i just need to vent. So if anyone else wants to vent, I think today is a great day for venting!
co-worker went on vacation for 2 weeks and I got her huge project dumped on me.
my office is transitioning software at the same time. And we have a 2 week seminar we are leading at the same time.
monday the school nurse called because my 8 year old had an accident at school and was too embarrassed to return to class, can someone pick him up?
tuesday the school nurse called because my 5 year old had a swollen eye (sinus infection) and needed to go home. Then because 5 year old was not on the bus home, the 8 year old thought his brother might have died.
today the school psychologist emailed because my 8 year old wrote a letter to his teacher about being very angry and warning his teacher about his anger.
Come on people! Can I not make it to the last day of school. There is only 2 days left. Does it really need to be that hard???
Please let baby #3 be an easy kid! Please let me survive this week!
Married - 4/7/07
Son #1- 2/15/08
Son #2- 8/18/10
Baby 3 due 8/8/16
Re: NBR: this week is killin me - let's vent!
The Rowdy Roberts
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017