Trying to Get Pregnant

TWW Friday






GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about?

Re: TWW Friday

  • beary67beary67 member
    Cycle/Month:  8/7

    CD/DPO:  40/12

    Timing:  -3, -1, 0

    Testing:  None--I have cramps so my period should start day or tomorrow

    R/R/CS:  I'm waiting for my phone consultation with the company that did genetic testing at the REs office to call me to go over the results.  I was already tested in September for CF since my niece is a carrier, but did not get any other tests done, so decided to have everything done with the REs office.  Fingers crossed the results are good!  

    GTKY: I feel the need to get my nails painted every 2-3 weeks, so that is something I splurge frequently.  My husband has made me more frugal when it comes to grocery shopping, which has been a good thing. I used to get the same stuff each week, regardless of whether I still had enough at home, which lead to a lot of wasting.  Now, DH and I look in the fridge/cabinets before we go to the store and make a list of what we need so we don't end up with a ton of lettuce that I will never end up using :wink: 
    About me:
    TTC#1: October 2015
    dx: PCOS & MFI
    IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
    July 2016: Blighted Ovum
    IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
    FET February 2017 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
    Team Blue X 2!
  • Cycle/Month: 10/10

    CD/DPO: 29/14

    Timing: -4 -2 -1

    Testing: no.

    R/R/CS: I know af will be arriving any minute now. Onto cycle 11 woo woo!

    GTKY: I'm definitely a saver and pretty frugal, always looking for ways to save money. I don't splurge on myself at all (I'm so boring) but I do tend to splurge on my kids for their birthdays and christmas a bit though. 
    DD 6/2007
    DS 4/2009
    m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
    m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
    DD 12/2013
    mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks  <3
    Twin girls! 8/26/2017

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  • Month/Cycle: 6 total, 2 after MC

    CD/DPO: 29/10-12dpo

    Timing: Meh. Only twice during that 6 day FW

    Testing: BFN at 4-6dpo (I thought I was further dpo). I'll be testing tmrw (11-13dpo)!!!

    R/R/CS: First of all, I'd like to thank all the ladies yesterday who helped me with my questions regarding temping and charting. I've downloaded FF and played around/watched tutorials all day yesterday. I already love it and how intuitive it is when you put in the data. I've put in all the data I was tracking (menstrual cycle and BD days) and it's currently showing me at a 32 cycle day instead of the average 28 that my last app was giving me. Also, the last app was giving me a fertile window of a week and a half! So a lot of the times we were BD-ing wasn't even useful! So happy to have a much more useful app. I'm going to start temp charting with CD 1 if AF shows.

    I've been pretty cramp-y, tender breasts, super hungry, etc. Too bad the symptoms of pregnancy are also the symptoms of AF coming!

    Also, I had a very vivid dream last night that I got a BFP. It was really exciting. But then I woke up and realized it wasn't real life. Sigh...

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about?

    No payday for me today, but it is hubby's payday, so one in the same. I'm always willing to splurge on vacations, birthday parties, BBQs. Basically anything that creates great memories and brings people together. I'm really frugal about everything else! Haha! I try to wait until something is absolutely necessary to buy and even then, I either look for a deal, or go somewhere I know is cheap. Mostly all my family's clothes are from Walmart or Ross. My husband and I are definitely not on the same page on this. He grew up poor and didn't have a ton of "things" growing up, so that's what he loves spending money on. 
    Me: 29 DH: 33
    Married: 5/30/2013
    DSS #1: 5/25/2007
    DSS #2: 1/22/2011
    DS #3: 7/8/2012
    BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
    DS #4: 4/21/17
  • Zoey1019Zoey1019 member
    edited May 2016
    Cycle/Month: 5/4

    CD/DPO: 33/7

    Timing: -2 x2

    Testing: Starting tomorrow I am sure...because...BSC

    R/R/CS: It has started! I got dizzy this morning and was like, ohhh what does that mean! Hmmm...STOP IT...stop it stop it stop it. I am that person talking to myself today. I have a long meeting this afternoon that I won't have access to computer, so that is good. Hopefully having the weekend will make these last couple of days go faster. Just hate having a 15/16 day LP, i know it's healthy and great and some people have short ones, but it makes getting to that next cycle SO LONG. Especially when I know I am not KU'ed the last couple of days. Bleh.

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about? 

    I will always splurge on clothes/shoes/makeup. I mean, I don't necessarily buy the most expensive stuff but I like to look put together, not like I am a schlump... hahah
    TTC #1 - December 2015
    Me:31 H:31
    DX: MFI - 1% Morph 
    12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
    ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
    3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
    ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
    FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!

  • @beary67 I have the same habit of buying the same things even when I still have some left. We ended up with like 10 boxes of veggie burgers in the freezer at one point.

    Cycle/Month: 1/1 (+2 not charting)

    CD/DPO: 22/5

    Timing: -5, -3, -1

    Testing: As little as possible. Though to be honest I've already taken two (BFNs of course). 

