@NamelessAria@Dilynne DH is not seduced by my fancy expensive lingerie, time consuming hairdos, or make-up (which is probably cause he thinks I'm beautiful in sweats, with no make-up and greasy hair, bless his heart), my most effective thing is just to take my top of and straddle him until he succumbs to my wishes, also taking his pants off with my teeth is effective
WAYDTGKU: nothing at the moment. I'll start OPKs toward the end of next week. I decided not to temp this cycle because of vacation right before projected O.
R/R/CS: I'm pretty proud of myself today. I successfully resolved a conflict at work and made both sides happy. It's not often it works out that nicely, so I'm glad it did today.
And vacation in less than 4 hours!!
GTKY: I would really like to get back into yoga. I love it but haven't done it in a while. I usually crochet while watching Netflix, or cuddle my puppy.
Me: 26, H: 28
Married since 2012
TTC #1 since July 2015 **TW**
Laparoscopy and Endometriosis dx February 2016
HSG and SA all clear! September 2016 Testing with RE October 2016 BFP 11/5/2016 ~ EDD 7/19/2016
NamelessAria Thanks
for the kind words and yes I’m from the Memphis area. We moved to the suburbs last Summer and should finally close on the sale of our east memphis house at the end
of the month! PS I’m an Ole Miss grad and that Memphis loss this past football
season still stings. Ha!
@dilynne Sorry your plans didn't work out as you had hoped! Maybe it was just an off night for him?
@Breezymemphis I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how difficult today must be for you. Please take care of yourself!
@mrsdee15 Sometimes I have the tagging problem, and then sometimes not. And both can happen during the same session, so I haven't been able to figure out why sometimes and not others.
@mrsdaddario Sorry you had no growth today, but FX for your next scan!
@snobunniemel First, I'm so sorry for your loss, and second, I'm sorry that you aren't looking forward to this weekend. I hope it goes by quickly and that people are considerate! Hugs to you!
Hi all! First time here in WTO since I joined last week.
Month/ Cycle: 10/11
CD: 1
WAYDTGKU: Starting clomid this cycle then doing IUI #1 this month.
R/R/CS: I was cranky yesterday b/c I knew af was imminent, and now that today's cd1 I'm still cranky. Ready to get the clomid show on the road and do this. Tired of ttc.
GTKY: What do you do to clear your mind/relax? exercising and going for long walks with my dog helps me.
@TheJerilu I'm with you on video games! Which ones do you go for?
Depends how stressed I am! Typically I lean towards overhead management and citybuilders, like Tropico or Game Dev Story. Right now I'm obsessed with Prison Architect and Banished. You?
@britters314 I've always wanted to learn to knit but I get frustrated when I try. Any tips for easy learning?
@Kay6519 I played the violin from ages 4-18, but I never found it relaxing. How long have you been playing?
@EALasagna45 I have an adult coloring book that my DH got me for my birthday. I need to pull that back out! @mrsdaddario Hoping there's some good growth for you next week!
WAYDTGKU: I'm taking a break from acupuncture this month. My acu recommended I try another practitioner at the practice who uses the herbs as apparently it strengthens the impact. I have to travel next week so I wont be able to see him before my fertile period so I don't see the point this month.
The same thing will happen next month as I will have travel again so I probably won't do acupuncture again until cycle 11 IF I am still trying. And my that point I will be thinking about booking an appointment with an RE.
R/R/CS: Sad that I'm here again.
GTKY: What do you do to clear your mind/relax?
I love reading, especially finding a great book I don't want to put down and takes you off somewhere new.
@Daisy621 I have been playing for 10 years. I find playing by ear relaxing. I had a teacher who would make us learn to play instruments blindfolded. He said it made you "feel the music" more.
WAYDTGKU: Pretty much every single thing I can think of or have read about.
R/R/CS: Not much here. H is gone so I'll be having a Friday night of awesomeness. AKA gym and tacos.
GTKY: What do you do to clear your mind/relax? Running is good, any kind of working out is good (getting started is so hard sometimes, especially the days that I need it most, though!), playing with the dog, calling my mom, going on a walk, journaling. Journaling sounds stupid but it helps me work through the things that are bothering me.
