July 2016 Moms

Tuesday Ticker Change

How far along are you/what size is baby?


Anything baby-related this week?

GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)?
DD1: Born January 2013
DD2: Due July 12, 2016
Two rescue dogs 

BabyFruit Ticker

July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change

  • How far along are you/what size is baby?
    32 weeks. Some type of weird fruit from Florida. 

    Our baby shower was Saturday and I'm still just incredibly grateful for all the generosity of people. Baby has discovered the upper part of my abdomen and I can't breath. Saying I'm easily winded these days is an understatement. 

    Anything baby-related this week? Had my routine appointment yesterday, everything looks great. Otherwise just picking up/ordering the last few things we need and working on my hospital bag. 

    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)?

    In 10 years our oldest will be away at college or traveling the world, I hope to have this child and another one fairly close in age. I also hope that my husband and I are foster parents at that time as well. I see lots of traveling, sailing, and hopefully a second home (lake house ideally) or little getaway spot somewhere. 
  • WevilleWeville member
    How far along are you?  34w, a basketball net? Or savoy cabbage

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms:  The nursery is slowly getting cleared out and that makes me happy. I made the crib up even though the baby will be in our room at first. I'm also in the same situation as @LDSJM123 and he's sitting so high I feel like I can't breathe

    Anything baby related this week?  Growth scan today, going to go see if this fella is still measuring three weeks ahead. My last day of work is Friday then I'm on three weeks of vacation followed by my mat leave

    GTKY:  Still in the same city, hopefully same neighbourhood having travelled with the little guy. Mostly just see us as a crazy but happy family of three
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  • How far along are you/what size is baby?
    33, durian fruit (I have no idea what this is...)

    Rant: GD. Rave: It's not THAT bad. So far fairly manageable. My latest "symptom" -- does anyone else feel this way -- I HATE standing. Like talking to someone in the hall at work or standing and talking at a party for 5 minutes and I feel terrible, my back and belly are aching. But if I'm walking/moving, I am mostly fine. So now standing is off limits? 

    Anything baby-related this week?
    Hoping to wash and organize some baby clothes.

    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)?
    I want to be in our forever home, the place we'll be until our kids take us in our move us into a retirement village. I imagine it being the most perfect home ever, with nothing we need to renovate. I still think we'll be in the same overall area. I want to have a director role at a job I like or really love. I hope DH is rocking it with his business.

    DD1 will be 13. I can't even... 
    DD2 will be turning 10. I hope they are both thriving in school and whatever activities they love. And have lots of good friends around them. I don't imagine a third kid in this equation but I'm sure DH sees it differently!
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
  • How far along are you/what size is baby? 33 weeks - ferret, honeydew melon

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Feeling pretty good overall. Some days are better than others. I have been so exhausted even after working my 8-hour shift, never mind the 12-hour shifts. I don't know if I'll make it to 40 weeks but I'll take it one day at a time. Baby has been kicking and rolling a ton which is incredible. Sleeping is hit or miss. I think I alternate one night of terrible sleep and one night of great sleep to make up for it. And this week I'm either getting a cold or experiencing awful allergies. Either way, my head feels gigantic!

    Anything baby-related this week? Today I have a routine check-up and childbirth class #3 tonight. I also talked to my boss yesterday about my schedule when I come back and my naive plans for coming back full time :)

    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)? In 10 years, I hope DH and I have returned to traveling fairly frequently. We know we'll be taking a few years off when the child is young (or doing scaled-down trips), but by then, hopefully our child will be able to enjoy it. As of right now, we're planning to only have one child but things could always change. I'm hoping to still be working as a nurse, in whatever direction life takes me. I do enjoy med/surg where I am right now but am open to other higher-paying possibilities! I know DH would prefer to be in a different job. I hope to still be running and staying active as a family (stopped running this pregnancy but can't wait to get back into it).
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • sboston06 said:
    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)? In 10 years, I hope DH and I have returned to traveling fairly frequently. We know we'll be taking a few years off when the child is young (or doing scaled-down trips), but by then, hopefully our child will be able to enjoy it. 
    Good one, I forgot about travel! Yes, in 10 years I hope we are traveling like crazy. I know my parents traveled a lot, both with and without us, as we got older. I really look forward to this!
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
  • On the lines of traveling, and it may be an extreme pipe dream, but we've dreamed through homeschooling for a year, living on a sail boat, and traveling the world with our kiddos on it. How cool would that be? We may need to scale back to just doing it for a summer, but still, what an experience! 
  • sboston06sboston06 member
    edited May 2016
    @LDSJM123 - my husband's cousins did this for quite a bit of their lives. They are pretty normal well-adjusted adults now with good jobs too. One is getting her PhD in psychology, the other works in city planning. I don't know too much about their upbringing but I know they spent several years living in Fiji when they were young and school-aged. 

