June 2016 Moms


I have a horrible case of PUPPPs rash again, also had until 22 months PP after my daughters. Anyone else here suffering with this? Apparently it happens in 1 in 200 pregnancies. If you suffer are you able to find any relief from it? I am currently using the topical steroid Triamcinolone, but unfortunately it hasn't helped much. I'm afraid it may be back to high dose steroids to kick it after he comes.

Re: PUPPPS rash

  • KtfairKtfair member
    I'm not sure if what I had is actually PUPPS, but I've had it with 2 of 3 pregnancies on the backs of my arms and my shins ... Ridiculously itchy, and keeping me up at night.  What worked for me is to go gluten free... Rash gone, and I'm able to be in the heat/sun (what triggered the rash) without getting itchy.
      My sisters and dad all have celiac disease (gluten intolerance), so it was a logical first step to try cutting out gluten, and thankfully it worked. It's worth a try ;)
  • scottenscotten member
    I was never actually diagnosed with PUPPs with DD1, but I had a rash from hell all over my feet. I would be up all night scratching my feet until they bled! My doctor made me run through all of the typical itchy rash relief (hydrocortisone cream, Benadryl, oatmeal baths, ice, etc. - none of which worked) before prescribing me a lotion called PUPPs Cream. I don't know what's in it, other than it smells minty, but it was literally the only thing that helped. 

    My PUPPs/whatever I had went away shortly after I gave birth. So far I haven't had a problem this pregnancy (38+3). Not much help, sorry! I don't wish it on my worst enemy.  :(
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  • I've been putting coconut oil with some lavender essential oil mixed in and slathering it on my rash. It seems to bring the most relief out of everything I have tried. 
  • Tawny87Tawny87 member
    Thanks ladies! I will check those out. My case my last pregnancy (twins) was so bad that only the betamethasone steroids that I was administered before they were born gave me temporary relief. After I gave birth I kept having outbreaks until 22 months PP. My ob ended up having to give me a 2 week high dose steroid blister pack to get rid of them, then of course I find out I am pregnant with this guy 8 days after I finished my steroids. Hopeful my PUPPPS will leave after pregnancy this time around unlike last.
  • alicupalicup member
    I had PUPPPS with my first to. I did three dandelion root capsules 3 times a day. I took 1 Claritin and 1 Pepcid for a total histamine block and I also drank lemon water all day everyday. I had mine for a total of 4 weeks and the above concoction got rid of it!! I also prayed a ton, worst experience ever!! 
  • PBear93PBear93 member
    I took benedryl when I had PUPPS after my first and it worked good enough.  Sorry. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 
  • I was told I had PUPPS at about 25 weeks. I went and got Aveeno skin relief body wash and lotion and used that and put powder on top. It took a little bit but actually cleared up....which makes me think that it's not actually PUPPS but try th aveeno. When I stop using it the rash comes back. 
  • celainevcelainev member
    edited June 2016
    Hi, I'm a lurker. Gave birth in December. I was not diagnosed with PUPPS because my rash did not look the same, but I did have (what they're calling) an allergic reaction to being pregnant, which started with just an itchy rash that would appear on the top of my feet, my legs, and under my belly button, only when touched by water, at 35 weeks. It was sooo terribly itchy. I did not tell my doctor about til I was 37 weeks pregnant, and she had me induced within 12 hours (she thought it was my liver failing, but after tests showed that it wasn't, she saw I was 3cm dialated and offered to break my water anyways.)

    After birth, the rash exploded. It covered my entire body except my face. It was EXTREMELY itchy and all I could do was cry. I tried steroid cream, steroids, oatmeal baths, ice packs, baking soda baths, expensive eczema body washes, basically anything that would calm itch. It would work for a couple minutes but then it would start again. Benadryl made me sleep heavier and I would wake up bleeding, from scratching in my sleep. I had many panic attacks and basically cried all the time. It felt like my body was on fire. 2 weeks postpartum I finally got the nerve to tell my GP about it. He told me to take Reactine. The itching was gone in 6 hours. Took 3 more weeks for the rash to disappear, taking one pill of Reactine a day.

    Sorry for sharing my life story, just wanted to see if I could help someone. 

    By the way, many of you are second or third time moms. That gives me so much hope. I pretty much forgot how horrible the rash made my already-not-so-great pregnancy. I'm excited to have another one. SO worth it. 
  • Im currently 40weeks + 3 days pregnant and just seen my OB who diagnosed me with Pupps it's the worse, I do have a question? Most of you that had this rash did you have boys? I read that when carrying a boy you tend to break out with this rash? 
  • I had it my first pregnancy with twin girls, very very common in multiple pregnancies, and had it again this time with a single boy.
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