Me: 34 DH: 38 Married: June 2011 TTC since Feb 2016 BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16 BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
GTKY: What do you do to clear your mind/relax? I really like working in our garden, going for a run, or turning on some tunes and getting lost in calligraphy.
me . early 30's | h . mid 30's | < 3 . 2013
*siggy warning*
ttc#1 . jul 2015
mmc . mar 2016
dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016 BFP . jan 2017 DD . oct 2017
ntnp #2 . summer 2018 mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019 RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019 surprise BFP . aug 2019 DS . may 2020
dx Hashimoto's 2023 ttc #3 . feb 2023 mmc . apr 2023 mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024 dx elevated nk cells tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025
@CoonMom sorry again about your work environment right now but enjoy your vacation!!
@marriedhamstermom enjoy puppy sitting! That'll make the weekend eventful
@leekat14 you're right about walking the dog. i notice that without even realizing it i'm able to just zone out. Especially if it's a long-ish walk.
@SDSwenson Sorry about your husbands grandma. It'll be a rough weekend, but all people need to hear is that you're sorry for their loss, so don't worry about not seeming empathetic because i'm sure whatever you're doing is perfect.
@monalisaralphio i hear you on the dull part of the cycle. I'm just now coming out of mine.
@clover28 I love the idea of camping and nature in theory, but yeah the second i see something that wants to bite me, no thanks
@steelerfan78 love your gifs and yay for a good appointment!! I also second the wine on the back porch watching the dog. It's surprisingly relaxing.
@Kenya715 ugh so much yes to all the pimples! Once we hit 30 those should go away forever. Good luck for O day!
@TheJerilu Have fun with all the humping this weekend!
@MrsDramaK I just started temping, so I'm just as confused by what should be my normal or not. I'm such an impatient person and I hate not knowing what's going on with my body! *TW* i'm only in my second cycle after my mc so maybe things are just a little weird for a while?
@Dilynne sorry for the failed sexy time attempt but have fun in the cabin!!
@bababatty Sorry for the tough day. I know how it feels trying to hide the fact that i'm crying in my office. These walls are too thin!
@BreezyMemphis Sorry about the 1 year mark. I'm sure that's really difficult. I'm of the same mindset this cycle because I have no idea how long my "normal" cycles should be, so I figure start HIO as soon as possible.
@britters314 I'm glad your kitty is ok and eating well now!!
@EALasagna45 I'm glad you feel like you have a plan now! It sucks when you feel like you are just in a constant waiting game
@mrsdee15 sorry about CD45. But have fun this weekend! That is an AWESOME birthday trip!
@mrsdaddario sorry about the no growth. That just sucks. FX that they can find something that works for you and you can keep moving forward
@LadyBrettAshley23 Hopefully not checking in every day helps you feel a little less drained. I understand how the constant reminder can feel overwhelming. Hoping you feel better!
@snobunniemel I'm so sorry that you have such a rough trip ahead of you. It sounds like that is going to be really rough. Lean on your H and hopefully you can make it through without too many comments from others. Thinking of you!
@whiska That sounds like a blast tonight!! Have fun!
@pretzel2plus1 Yay for resolved work conflicts! They can be so unnecessarily stressful sometimes, so good job!
@daisy621 Sorry about CD1. FX this round works for you!
@babymish Sorry about CD1. There's no way around it, it really just sucks.
@kiki75 gym and taco night sounds awesome! Enjoy!!
Month/ Cycle: 2/2 TTCAL
CD: 6
WAYDTGKU: PNV, tracking cm, temping and HIO starting this weekend
R/R/CS: SO glad it's Friday. This has been a crazy week, which has helped the boring days of ttc pass relatively quickly, so i can't complain too much. DH and I decided to take a couple days off of work after memorial day and have a mini vacation, so i'm just trying to make it to that!
GTKY: What do you do to clear your mind/relax? Mindless trash TV and wine, without a doubt. But honestly after my jazzercise classes (lame sounding, i know, but they're really good!), my mind feels so much clearer and I definitely notice feeling less stressed.