    R/R/CS: So last night, my husband was looking at my FF chart with me, since its my fist month temping I was explaining it to him. He commented on how bad our timing was this month, and I was confused because it seems ok to me. After some discussion, it turns out he's been misunderstanding me for the last 3 months, and thought that the FW was a few days AFTER ovulation, not BEFORE.  Glad we're all on the same page now. 

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about? 
    I spend an irrational amount of money on fitness memberships (yoga, an MMA gym, and a general gym pass). I'm trying to cut back. I'm pretty frugal about day to day stuff, like groceries, clothes, beauty, etc. 
  • Cycle/Month: 6/6

    CD/DPO: CD20 / 6 DPO

    -2, 0, +1

    Testing: Next week sometime.

    R/R/CS: Today is going to be a non-TTC day! DH and I are both off work and are going into the city just to play tourist and enjoy the beautiful day and have a nice dinner and be together. I know that if the TTC journey progresses we might not have all those opportunities we do now, for us to just be the two of us and have freedom and enjoy each other's company so I'm going to really enjoy what we do have in our lives today instead of focusing on what we don't. 

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about? DH and I are on opposite pay weeks which is awesome. Today is his payday but we make similar money so there's just a nice even stream of earnings coming in even though we're not overly WELL paid. But we have our little house and we're happy in it and we love eating out so we do that 1-2 times on the weekend. We're pretty frugal with everything else but we're always debating on how to spend our savings that we designate for the household.. I think of household things to be furniture / decor / improvements and my damn husband just wants a bigger TV and new surround sound :).
    Me: 32
    DH: 33
    Married: October 2015
    TTC #1: October 2015
    EDD #1: June/July 2017

  • @DoctorDonna aw, I'm sorry about the bfn. I was hopeful for you with the temp rise yesterday. :( 

    @MelissaM090 Sounds like a fun day with your dh! enjoy! :) 
    DD 6/2007
    DS 4/2009
    m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
    m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
    DD 12/2013
    mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks  <3
    Twin girls! 8/26/2017

  • @DoctorDonna we are also working on paying off debt! We are down to one credit card left! I keep dumping tons of money on it, and then something comes up and we have to charge it. Fx it will be paid off by the end of the year! Good luck with yours! I know paying off debt can be so relieving. I just keep dreaming about what we could do with all the money that I won't be putting towards a credit card payment once it's completely paid off.
    Me: 29 DH: 33
    Married: 5/30/2013
    DSS #1: 5/25/2007
    DSS #2: 1/22/2011
    DS #3: 7/8/2012
    BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
    DS #4: 4/21/17
  • @DoctorDonna we are also working on paying off debt! We are down to one credit card left! I keep dumping tons of money on it, and then something comes up and we have to charge it. Fx it will be paid off by the end of the year! Good luck with yours! I know paying off debt can be so relieving. I just keep dreaming about what we could do with all the money that I won't be putting towards a credit card payment once it's completely paid off.
    One thing we found was important with paying off debt @KirstinH88, is that you need to have an emergency fund. We have a decent sized savings account where we budget money to go there every month. I only get paid once a month, so we pay all of our big bills with my paycheck and then use DH's for small things because he gets paid weekly. I would make sure you are contributing to savings for those emergencies and pay what you can on the credit card. Even if you are only putting $50 into savings, it's better than nothing! We have gotten to that point with our savings. We are paying $20 here and there at the end of each week to make sure we are still putting money away and then writing a "zero budget" to pay off the bigger debts. It's tough. I have a spreadsheet, if you are interested. :)
  • Month/ Cycle: 10/10

    CD/DPO: 22/ 3? I guess. FF changed my CH today from CD16 to CD19. I knew it was coming, but it still hurts. Goodbye excellent timing. I knew you were too good to be true.

    Timing: O and -3 -4? I am guessing those are not great odds. And on O, I am pretty sure that was pity sex and I don't know if that is how I want my future LO to be conceived. 

    Testing: Too soon to say

    R/R/CS: For my sanity and DH patience, I really need to stop staring at FF. I am trying to look at it in every way possible, to see if I may have O’d on CD16, but I am not getting anywhere and I am done with that. Just have to wait it out now. For my rave, I am so happy that it is Friday and Monday is a holiday so...Loooong weekend FTW! I am going to leave work today like..

    GTKY: I always feel a little guilty splurging on myself, but I definitely spend more when it comes to groceries. We like to eat. I am frugal when it comes to clothes and doing anything for me, which as I say this doesn't sounds right so I may need to rethink my budget a little. 

