June 2015 Moms

Peanut Allergy

Tried to search but didn't see anything new.  Anyone experience a type of allergic reaction to peanuts?  Sunday we gave kiddo a pb and jelly samwich in small bites.  Her chin immediately broke out and looked "blotchy" like.  We're assuming it's from the peanut butter.  We decided to wait to try again before 1 yr check up (ear infection all last week so we both missed work a bit) and if she reacts we will discuss it at apt.  

Re: Peanut Allergy

  • We had something like that happen when starting some new foods, bananas & sweet potatoes I think. We just waited a bit and then introduced them more slowly like just a few bites at first and she is fine with them now.
  • Lo had a major hives reaction to eggs. We did a skin test at the allergist and she is allergic to milk, eggs, and peanuts. She hasn't actually eaten peanuts yet but when we do the 1 year bloodwork which I should do next week they are going to test for some kind of peanut number and determine if we can introduce it in office or not. Maybe ask the pedi if they can add that to the 1 year bloodwork if you have to do it anyway. 
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  • We had allergy test today, allergic to peanuts and chick peas.  From 1-4 she is a 4.  Have to get an epi pen.  Totally sucks but I'm telling myself worse things in life.
  • I have an epi pen also.. My pedi gave it to me before I had her tested because we were having lots of rashes after foods.   She is allergic to milk, peanuts and eggs, according to the skin test at the allergist. Although she hasn't actually eaten peanuts. Not sure if it helps but when I do lo's bloodwork the allergist gave me a prescription to add in peanut allergy to see if it's high or low and then if it's low enough well introduce it in office. 
  • @caitlincunn at what age did your LO have to see an allergist?  I am thinking there is something up with LO and whole milk.  I am planning on talking about this at LO's 1 year appt on 6/22. 
  • We went when she was 10 months. A week before that I gave her eggs and she had hives all over so that's mainly why I took her. I also assumed she had milk allergy because she would get a few hives around her mouth after eating dairy. @swiebe
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