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married 2010 TTC since Nov. 2015 BFP#1: 2/8/16 MC: 3/19/16 BFP#2: 9/3/16 EDD: 5/17/17
@coonmom I’ve always wanted to be a
runner too. I’ve tried. It just doesn’t work for me. Have fun on your vacation!
It sounds great!
@clover28 Gross. Snakes. I hate ‘em.
I can’t even stand to look at pictures of ‘em, they skeeve me out so much.
@TheJerilu I play a lot of video
games too. Civ 5 is a good stress buster. I also really like Hearthstone for a
quick game. I used to play a lot of WoW but it was starting to affect my quality of life so I had to quit.
@mrsdaddario Sending you good
thoughts – hope this cycle works for you!
Month/ Cycle: 3/3
CD: 9
WAYDTGKU: charting, temping, doing
R/R/CS: Rave: I had a great day at
work – super relaxing (for me, anyways). My students got to race their
cardboard boat projects in the pool and then we just farted around with
engineering projects the rest of the day. Project days are the best.
GTKY: What do you do to clear your
mind/relax? Read, take a bath, play a video game, or watch a mindless movie
(something like old kung fu, Bollywood, or bad B-movie horror – something so
outrageous it’s like perfect escapism).
@TheJerilu I play a lot of video
games too. Civ 5 is a good stress buster. I also really like Hearthstone for a
quick game. I used to play a lot of WoW but it was starting to affect my quality of life so I had to quit.
The partner is OBSESSED with Civ 5. Civ 6 is looking pretty good, from what they've shown so far.
@britters314 I've always wanted to learn to knit but I get frustrated when I try. Any tips for easy learning?
I'm still a beginner myself so I don't really have any tips, sorry. I also find it frustrating sometimes, but usually because I'm left-handed and have to switch the words "left" and "right" in every pattern and I don't always remember to.
R/R/CS: I got some green tea to try this cycle since last cycle CM was practically nonexistent. Those of who have used it, how much did you drink and did you notice a difference in CM?
GTKY: I watch TV shows or play board games.
@BreezeMemphis So sorry for your loss and still being here:(
@Pretzel2Plus1 What do you crochet? I was taught how to crochet by an elderly lady and I enjoyed it but I mostly just made doilies. And I don't like doilies so I haven't done it in awhile.
WAYDTGKU: sex and green tea. not at the same time. well, there is this little trick I know with hot tea and ice cubes
R/R/CS: DH got a SA done this week just to rule out anything early. He had a testicular surgery when he was younger and confessed he was actually a little worried that it might have affected something. He's normal so that's great peace of mind.
GTKY: What do you do to clear your mind/relax? Recently picked up meditation but normally I read or watch trash TV.
Sorry about CD1 @babymish and @Daisy621! Hopefully you can treat yourself this weekend!
@CoonMom I'm really sorry your friend/coworker was so thoughtless. Hope you enjoy your vacation and it is just what you need. @marriedhamstermom Happy puppy sitting! @leekat14 FX for this cycle! @SDSwenson I hope things go as well as possible this weekend. I wouldn't worry about not being empathetic enough. It sounds like your heart is in the right place so you might actually be just what the need - someone who cares but is able to be a little more clear-headed so you can organize/get stuff done/take care of people. @MonaLisaRalphio I know what you mean about WTO posts during week 1. WAYDTGKU? Uh, absolutely nothing. Just bleeding and boozing! @clover28 What kind of snake?!?! I probably would have sprinted back to the car, too. @Steelerfan78 Glad your appointment went so well! @Schumerator I hope that this weekend doing your own thing is enough to charge you up to get through the upcoming weekends. I'm the same where I really do love people and I don't want to miss out on stuff but I really do need that time to myself, too. @Kenya715 Hope that your skin clears up soon! @TheJerilu Hope it is a great weekend! @MrsDramaK Coworkers are so fun sometimes. @Dilynne Happy internet-free weekend! That's too funny about last night! Hopefully unplugging will help your H to reconnect. @Bababatty So sorry for an especially tough CD1. Yay for moms and REs. @BreezyMemphis There's not a lot to say other than that I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself. @britters314 Glad to hear that your cat is feeling better! @kay6519 FX that O happens soon! @EALasagna45 Hooray for Provera!. Hopefully this is the beginning of a great cycle. @mrsdee15 Have a great time in Vegas! I hope it's awesome! @mrsdaddario That is so