    10/2/10  <3
    Me:29 H: 31
    TTC#1: Aug 2015

  • felix08felix08 member
    edited May 2016
    @beary67 sorry about impending AF. FX your test results come back with good results (I almost said hopefully they come back positive, but that isn't really what I was trying to say, ha!)
    @daisy621 sorry about entering cycle 11. 
    @kirstinh88 It really is shocking how realistic those BFP dreams are, isn't it? Glad you are enjoying FF!
    @doctordonna sorry about the BFN, but super exciting about the last day of the school year!! We have to come back on Monday and Tuesday :-(
    @hanna133 Lol!! My H and I had the exact same conversation last night. I told him I O'd on Monday and he was like "oh, crap. we didn't have sex on Tuesday." 
    @melissam090 Enjoy your day! Sounds amazing. Glad you got great weather!

    Cycle/Month: 9/9

    CD/DPO: 19/4

    Timing: -2, -1, 0 

    Testing: I would like to say not until June but realistically, next weekend

    R/R/CS: It's Friday.

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about? I am usually willing to splurge on traveling, going out to eat, and drinking. I am pretty frugal on basically everything else. I almost never buy clothes at full price and buy many things at TJMaxx/Marshalls. 

    ETA: Question!! Where have the daily threads gone?? MBF, TWT, UO, etc??
  • **question in R/r/CS**

    @beary67  FX everything comes back good! 

    @Daisy621 sorry about impending AF 

    @DoctorDonna sorry about BFN :( I'll still keep my FX for you 

    Cycle/Month: 8/8 (6 charting, 2 NTNP)

    CD/DPO:  20/9

    Timing: -2, 0

    Testing: I've been saying 12 DPO but I'll prob test tomo bc I have no more willpower. 

    R/R/CS:  I had  my OB appt yesterday to discuss next steps and have mixed feelings about how it went. She put in motion all of the following which is good: OH needs a SA, I'm getting repeat CD3 bloodwork, rechecking my thyroid and also my AMH, getting an ultrasound and my HSG is scheduled for June 3rd. But she told me to "relax and it will happen" which I hate and also said she would recommend two cycles with Clomid but they do not monitor it.  From charting, it is clear I ovulate roughly the same time monthly and from my research it seems Clomid works best for patients who have trouble ovulating on their own so I guess my question would be, how would it benefit me? I was a bit overwhelmed at my appt so didn't think to ask that. And when I questioned her about if they monitor she said they don't and it wouldn't make a difference if they did. But thankfully I know from the ladies on here that it should be taken with close monitoring.  

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about? 

    I spend a ridiculous amount of money on clothes for DS - like personalized shirts from etsy, outfits for picture day...etc. and I spend absolutely nothing on clothes for myself lol 
    DH: 34 | Me: 35
    DS1 9/24/13
    DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
    MFI (SA #1
    Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    MFI (SA #2Count 7 mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    AMH .328 
    | FSH 13.2 
    Oct. 2016: Clomid + TI
    IVF: ER 3/1/17; 5 retrieved, 3 mature & fertilized
    Results: 2 PGS normal embryos
    Planned on August 2017 transfer
    Natural BFP 4/3/17,Expecting baby boy via RCS 12/7/17

  • @DoctorDonna sorry about the BFN :(

    @MelissaM090 It's so important to remember to take romantic couple time in the middle of all of this, good for you!

    Cycle/Month: 2 TTCAL/10

    CD/DPO: 36/10


    Testing: Sunday....but I will probably start peeing on things tomorrow tbh

    R/R/CS: *tw-past mc mentioned* I had a big temp drop today! I've had dips with my last two pregnancies three days before getting positive tests, but this is the first time that it's been in the proper implantation window.  The last two were 13 and 15dpo, and miscarried.  I know its not a definite anything at this point, but I'm feeling optimistic. And very nauseous. 

    GTKY: My skin is finicky, so I splurge on good skin care.  Generally not the super crazy hyped stuff, but good MUAC cleansers and toners and an expensive, but amazing, vitamin C serum.  I also do IPL treatments for sun damage and regular peels.  I tend to save on things I can do myself- I do my own cleaning (half the time with vinegar and baking soda), cook from scratch, and do all the reasonable maintenance projects on the house.  
  • sevennsevenn member
    Cycle/Month: 2/1

    CD/DPO: 28/13

    Timing: -4, -2

    Testing: BFN on 9 and 11dpo. Trying to hold off now until AF is late (due tomorrow)

    R/R/CS: can't decide if I feel out or not. Guess time will tell. Btw, just learned about this whole concept of "inverting" tests and "tweaking?!" Not good for the BSC. Thankfully I didn't really find a good tutorial. 

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about? Is like to splurge on a really nice pair of binoculars. And I'm really frugal about clothes- unless it's dresses, then I'm a snob. 
    Me: 36 DH: 37
    Married May 2013
    TTC #1: April 2016 (Mirena removed March 2016 after 2.5 years)a
    BFP #1: 10/14/16 - DD born 6/2017  <3
    TTC #2 November 2018 (Mirena removed October 2018 after 1 year)
    BFP #2 9/11/19 - EDD 5/24/20 - DD born 5/2020 <3
    TTC #3 May 2022 (Mirena removed after almost 2 years)
    BFP #3 11/24/23 - EDD 7/30/24

  • khbearkhbear member
    Month/Cycle: 7/7

    CD/DPO: 22/9

    Timing: Didn't temp, not sure!

