Me: 37 DH:41
10/2009 - TTC#1 Stopped BCP! Let's DO this!
1/2010 - BFP (Natural) --> 10/2010 - DS born! Yay!
12/2010 - DH diagnosed with stage 3B testicular cancer. #cancersucks
10/2011 - Complications with DH and lymph nodes in groin area removed. No longer able to ejaculate.
1/2014 - TTC#2 - IUI#1. No luck. Findings: DH sperm did not survive freeze. RE recommends IVF with ICSI.
3/2014 - IVF Cycle #1 Started BCP
4/2014 - Lupron, Gonal-F, and Menopur
5/7/2014 - ER day (25 eggs retrieved, 15 mature)
5/10/2014 - 6 fertilized, 3 embryos frozen - one grade A and two Grade B. Plan was to grow out to blastocyst stage but rest of eggs arrested by day 3. Decided to freeze on day 3.
2/9/2016 - FET #1 with Grade A (8 cell - 3 day embryo); 2/20 - Beta was <5. BFN.

Waiting for period and start next FET.
7/8/2016 - FET #2 with Grade B (8 cell - 3 day embryo), fingers crossed this one sticks.

7/19 - Beta was 74. BFP!!!!; 7/21 - Beta was 182; 1st U/S on 8/2; 2nd U/S on 8/16

Re: ~~ 2if weekly check in (5/23/16) ~~
QOTW: Hmmmm . . . I would pay off my credit cards, car, and some of the mortgage. I would then take a trip with the hubby, donate some money to a cause, and prob help my parents out with their bills. A million dollars doesn't go very far in California.
10/2009 - TTC#1 Stopped BCP! Let's DO this!
7/8/2016 - FET #2 with Grade B (8 cell - 3 day embryo), fingers crossed this one sticks.
7/19 - Beta was 74. BFP!!!!; 7/21 - Beta was 182; 1st U/S on 8/2; 2nd U/S on 8/16
CD20. For those that read my post I have decided to go back to my original RE's office and take the more conservative approach with medicated IUI cycles. I just had my AMH levels retested and they came back at 0.07, down from 0.389 in December. I'm trying not to let that upset me, but it's hard. I'm slowly accepting the fact that I will more than likely never have a another baby. I'm going into the IUI process with no expectations. I'm not going to stress over the TWW like I have in the past. I'm doing 3-6 cycles because insurance will pay for it, so why not.
QOTW: I would pay off all of our bills, help out my parents a little bit and save a chunk for retirement. Oh, and take a really nice vacation :
10/2009 - TTC#1 Stopped BCP! Let's DO this!
7/8/2016 - FET #2 with Grade B (8 cell - 3 day embryo), fingers crossed this one sticks.
7/19 - Beta was 74. BFP!!!!; 7/21 - Beta was 182; 1st U/S on 8/2; 2nd U/S on 8/16
I got some of my blood work back and several of my levels are wonky and I need to get my thyroid meds upped. I also got my next cycle meds ordered so this is all new territory for me.
QOTW: I am boring. I would pay off my house, car, CCs, and DH would get a new car. The rest would go into savings for a rainy day fund - beefing up college, 401k, house repairs, etc.
Kid #1 - 09/03/12
Hysteroscopy #10 - scar tissue grew back reblocking my right tube
#11 or IVF with scarring still inside?
1 lone embryo from September 2016 retreival, dx with Trisomy 16, starting fresh