frustrating. FX you won't need a plan B. @LadyBrettAshley23 Good luck with this cycle and with work in the next while! An IPA toast to you! @SnobunnieMel FX to you this weekend. I hope that you're able to find the enjoyable things and are able to come up with a one-liner that will shut people down on the line of questioning. Maybe something like, "That's not a polite question. Isn't this dip delicious/weather beautiful/wedding fun/music great?" or you know, just responding with rude questions about their reproductive systems. "Don't know. When did you start menstruating?" @whiska Hope you have an awesome time at the dance party! @sammajane19 Glad you've found a doctor that is a good match for you! @mylove071407 Glad you had a good time at training! @pretzel2plus1 Glad you had some success at work! Happy vacation! @Daisy621 Sorry about CD1 but welcome! Hope this is the beginning of a great cycle! @babymish Sorry about CD1. Hope that it's a good cycle, even without the accupuncture. @virginiaham Where did you learn calligraphy? @jatwal128 Happy Friday! @hezzer78 That does sound like a fun day at work! @ElleB11 I've read that the recommendation for CM support is something like 2-3 cups/day. I can't say that I noticed anything but that's also because I switched to decaf green tea when we started TTC which was pretty much the first in my life I paid much attention to CM. @meilay Glad to hear that the SA came back normal and that your H won't have that worry at the back of his mind anymore.
Me: 34 DH: 38 Married: June 2011 TTC since Feb 2016 BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16 BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
@britters314 and @daisy621 I'm a beginning knitter, too, but I've heard really good things about knittinghelp.com. The video on casting on saved my sanity.
ETA I have no idea how to fix the fact that I somehow tagged my entire second paragraph.
And is anyone else irrationally aggravated by Kim Kardashian's "pregnancy scare" snapchat? I just found myself swearing at the TV.
Hope y'all don't mind me participating super late. I'm trying to get into the habit of doing these every day again!!
@SnobunnieMel- I'll be sending thoughts and good vibes your way this weekend. I'm sure it will be hard, hopefully it will be filled with lots of distractions! @babymish and @Daisy621 I'm sorry about cd1 @kiki75 Dying of laughter over your "bleeding and boozing" comment!
Month/ Cycle: 7/6
CD: 17
WAYDTGKU: bbt, pnvs, cm, opks, acupuncture, sex
R/R/CS: WHY is my chart ALWAYS confusing? Can't I have a month where I'm not second guessing something?! I've had four days of blinking smilies on my opks, watery cm so I'm thinking I'm leading up to O. But FF gave me dotted crosshairs for 3 days ago. TOTALLY disagrees with all my cm signs and opks. Whatever, FF. I just need to get a solid smiley or some EWCM like yesterday though since DH goes out of town on Sunday.
GTKY: What do you do to clear your mind/relax? Acupuncture, running, dancing in the shower with the music blasting!
Me: 28 DH: 28
TTC #1 since Nov. 2015 Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
IVF Cycle #2 March 2017 - 5R·4M·3F - Transferred 1 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
@TheJerilu I'm with you on video games! Which ones do you go for?
Depends how stressed I am! Typically I lean towards overhead management and citybuilders, like Tropico or Game Dev Story. Right now I'm obsessed with Prison Architect and Banished. You?
My video games are pretty standard, I go the WoW route or play these Nancy Drew games I've loved irrationally for like 10 years. Recently I took up the Sims 3 again, and sometimes I do the Lego console games. They're so easy and they make me laugh and feel like I'm accomplishing something, even if it's basically handed to you for what to do. I just downloaded 7th Guest for iPad, it was circa 1996 I think for PC and it's just as weird as I remember.
DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW, because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@mrsdee15 I quit WoW just before the last expansion. How is it? I play sims 3 sometimes too. You would never think that making sure some character goes to the bathroom on time would be addicting but it totally is.
@mrsdee15 I swear I had nightmares of 7th Guest until I was a teenager. So freaking creepy. There was one part where you walk into a bedroom and click on a bed and hear ghost sex, so of course my sister and I would giggle at that for hours. Otherwise, the whole doll-maker ghost factor of it just freaked me the f out. I think I am thinking of the right game, correct me if I'm wrong.