    Testing: If AF doesn't come

    R/R/CS: Move along ~ nothing to see here.

    GTKY: I am so not a splurge person. I'm a huge tightwad with clothing in general, though. I rarely buy new clothes, and then only if its filling a need - I went down a size recently, so I bought two pairs of shorts in the new size. I'm really good at not walking in to a store and losing my cool because of all the pretty clothing.

    I can splurge a bit when I'm on vacation. I budget in extra money so I can be all like, yeah I'm spontaneous! Let's get ice cream! I do enjoy relaxing my inner Scrooge a little bit when I'm on vacation. (I just said I budget in being spontaneous. What.)

    @beary67 - FX for good news!
    @Daisy621 - I think I'm a future splurge on the kids parent. My money skills come from years of my grandma telling me we didn't have enough money for (insert childly desire here), and while I think it contributed to my money saving skills, I think it did NOT help me budget. All I learned until I was married was how to not spend money, instead of learning when to spend it, if that makes sense. Little splurges on the kids seem like the way to show kids that yes, we save money but we can also save for the things we want. :) This is all coming from an idealistic girl TTC her first, though, so take it for what it is.
    @KristinH88 - Glad you're enjoying FF. My first month or two using it, I couldn't stop staring! It's a lot of fun learning so much about your body.
    @Zoey1019 - I'm having the most low key cycle since TTC, and have not SS'ed at all... Until last night when I got dizzy and nauseated after eating some sushi. My mind immediately went there. What is it about dizziness that honestly makes us think we are totally KTFU!?
    @DoctorDonna - Woohoo, school's out! Congrats on paying down that debt! That's so great. You'll feel so much better at the end when you can splurge without any negativity involved. Go girl go! Pay off that debt!
    @MelissaM090 - Yay! Have fun with your honey! I think it's absolutely important to preserve just you time where it isn't hinging around TTC. I hope you have a wonderful time. <3

    All this budgeting talk makes me want to make a new budget spreadsheet... 
  •  @beary67 FX for good results from your tests and sorry about impending AF. Thank gawd it's Friday!

     @Daisy621 Sorry that you feel AF is on its way! I think I will be joining you in cycle 11 soon too. Treat yourself this weekend! :)
     @KirstinH88  So glad to hear you were introduced to the world of temping/charting, your life will change for the better! lol Also, BFP dreams are the worst, sorry that happened to you.

     @Zoey1019 I hear you on the SS, I am already overthinking every little thing and it is way too early for me! FX for tomorrow. Thank goodness you have some distractions today.

     @DoctorDonna Yay! The countdown is finally over, enjoy your last day with your students! :)

     @hanna133 That is so cute that your DH was looking over your chat with you, I love when they get all interested and start asking questions. My H was like what does CM stand for? That is when I changed topics. lol I think your timing looks great!

     @MelissaM090 Sounds like you have a great day ahead of you and I love the way that you are looking at things. That actually made me feel better and I think I am going to plan a date night with H this weekend. Enjoy your time off together!

    10/2/10  <3
    Me:29 H: 31
    TTC#1: Aug 2015

  • @DoctorDonna you are basically living my life. I get paid once a month, husband weekly. I also have a spreadsheet and track budget like crazy. We do have a savings, which I will eventually dip into to pay off the CC. But our current card with a balance has a 0% interest (for now), so it's a constant debate between charging the CC or taking out of savings. Ideally, I'd like to keep the savings for a down payment on a new car because whenever I do get pregnant, it will be child #4 and we will need a car with a 3rd row.
    Me: 29 DH: 33
    Married: 5/30/2013
    DSS #1: 5/25/2007
    DSS #2: 1/22/2011
    DS #3: 7/8/2012
    BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
    DS #4: 4/21/17
  • Cycle/Month: 3/3

    CD/DPO: 22/5

    Timing: -4, -2

    Testing: no plans 

    R/R/CS: Allergies are kicking my butt. I just want to stay in bed but its budget time at work which means it's super busy and crazy. Also, I googled "lots of CM at 4dpo" yesterday so the BSC has officially started. Yay.

    Married 07.21.07
    DS#1 01.23.09
    DS#2 08.01.11
    TTC#3  08.31.15
    Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy/HSG 05.16.17
    Hysteroscopy 10.04.17 10.05.17
    Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy/HSG 01.10.19
    Left tube removed
    dx: Endometriosis, Adenomyosis
    BC: February-October 2019
    TTA: November-December 2019
    NTNP: January 2020!

