2nd Trimester

Face wash suggestions?

So I swear by my regular skincare which is R+F Unblemish, but my dr suggested I not use it much during pregnancy since it has sulfer in it. This is my second pregnancy and my face is acting crazy! Does anyone have any alternative suggestions for a face wash I can use until I can get back to my regular routine? 

Re: Face wash suggestions?

  • Since your face wash isn't on your skin long enough to be absorbed, I would use what you've always been using as changing now could be asking for unwanted reactions. However, if you're concerned, using something like a mild clean and clear or clearasil face wash that has low to no acid in it could work for you

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  • I've been using the Belli brand Anti-blemish face wash and it seems to be doing the job. Belli sells a line of products geared towards pregnant women. It's currently out of stock on their website but I like it.
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
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  • @DanyTargaryen - do you use the whole Belli line or just the face wash?  I'm getting pretty desperate as nothing seems to be working for me.

    @Jessie62808 - sulfur is supposed to be safe in pregnancy.  Are you sure that's why they told you to stop using it?
  • @penelope4612 - The face wash is the only product I've tried so far. Most of the rest of the products they sell (lotion, chapstick, etc) I just use other brands I can buy at the store. 
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
  • I use It Works skin care line. 
  • Cetaphil is usually a safe bet. 
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