February 2017 Moms


joyful08joyful08 member
edited June 2016 in February 2017 Moms
Hi everyone! Congratulations on your BFP! Tell us a little bit about yourself and put your EDD below. 

*if someone knows how to make a google doc and put the link in here for us to add that would be great*


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  • rissa06rissa06 member
    edited May 2016
  • blush64 said:
    Hi! I have been on the Bump for almost 8 years! (and the knot back then!) I have been on much less frequently since last January. I kept meaning to get back on but I didn't really feel like my situation fit in. I have two older children and a daughter who is 3. I have had losses before I had my daughter and I spent part of that pregnancy very nervous. I feel nervous this time as well but a bit better knowing they are monitoring everything fairly closely for the first few months. I have had 4 previous pregnancies including one late loss but not including my early losses. EDIT I am more familiar with the way the boards were before last January and I really liked them back then. I am hopeful things are still good.)

    I am a gestational surrogate for a close relative.(cousin who is not able to carry) The transfer was only a week ago but I got a faint positive this morning and again tonight. I go for a beta test this coming Friday but I couldn't wait to test.

    EDD February 6, 2017

    Wow, how cool!  What an amazing gift to give your cousin.  I'm so sorry for your losses, and FX for good news from your betas!
  • MedicMomma84MedicMomma84 member
    edited May 2016
    Hey ladies! 

    So I just got my BFP on Friday at just 9 DPO and I am honestly terrified. I tried two different brands of HPT and they both came back positive, so I called my OB/Gyn's office and she told me to come in for a blood test to confirm. Of course, because it was Friday, and this is a holiday weekend, I have to wait until Tuesday to find out what my HCG levels are, as per the charting I have been doing for BBT estimates that I am only 3 weeks. My last visit from AF was a short one, only two days..and very light. So, I am completely befuddled. My DH is still very unsure about everything and at one point, he told me to "call the clinic" to get more information on RU-486. But then last night, he got teary eyed and said, "We are having a baby". So, needless to say, it has been a very emotional weekend thus far. My EDD is on or about Feb 5, 2017 based on my charting. I should have a better idea next week.

    I am 31 years old (32 in August) and DH is 33 (34 in Sept). This is my first CONFIRMED pregnancy and we recently had a scare at the ER that they suspect could have been a very VERY early miscarriage, but they are still not entirely sure. I ended up having to take progesterone to stop the bleeding. SO, again...very nervous..terrified..I am a Paramedic, so you would think I would be better prepared for this, but I'm not.  :smile: 

    I'm glad several of us are in the same boat! 
  • @Yailani23 Sending positive vibes for sticky babies!!! :smiley: 
  • @Vastra
    Congratulations!! I see you're a fellow Whovian!  This is going to be fun for all of us, I'm sure!
  • @lferretti89
    What an amazing birthday gift!  Happy Belated Birthday!!
  • blush64blush64 member
    @Xstatic3333 Thank you, and best wishes during the next 9 months :)
  • rissa06rissa06 member
    @ kami2277 I'm hesitant to introduce myself just yet, but I wanted to say that I am newly pregnant after a tubal reversal as well!

  • VastraVastra member
    Congratulations!! I see you're a fellow Whovian!  This is going to be fun for all of us, I'm sure!
    After lurking on several boards on several sites, I picked this one because of all the Doctor-related screen names! Welcome and congratulations to you as well! 
    Married: 2011
    TTC #1: 3/2016
    Me 39 - DH 44
    BFP 5/27/16 EDD 1/30/17
    DD born 2/3/17
  • @MedicMomma84 Thank you so much. I appreciate it! I'm sending good thoughts your way as well. Here's to sticky babies!

    DH: 35 | Me: 29
    BFP #1- 07.25.12, EDD: 03.24.13, DD born 03.26.13
    Surprised BFP #2- 02.25.15, EDD: 10/29/15 |*m/c 7w4d, D&C 04.02.2015 
    BFP #3- 01.21.16, EDD: 09.29.26 |*m/c-blighted ovum 2.19.16 8w1d, D&C 03.04.16 
    BFP #4- 05.24.16, EDD: 02.04.17 |*natural m/c-  07.08.16, 9w1d
    BFP #5- 09/25/16, EDD: 06.07.17 GROW
    , BABY, GROW! 

  • Hi!

    I've been on TB since I was pg with DS who's 2 in Oct. I literally just got a positive. We haven't been trying and I was lacking on my bc. EDD is 2/5. I'm kinda really freaking out. 
  • TW - living children mentioned

    Hi everyone!

    I just found out we are expecting our third! I am in my mid thirties and have a 5 year old and a 2 year old - one boy and one girl.  I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!

    EDD is February 7.
  • With an EDD of February 1, I was thinking of joining the January group as well... But I carb figure out how to join another birth month group.
  • With an EDD of February 1, I was thinking of joining the January group as well... But I carb figure out how to join another birth month group.
    You should be able to post anywhere you want! I think you can just only pick one to go on your homepage. I'm sure Jan would also be glad to have you. I've lurked there quite a bit waiting for this board to pick up. 
  • Hello Ladies!

    My EDD is 02/04/2017. I am 25 and DH is 26. We are trying for baby #1, been trying since Sept 2015 and had a MC back in Feb. Here's to hoping this is the one!!

    ME: 25, DH: 27

    TTC #1 since 09/2015

    Miscarriage @ 10 wks 02/28/2016

    BFP 05/28/2016!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hi ladies. I'm Hillary, I turned 30 this month. I'll be 5 weeks Thursday. EDD 02-02-17   I have 2 boys: 3&5 years old.
    We weren't trying, but DTD 4 days prior to O.
    Hoping for a girl with shettles method timing, but am just happy to be pregnant again. 
    I was a bumpie with them, but couldn't log into my old account.
    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
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