  • @DoctorDonna you are basically living my life. I get paid once a month, husband weekly. I also have a spreadsheet and track budget like crazy. We do have a savings, which I will eventually dip into to pay off the CC. But our current card with a balance has a 0% interest (for now), so it's a constant debate between charging the CC or taking out of savings. Ideally, I'd like to keep the savings for a down payment on a new car because whenever I do get pregnant, it will be child #4 and we will need a car with a 3rd row.
    IMO, I think it's best to pay the card off and use savings for other expenses. I understand needing to save up for a new car for baby #4, but you won't be able to make car payments with a large credit card looming. DH and I agreed to focus on the credit cards and do without a few things for a while until they're paid off. We put a little bit into savings here and there with the idea that, once the cards are paid off, we can take that money and put it into savings. We're tight with funds now so that we'll have a little wiggle room later. If it hadn't been for that, we'd still be paying off three credit cards. We finished paying off one in the fall and now we'll have a second one paid off next month. Then we'll take the payments we were making on DH's card in order to make massive payments on our last credit card. We've paid off the second one one year early and we'll finish paying off the last credit card in about 6 months, if we really do this right. Then we could potentially pay off a big private student loan faster. It just depends on how our finances are looking with a LO. We may end up taking the money leftover after paying off our debt and use it for daycare. We re-evaluate everything at least once a month.
  • @DoctorDonna you are basically living my life. I get paid once a month, husband weekly. I also have a spreadsheet and track budget like crazy. We do have a savings, which I will eventually dip into to pay off the CC. But our current card with a balance has a 0% interest (for now), so it's a constant debate between charging the CC or taking out of savings. Ideally, I'd like to keep the savings for a down payment on a new car because whenever I do get pregnant, it will be child #4 and we will need a car with a 3rd row.
    IMO, I think it's best to pay the card off and use savings for other expenses. I understand needing to save up for a new car for baby #4, but you won't be able to make car payments with a large credit card looming. DH and I agreed to focus on the credit cards and do without a few things for a while until they're paid off. We put a little bit into savings here and there with the idea that, once the cards are paid off, we can take that money and put it into savings. We're tight with funds now so that we'll have a little wiggle room later. If it hadn't been for that, we'd still be paying off three credit cards. We finished paying off one in the fall and now we'll have a second one paid off next month. Then we'll take the payments we were making on DH's card in order to make massive payments on our last credit card. We've paid off the second one one year early and we'll finish paying off the last credit card in about 6 months, if we really do this right. Then we could potentially pay off a big private student loan faster. It just depends on how our finances are looking with a LO. We may end up taking the money leftover after paying off our debt and use it for daycare. We re-evaluate everything at least once a month.
    Ugh...Daycare. Don't remind me. Haha!

    Ya, I'd rather just STOP using the credit card completely, but my husband thinks he needs things. Refer to original post about splurging! We will get it down one day. Hopefully by the end of the year...I do like to keep some padding of a savings just in case anything super major comes up because using the credit cards we've already paid off is not an option. I'm ready to end the debt cycle!
    Me: 29 DH: 33
    Married: 5/30/2013
    DSS #1: 5/25/2007
    DSS #2: 1/22/2011
    DS #3: 7/8/2012
    BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
    DS #4: 4/21/17
  • Cycle/Month: 1/1

    CD/DPO: 28/8

    Timing: -1, -3, -4

    Testing: Sunday, at 10dpo... but I may cave tomorrow and test super early, just so I can have a guilt free glass of wine or two on my night out with DH

    R/R/CS: ANOTHER DAY I DIDN'T TEST! So proud of myself. haha! I love how FF gives me this test day this is still over a week away. I saw that test date and laughed out loud. Yeah right, FF. 
    Another thing that is blowing my mind lately is how much women do not understand their bodies. Everywhere I go I feel like I am running into it. 

    ***TW- Pregnancy (not mine)***
    My SIL has been here for a few days. First of all, she got knocked up on accident twice in a year last year (only one baby, though). When figuring out her due date last year she had no idea. I asked her when she had sex, etc, trying to figure out what her due date might be. So, that is when I found out she really had no idea about making babies. And then yesterday while we were on a walk she was telling me how she still hasn't had a period since giving birth. She had no idea about what hormones do in your body and what actually triggers your period. I mean, I get women not being as into it as we are, when they are not thinking about babies. But, she is a mother. She is all judgmental about how BC is not good for people. So, you need to freaking know about your body. Ugh! I just want to teach all the women in the world about their bodies. It is ridiculous for anyone to be that clueless about how your own body works. I mean, it isn't that hard to understand, really. 

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about? I don't really splurge because we are poor. So, a splurge for me as a $15 pair of sandals at Target. I like to get little things for my house a lot and I do buy way to much on DD. Can't wait until we have some money to splurge. 

    Me: 28 year old SAHM/Birth Doula
    DH: 30 year old pneumatic electrical engineer 
    Married: October 8, 2011
    DD1: September 24, 2013
    BFP: June 25, 2016 and MC: July 3, 2016
    DD2: April 16, 2017
    BFP: November 30, 2018 EDD: August 14, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @DoctorDonna do you have a certain  method of paying off the CCs? I'm interested in this.