    (edited to correct something)
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • How far along are you/what size baby?
    34 weeks

    The usual, tired, can't sleep, out of breath, cranky, feeling gigantic. 

    Anything baby-related this week?
    Regular midwife appt yesterday. She was slightly worried that LO still switches from head up to breech to transverse ask the time. Made a note in my chart confirm position as I get closer to labor. 

    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)?

    In dream land, DD will be 12.5, this LO will be 10, next LO would be 7 or 8, youngest would be 5 or 6. DH is thinking 4 kids, I have no idea how many I want, so we'll just play it by ear. We would have bought our dream property, in the area were are already. Built our dream house (DH days huge, I say moderately small) with an orchard out back, couple of cows, horses, chickens, etc. 
    I imagine I will still be working, or have bought this business and DH and I would be running it ourselves. So weird to think of my kids that far in the future. What will they be like? What will they be interested in? 
  • How far along are you/what size baby?
    33 weeks, 3 chocolate croissants 

    I have this intense pulling pain in my groin after bending down and standing up (picking something up, tying my shoes) like the ligaments are just going to snap in half!  Also, gross symptom... blackheads on the top of my fundus / middle of my chest.  Boob sweat? Ugh. Nasty.  

    Anything baby-related this week?
    I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow and have a prenatal massage Friday.  Even though my insurance is crappy they somehow cover 30 chiropractor sessions a year.  Baby is breech so I am hoping this will help open up my pelvis area and get him to flip.  If not, oh well, I've always loved the feeling after being adjusted!

    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)?

    Wow, a 10 year old!  Hopefully we will have at least another kid (maybe two more?). I've never been good at long term planning or goals, so I will just go with a healthy, happy, family for now :)
  • @mandyjulie - I feel like that too. It's become really annoying at work because I have to stand a lot and I feel so lazy sitting down when I'm working with patients in their rooms, but better to sit than to be in pain or pass out! I think my BP tends to drop if I stand still for too long.
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • setoshsetosh member
    How far along are you/what size is baby?
    31 weeks- otter, romaine lettuce and asparagus 

    I am now waking up in excess of 6 times a night. I am so so tired. 

    Anything baby-related this week?
    Buying a crib within the next few days, still working on the nursery. 

    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)?
    I hope to have another LO running around with my 10 year old... wow. Steady jobs for both my boyfriend and myself using our degrees. Hopefully we will own our home and our doggy is still with us. 

    @mandyjulie I feel your pain. I stand for 7.5 hours everyday at work. I am sore. 
  • sboston06sboston06 member
    edited May 2016
    double posted in error!
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • How far along are you/what size is baby? 34 weeks!

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Started randomly waking up in the middle of the night causing me to want to sleep all day. BH have slowed down a little a little bit. Still have the worst pelvic bone pain. 

    Anything baby-related this week? Just organizing everything from the shower and figuring out what we still need.  

    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)? This house flipped and sold and we're into something much bigger. The car lot doing well, both our doggys still around and one or two more kids running around with this LO :)
  • How far along are you/what size is baby?
    33 weeks; cauliflower, ferret, celery, junior tennis racket

    Tired, constipation, not sleeping well due to hip pain and waking up a lot

    Anything baby-related this week?
    Not that I can think of at the moment

    GTKY: Where do you see yourself/family in 10 years (your home life, jobs, family size, hobbies you want to take up/get back into, etc.)?
    In 10 years, I hope to possibly be transitioned out of the classroom into a reading specialist role which is what my masters is in. I hope my husband is the owner of his own brewery by then and its successful. We may or may not have another child in a year or two, so we may just be parents of a 10 year old and traveling and hopefully in our forever home.
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