@hezzer78 I actually haven't tried the new expansion. Usually I do starter zones, but I heard general disappointment with the last expansion so another is coming out soon. I just got Sims 3 University and for some reason watching my Sim study is fun. I really miss Sims 2 University though, that one was much better. ETA: Have you tried Sims 4?
@clover28 Oh I know what you're talking about! I was too young to understand it when I first played it so when I played it recently I really wondered why my mom would buy that for me. It's fun nostalgia though. I love this style game with puzzles and mystery. I miss the days of Myst.
DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW, because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Re: WTO Friday
Married: 04/05/15
TTC since: 02/16/16
TTC since January 2016
BFP - 3/12/16 - MC 4/5/16
BFP - 6/11/16
CD: 12
WAYDTGKU: nothing at the moment. I'll start OPKs toward the end of next week. I decided not to temp this cycle because of vacation right before projected O.
R/R/CS: I'm pretty proud of myself today. I successfully resolved a conflict at work and made both sides happy. It's not often it works out that nicely, so I'm glad it did today.
And vacation in less than 4 hours!!
GTKY: I would really like to get back into yoga. I love it but haven't done it in a while. I usually crochet while watching Netflix, or cuddle my puppy.
Testing with RE October 2016
BFP 11/5/2016 ~ EDD 7/19/2016
NamelessAria Thanks for the kind words and yes I’m from the Memphis area. We moved to the suburbs last Summer and should finally close on the sale of our east memphis house at the end of the month! PS I’m an Ole Miss grad and that Memphis loss this past football season still stings. Ha!
@sdswenson Sorry for you and your H's losses. Thinking of you today!
@steelerfan78 I'm glad you're getting some answers soon!
@schumerator Good luck in poker tonight!
@dilynne Sorry your plans didn't work out as you had hoped! Maybe it was just an off night for him?
@Breezymemphis I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how difficult today must be for you. Please take care of yourself!
@mrsdee15 Sometimes I have the tagging problem, and then sometimes not. And both can happen during the same session, so I haven't been able to figure out why sometimes and not others.
@mrsdaddario Sorry you had no growth today, but FX for your next scan!
@snobunniemel First, I'm so sorry for your loss, and second, I'm sorry that you aren't looking forward to this weekend. I hope it goes by quickly and that people are considerate! Hugs to you!
@sammajane19 That is promising news! FX for you!
Testing with RE October 2016
BFP 11/5/2016 ~ EDD 7/19/2016
DS 4/2009
m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
DD 12/2013
mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks
Twin girls! 8/26/2017
Me: 28 & Partner: 32 | Married 2014
BFP 7/29 EDD 4/11
@Kay6519 I played the violin from ages 4-18, but I never found it relaxing. How long have you been playing?
@EALasagna45 I have an adult coloring book that my DH got me for my birthday. I need to pull that back out!
@mrsdaddario Hoping there's some good growth for you next week!
@mrsdee15 Happy birthday! Have fun in vegas!
@BreezyMemphis I'm sorry. I'm inching closer to the date we found no hb in July and never in a million years thought I wouldn't be KU by a year later.
DS 4/2009
m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
DD 12/2013
mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks
Twin girls! 8/26/2017
The same thing will happen next month as I will have travel again so I probably won't do acupuncture again until cycle 11 IF I am still trying. And my that point I will be thinking about booking an appointment with an RE.
I love reading, especially finding a great book I don't want to put down and takes you off somewhere new.
TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
Month/ Cycle: 9/7 (1st TTCAL)
*siggy warning*
mmc . mar 2016
dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
BFP . jan 2017
DD . oct 2017
ntnp #2 . summer 2018
mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
surprise BFP . aug 2019
DS . may 2020
dx Hashimoto's 2023
ttc #3 . feb 2023
mmc . apr 2023
mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
dx elevated nk cells
tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025
@marriedhamstermom enjoy puppy sitting! That'll make the weekend eventful
@leekat14 you're right about walking the dog. i notice that without even realizing it i'm able to just zone out. Especially if it's a long-ish walk.