    Cycle/Month: 5/5

    CD/DPO: 17/3

    Timing: -2, 0, +1

    Testing: Not sure yet

    R/R/CS: Got my CH! Temp is steadily climbing, which is normally for me at this point of the cycle. I want to hold off on testing for awhile,  but we'll see how that turns out.

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about?
     I enjoy getting a mani/pedi every few weeks. I also like getting nice purses a few times a year. I need to be better about budgeting. I try to save whenever I go grocery shopping, I use coupons, Ibotta and Targets Cartwheel app. 
  • Question about wondfos!!!!

    Cycle/Month: 10/5 after loss

    CD/DPO: 24/8 or 9

    Timing: -2, -3, 1

    Testing: help! I have wondfos and have never used them before. I used one yesterday morning, fmu, to practice lol since i knew it was too early to test. There was a line!? But it was lighter than a control line. The package says it has to be as dark as the control line  to be a that correct? Took a frer this morning fmu and stark white. Wondfos line again.  Wth?!

    R/R/CS: I am so happy to see so many bfp on the weekly thread! Makes me so happy!!!

    GTKy: I save a lot, I need to spend some!!
  • @NurseMarie9 - We chose to pay off the cc with the lowest balance (which also had the highest interest rate). We cut out certain things from our budget so that the money from those things could go towards our cc payment. So, we cut out eating out for a few weeks so that we could use the extra money for the cc payment. If the minimum payment was, say, $85, we would pay extra. So a minimum payment of $85 became $285 because we were cutting out the eating out and "extras." Once we had the first card paid off, we decided to roll over some of those extra funds to the next credit card. So the one we are currently working on gets payments of over $300 a month, with an occasional "splurge" payment of $500 or $600. We started this method with the second card in January and it will be paid off in June. Once we've paid off this one, the last cc will get payments of $500 or $600 until it's all paid off - which would be by December. While we focus our funds on one cc, we only pay the minimum on the others, that's why it's best to pick the cc with the highest interest rate and work on that one first. This is our variation of Dave Ramsey's "debt snowball." You're technically supposed to roll over the entire amount from one card and apply it to the next and then apply all of that to the next card, but we want to get some money in savings and we'll be paying for IF treatments.
  • sweetyjenjsweetyjenj member
    edited May 2016
    Cycle/Month: 1/1

    CD/DPO: 30/9

    Timing: -2, -1, 0

    Testing: Tomorrow!

    R/R/CS: Woke up with sore boobs and had tiny tugging feelings the last few days in of course I'm like "I'm totes ktfu" but then I kinda just don't feel like I am. DH thinks it'll be a bfp tomorrow...but I really think it'll be a bfn. Anyway, we'll see. It's early days still. My prenatal vitamins are making me a lot more nauseous this last week, which is making my life difficult. I have to take things one at a time to help decrease it. prenatal after breakfast, calcium after lunch, fish oils after dinner...not sure why I suddenly can't take them all at once anymore like I used to. My calcium/D's make me most nauseous, so I'm trying to drink more almond milk and eat calcium rich foods after a walk in the sun so I don't have to take it.

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about?
    I don't splurge on a lot. I actually help us save a lot of money by buying store brand for most things, and I research A LOT before buying anything related to traveling. You can really find cheap airline tickets and hotels if you look in the right spots. I don't buy new clothes or shoes unless I really need it, and I prefer TJ Maxx or Target.  BUT: I'm in love with frozen yogurt and will splurge on that treat too often. I don't know why I can spend $3-4 on frozen yogurt, then walk into grocery store and see favorite crackers not on sale and be like, "$2.50? I don't need these this time." What?? makeup is spendy, but lasts a while, so...
    And for funsies, I'm more willing to splurge on memory making fun experiences, but I don't like spending a lot of money on food things. It's only a momentary pleasure that isn't worth it to me. $80 for a good steak? Blah. $80 for groupon for 2 people to play paintball? Bring it. $350 for skydiving? Worth it. $350 for fancy dinner with wine? Just not for me.

    @DoctorDonna we did Dave Ramsey a while ago, too!! It worked and we loved it. We still sorta follow it...but loosly. Now the only debt we have is my student loans.....which is the size of a midwestern mortgage lol...but still it's a long term pay off.  Thankfully we're not big spenders anyway, but we do still use the envelopes for the most part, otherwise debit cards so the money still comes out of the bank instead of credit. You can do it!!! It'll be worth it in the end.

    ETA: @mrsstuessy I have been noticing that, too!! I've learned SO MUCH in the last 4 months about my body and fertility and the whole reproductive everything, and I'm shocked at how little people know. I have friends who have kids and when I ask about tracking cm and cp and temps and all that, they're like, "why? what's that?" :neutral: I actually called my mom last month to talk to her about her experience because she used sperm donors for me and my siblings. She tracked everything, too, and I asked her..."Why didn't you tell me about all this?" I feel like all women of child bearing age should be aware of their reproductive system and know how to track their fertility!

