Boston Babies

Toddler Tantrums

Who is tired of temper tantrums?? I took this seminar the last time it was offered and it was super helpful. Click the link below to register or message me if you have questions. Here's to less bribery and more tear-free days (a girl can dream right?!)

The Power of Positive Discipline
Come learn strategies to implement positive discipline with your toddler! In this interactive workshop you will discuss what challenges you are facing and you will learn specific tools to help your toddler learn how to internalize organizational strategies and self-regulate. The focus will also be on how toddlers learn about discipline; what temper tantrums are about; why schedules and sleep are so important and more!
June 1
Wednesday 7:00-9:00 pm
Kimbell Dicero
333 Nahanton Street

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