@SDSwenson Sorry about your husbands grandma. It'll be a rough weekend, but all people need to hear is that you're sorry for their loss, so don't worry about not seeming empathetic because i'm sure whatever you're doing is perfect.
@monalisaralphio i hear you on the dull part of the cycle. I'm just now coming out of mine.
@clover28 I love the idea of camping and nature in theory, but yeah the second i see something that wants to bite me, no thanks
@steelerfan78 love your gifs and yay for a good appointment!! I also second the wine on the back porch watching the dog. It's surprisingly relaxing.
@shumerator Take all the boys money!!
@Kenya715 ugh so much yes to all the pimples! Once we hit 30 those should go away forever. Good luck for O day!
@TheJerilu Have fun with all the humping this weekend!
@MrsDramaK I just started temping, so I'm just as confused by what should be my normal or not. I'm such an impatient person and I hate not knowing what's going on with my body! *TW* i'm only in my second cycle after my mc so maybe things are just a little weird for a while?
@Dilynne sorry for the failed sexy time attempt but have fun in the cabin!!
@bababatty Sorry for the tough day. I know how it feels trying to hide the fact that i'm crying in my office. These walls are too thin!
@BreezyMemphis Sorry about the 1 year mark. I'm sure that's really difficult. I'm of the same mindset this cycle because I have no idea how long my "normal" cycles should be, so I figure start HIO as soon as possible.
@britters314 I'm glad your kitty is ok and eating well now!!
@kay6519 FX for O!
@EALasagna45 I'm glad you feel like you have a plan now! It sucks when you feel like you are just in a constant waiting game
@mrsdee15 sorry about CD45. But have fun this weekend! That is an AWESOME birthday trip!
@mrsdaddario sorry about the no growth. That just sucks. FX that they can find something that works for you and you can keep moving forward
@LadyBrettAshley23 Hopefully not checking in every day helps you feel a little less drained. I understand how the constant reminder can feel overwhelming. Hoping you feel better!
@snobunniemel I'm so sorry that you have such a rough trip ahead of you. It sounds like that is going to be really rough. Lean on your H and hopefully you can make it through without too many comments from others. Thinking of you!
@whiska That sounds like a blast tonight!! Have fun!
@sammajane19 FX that this round works for you!
@pretzel2plus1 Yay for resolved work conflicts! They can be so unnecessarily stressful sometimes, so good job!
@daisy621 Sorry about CD1. FX this round works for you!
@babymish Sorry about CD1. There's no way around it, it really just sucks.
@kiki75 gym and taco night sounds awesome! Enjoy!!
Month/ Cycle: 2/2 TTCAL
Married 2010
TTC since Nov. 2015
BFP#1: 2/8/16
MC: 3/19/16
BFP#2: 9/3/16 EDD: 5/17/17
mommy to the cutest rescue mutt ever.
my chart
@coonmom I’ve always wanted to be a runner too. I’ve tried. It just doesn’t work for me. Have fun on your vacation! It sounds great!
@clover28 Gross. Snakes. I hate ‘em. I can’t even stand to look at pictures of ‘em, they skeeve me out so much.
@TheJerilu I play a lot of video games too. Civ 5 is a good stress buster. I also really like Hearthstone for a quick game. I used to play a lot of WoW but it was starting to affect my quality of life so I had to quit.
@mrsdaddario Sending you good thoughts – hope this cycle works for you!
Month/ Cycle: 3/3
CD: 9
WAYDTGKU: charting, temping, doing it.
R/R/CS: Rave: I had a great day at work – super relaxing (for me, anyways). My students got to race their cardboard boat projects in the pool and then we just farted around with engineering projects the rest of the day. Project days are the best.
GTKY: What do you do to clear your mind/relax? Read, take a bath, play a video game, or watch a mindless movie (something like old kung fu, Bollywood, or bad B-movie horror – something so outrageous it’s like perfect escapism).
ETA: Typos
Me: 28 & Partner: 32 | Married 2014
BFP 7/29 EDD 4/11
CD: 8
R/R/CS: I got some green tea to try this cycle since last cycle CM was practically nonexistent. Those of who have used it, how much did you drink and did you notice a difference in CM?