    Me: 30 |  DH: 33
    Married: 8/11/2007

    DD: Born 2/3/17
    BFP#2: 5/3, EDD 1/10/19
  • @sweetyjenj - That's what we're hoping! We want to pay off the student loans, but as a teacher, I get some relief from them. I have a TEACH grant that I'm almost done "paying off" which will save us an extra $8,000 (after interest). And I work in a high-need area in a Title I school, I'll get some relief after a couple of years. Once that happens, we should be able to apply for additional assistance due to my income-based repayment status. Whew! It's exhausting, but we'll get there! :) Thanks for the encouragement!
  • felix08felix08 member
    @1017Shannon Are you sure it is an HPT and not an OPK? An HPT does not need to be as dark as the control line to be positive while an OPK does.
  • Cd 26/11dpo Timing: -3, -1, 0 Testing: I caved last night and tested, 10dpo... Bfn, I had some spotting last evening. Very light pink today. But only minimal. Gonna hold off and testing till tomorrow if I can. R/R/CS: coworker drama!!! Ugh! I'm really having a hard time not telling my coworker to just F-off. I blame hormones. Seriously we have till June 1st to figure out our summer schedule and she's is all freaking out about it. And I have to say her voice bothers me, and I really have to bite my tongue all day long... So challenging! All my other coworkers are lovely, except her! Rant over! I like to plunge on - currently I splurge on anything TTC related - medications, vitamins, organic produce/organic anything just about! I am frugal with paying for gas! I search for the cheapest gas online and I fuel up and sometimes pickup a bit extra in a gas can!
    Me:28 (PCOS, DOR), DH: 32 (low morphology)
    TTC since March 2012
    2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
    3 failed IUIs in 2015
    October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
    IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
    Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....

  • Cd 26/11dpo Timing: -3, -1, 0 Testing: I caved last night and tested, 10dpo... Bfn, I had some spotting last evening. Very light pink today. But only minimal. Gonna hold off and testing till tomorrow if I can. R/R/CS: coworker drama!!! Ugh! I'm really having a hard time not telling my coworker to just F-off. I blame hormones. Seriously we have till June 1st to figure out our summer schedule and she's is all freaking out about it. And I have to say her voice bothers me, and I really have to bite my tongue all day long... So challenging! All my other coworkers are lovely, except her! Rant over! I like to plunge on - currently I splurge on anything TTC related - medications, vitamins, organic produce/organic anything just about! I am frugal with paying for gas! I search for the cheapest gas online and I fuel up and sometimes pickup a bit extra in a gas can!
    Me:28 (PCOS, DOR), DH: 32 (low morphology)
    TTC since March 2012
    2013-2014 - 6 rounds of Clomid - BFNs
    3 failed IUIs in 2015
    October 2015 - wait listed for IVF #1
    IVF #1 March 2016 - bfn, zero frosties!
    Femara cycle 1 May 2016 - POAS starting May 21st / beta testing May 25th....

  • sweetyjenjsweetyjenj member
    edited May 2016
    @KirstinH88 I hear you on that bfp dreaming...last week I had a dream that I gave birth. The pregnancy was only a week long or so (in dreamland) and I went to the hospital, pushed a tiny bit, then left to wait. Then when my baby was "ready" they called me back. ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT in my dream was how excited I was to hold it. When they finally put baby in my arms, I swear it's the most joyful my dreams have ever been. It was a super weird dream overall, but the joy I felt in that moment felt very real. I love and hate vivid dreams.

    ETA: @housewifehobbyist I test tomorrow at CD10, FX!! Hopefully your temp dip is a good sign :)
    Me: 30 |  DH: 33
    Married: 8/11/2007

    DD: Born 2/3/17
    BFP#2: 5/3, EDD 1/10/19
  • @1017Shannon yes, for the OPK's the test line has to be as dark as the control line for it to be positive. I always seem to have some sort of faint line throughout my cycle.

    DD 6/2007
    DS 4/2009
    m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
    m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
    DD 12/2013
    mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks  <3
    Twin girls! 8/26/2017

  • 1017Shannon1017Shannon member
    edited May 2016
    felix08 said:
    @1017Shannon Are you sure it is an HPT and not an OPK? An HPT does not need to be as dark as the control line to be positive while an OPK does.
    I'll double check lol. I'm gonna be testing like crazy next few days I guess I just don't trust wondfos yet :neutral:    
  • @DoctorDonna student loans are exhausting! It's SO great that you can get the help from being a teacher in high needs area!!! I've heard great things about that. Unfortunately, there's not much help available for me like that in my field and location. Thankfully my federal loans get the income based, but I went private student loans through a typical bank for my undergrad and other than consolidating there's no reducing and no assistance. Oh least I've been able to help others not make the same mistake!
    Me: 30 |  DH: 33
    Married: 8/11/2007

    DD: Born 2/3/17
    BFP#2: 5/3, EDD 1/10/19
  • So I tiptoed into here for a day on the weekend, then realized that was dumb.  I am much more confident now being here :)

    Cycle/Month:  1/1

    CD/DPO: 25/2 (ish)

    Timing: -3, O, +1 for good measure

    Testing: At first I was going to hold out until June 1 then laughed at myself at the thought that I could show that restraint.  Now I am aiming for 10 DPO

    R/R/CS:  My nipples have hurt since before O and I just want to trip off my bra every five minutes.  But I am at work and can't.

