austin is a masculine name and even more so paired with Shane. 

    Definitely look for a more feminine name.

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  • Not sure how to spell it but what about Aslynn Shane?  Austin is all boy to me.
  • Suggestions for first name:

    Erika Shane
    Adora Shane
    Andrea Shane
    Alice Shane
    Annalise Shane 
    Savannah Shane

    Maren Shane
    Carmen Shane
    Jillian Shane

  • :-1: 
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • edited May 2016
    Austin Shane is all boy. Maybe Audrey, Autumn, or Aurora for a first name?
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  • keri0426 said:
    Not sure how to spell it but what about Aslynn Shane?  Austin is all boy to me.
    I believe it's spelled Asslynn  :D
  • nwshaynwshay member
    What about Austynn? Or a different way of spelling it? I think it appears more feminine that way. Or even Austen (like Jane Austen)? 
  • Austin on a girl is no good. I really like Eden! I like pp suggestion of Maren Shane. What about Cora Shane? Mary Shane? Lucille Shane?
    My furchildren, Dorothy and Johnny :)
  • sacrazysacrazy member
    What about Aisland?
  • Maybe the Asslyn person was going for the lion from The Chronicles of Narnia? Aslan? I feel like I shouldn't even mention that, though, or someone's daughter will get named Aslan...
  • I went to high school with a girl named Austyn and she hades her name because she was constantly getting mistaken for a boy (and on top of it, people were always misspelling her name as "Austin"). It drove her crazy and 90% of the time, she went by a more feminine name that she had just randomly picked. I wouldn't stick the name Austin on a girl, especially paired with Shane as the middle name. I get wanting to honor someone, but if you are going to use Shane as the middle name, pair it with something feminine as the first people aren't questioning if it is a boy or girl. I want to honor my grandfather by using his first name, but we are done after having this baby and we have one girl, and are pretty sure this one is a girl. If it is a girl, she will most likely get my grandfather's name as a middle name, but it will be paired with a feminine first name, so there are no questions as to whether it is a male or a female. 
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  • saham07saham07 member
    Estelle Shane
    Estella Shane
    Is Shane a family name?
  • Totally agree with you all, thanks of the opinions.  I really don't like Austin at all.  I do like Shane and think it sounds really cute with a more feminine first name.  It was actually the name of DH's first wife who passed away.  (I am totally ok with the idea of honoring her.)  We are just really picky about girls names but I think I may have sold DH on Ruby this weekend.  Ruby Shane -- thoughts?

  • saham07saham07 member
    I love Ruby
  • Love Ruby. 

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    me 38 DH 39.  
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    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
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  • I think Austin Shane is too masculine. I know a girl named Austin and I don't love it.  
    I like Ashlyn Shane. 
  • much better
  • Ruby is adorable 
  • Ruby Shane is adorable.  Of the other suggestions, I think Autumn is the best sub for Austin.
  • I have never heard Austin on a girl and would never think "feminine". To add Shane as a MN is horrible IMHO.
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  • erinmserinms member
    Ruby is super cute, and I love middle names with meaning.  Ruby Shane is great!  
  • Eko14Eko14 member
    kmvisioli said:
    Maybe the Asslyn person was going for the lion from The Chronicles of Narnia? Aslan? I feel like I shouldn't even mention that, though, or someone's daughter will get named Aslan...
    I have met a few girl Aslan's but they have all been from the Middle East.
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  • No on a girl Austin and/or Shane 

    Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
    Married July 2010
    DC #1 Oct 2013
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  • Now that I hear the story about Shane, I get it and I'm on board. No to Austin with it though. Love Ruby Shane!
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