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on?

    I am not much of a splurger.  I suppose frequent eating out would count though.  I am really frugal about shoes, of all things...

    Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers
  • @KirstinH88 I hear you on that bfp dreaming...last week I had a dream that I gave birth. The pregnancy was only a week long or so (in dreamland) and I went to the hospital, pushed a tiny bit, then left to wait. Then when my baby was "ready" they called me back. ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT in my dream was how excited I was to hold it. When they finally put baby in my arms, I swear it's the most joyful my dreams have ever been. It was a super weird dream overall, but the joy I felt in that moment felt very real. I love and hate vivid dreams.

    ETA: @housewifehobbyist I test tomorrow at CD10, FX!! Hopefully your temp dip is a good sign :)
    ***TW loss***

    @sweetyjenj These dreams are the worst! It was sooo real! I took the test. Nothing showed up but as I was going to toss it in the trash, I saw the slightest line (BTW, this is EXACTLY what happened to me a few months ago before I MC'd). I was so happy and hopeful in that moment. It was great. Then I woke up. I could have lived in that dream for another 9 months!
    Me: 29 DH: 33
    Married: 5/30/2013
    DSS #1: 5/25/2007
    DSS #2: 1/22/2011
    DS #3: 7/8/2012
    BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
    DS #4: 4/21/17
  • @sweetyjenj I think it is so weird how no ones tells you about these things. I mean, I had a doctor appointment in March (just a regular checkup sort of turned preconception checkup). The doctor was like, just have lots of sex and if you want you can especially have sex around day 14 of your cycle because most people ovulate around then. That was it. She told me to take a test if I missed my period and I could come there and get some for free if I wanted. I mean, I'm sure if I really asked for more specifics she would have maybe said more about it. But, that is most all people would really know about the process. I just can't imagine. I have always been a crazy googler though, so I was looking up how things worked in there years before kids were in the works. 

    Me: 28 year old SAHM/Birth Doula
    DH: 30 year old pneumatic electrical engineer 
    Married: October 8, 2011
    DD1: September 24, 2013
    BFP: June 25, 2016 and MC: July 3, 2016
    DD2: April 16, 2017
    BFP: November 30, 2018 EDD: August 14, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
    ***TW- Pregnancy (not mine)***
    My SIL has been here for a few days. First of all, she got knocked up on accident twice in a year last year (only one baby, though). When figuring out her due date last year she had no idea. I asked her when she had sex, etc, trying to figure out what her due date might be. So, that is when I found out she really had no idea about making babies. And then yesterday while we were on a walk she was telling me how she still hasn't had a period since giving birth. She had no idea about what hormones do in your body and what actually triggers your period. I mean, I get women not being as into it as we are, when they are not thinking about babies. But, she is a mother. She is all judgmental about how BC is not good for people. So, you need to freaking know about your body. Ugh! I just want to teach all the women in the world about their bodies. It is ridiculous for anyone to be that clueless about how your own body works. I mean, it isn't that hard to understand, really. 

    @mrsstuessy Yes^^^ to this!!! I have a friend that got KU right after getting married and told me she wasn't using any kind of protection because her sister had issues getting pregnant, she thought she would to. I just wanted to say "Have you ever read anything about how fertility works?!?"
    Me: 24  DH: 28

    Married: 9/2013

    Love my LEO!!

    TTC #1: 9/2015

    BFP: 2/1/16  MC 2/8/16 @ 5wks

    BFP: 5/22/16 RAINBOW BABY

    EDD: 1/30/2017 *IT'S A GIRL!!!!* 

    Kirsten Grace 1/20/17                            

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Cycle/Month: 9/4 TTCAL

    CD/DPO: 21/7

    Timing: pretty good

    Testing: I might break down and start tomorrow

    R/R/CS: I'm so bloated! No matter what I do and it's really annoying. It's a good thing I'm wearing a flowy shirt with a tank top underneath because I had to undo my pants after lunch to sit at my desk.

    GTKY: Since it might be pay day for some of us (woo hoo!), what is something you are always willing to splurge on? On the other hand, what is something you are really frugal about?

    We like to go see movies so I guess that and dinner. I try to be frugal about buying clothes.

    Me: 24  DH: 28

    Married: 9/2013

    Love my LEO!!

    TTC #1: 9/2015

    BFP: 2/1/16  MC 2/8/16 @ 5wks

    BFP: 5/22/16 RAINBOW BABY

    EDD: 1/30/2017 *IT'S A GIRL!!!!* 

    Kirsten Grace 1/20/17                            

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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