GTKY: I watch TV shows or play board games.
@BreezeMemphis So sorry for your loss and still being here:(
@Pretzel2Plus1 What do you crochet? I was taught how to crochet by an elderly lady and I enjoyed it but I mostly just made doilies. And I don't like doilies so I haven't done it in awhile.
Recently picked up meditation but normally I read or watch trash TV.
Sorry about CD1 @babymish and @Daisy621! Hopefully you can treat yourself this weekend!
@marriedhamstermom Happy puppy sitting!
@leekat14 FX for this cycle!
@SDSwenson I hope things go as well as possible this weekend. I wouldn't worry about not being empathetic enough. It sounds like your heart is in the right place so you might actually be just what the need - someone who cares but is able to be a little more clear-headed so you can organize/get stuff done/take care of people.
@MonaLisaRalphio I know what you mean about WTO posts during week 1. WAYDTGKU? Uh, absolutely nothing. Just bleeding and boozing!
@clover28 What kind of snake?!?! I probably would have sprinted back to the car, too.
@Steelerfan78 Glad your appointment went so well!
@Schumerator I hope that this weekend doing your own thing is enough to charge you up to get through the upcoming weekends. I'm the same where I really do love people and I don't want to miss out on stuff but I really do need that time to myself, too.
@Kenya715 Hope that your skin clears up soon!
@TheJerilu Hope it is a great weekend!
@MrsDramaK Coworkers are so fun sometimes.
@Dilynne Happy internet-free weekend! That's too funny about last night! Hopefully unplugging will help your H to reconnect.
@Bababatty So sorry for an especially tough CD1. Yay for moms and REs.
@BreezyMemphis There's not a lot to say other than that I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself.
@britters314 Glad to hear that your cat is feeling better!
@kay6519 FX that O happens soon!
@EALasagna45 Hooray for Provera!. Hopefully this is the beginning of a great cycle.
@mrsdee15 Have a great time in Vegas! I hope it's awesome!
@mrsdaddario That is so frustrating. FX you won't need a plan B.
@LadyBrettAshley23 Good luck with this cycle and with work in the next while! An IPA toast to you!
@SnobunnieMel FX to you this weekend. I hope that you're able to find the enjoyable things and are able to come up with a one-liner that will shut people down on the line of questioning. Maybe something like, "That's not a polite question. Isn't this dip delicious/weather beautiful/wedding fun/music great?" or you know, just responding with rude questions about their reproductive systems. "Don't know. When did you start menstruating?"
@whiska Hope you have an awesome time at the dance party!
@sammajane19 Glad you've found a doctor that is a good match for you!
@mylove071407 Glad you had a good time at training!
@pretzel2plus1 Glad you had some success at work! Happy vacation!
@Daisy621 Sorry about CD1 but welcome! Hope this is the beginning of a great cycle!
@babymish Sorry about CD1. Hope that it's a good cycle, even without the accupuncture.
@virginiaham Where did you learn calligraphy?
@jatwal128 Happy Friday!
@hezzer78 That does sound like a fun day at work!
@ElleB11 I've read that the recommendation for CM support is something like 2-3 cups/day. I can't say that I noticed anything but that's also because I switched to decaf green tea when we started TTC which was pretty much the first in my life I paid much attention to CM.
@meilay Glad to hear that the SA came back normal and that your H won't have that worry at the back of his mind anymore.
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
@jatwal128 1) I'm with you on the impatience and not being in charge of your own body. The waiting every month to O and then find out if you're actually KU is the worst! 2) Yes, thin walls are the worst! Luckily we're both discrete, but I'm sure she knows I called the RE yesterday to set up an appointment, and possibly knows I was crying. At least she's a super cool boss and neither of these things would be a problem. Dramatically improving my week by drinking beer now and DH and I are going out to eat. Noms.
@britters314 and @daisy621 I'm a beginning knitter, too, but I've heard really good things about knittinghelp.com. The video on casting on saved my sanity.
ETA I have no idea how to fix the fact that I somehow tagged my entire second paragraph.
And is anyone else irrationally aggravated by Kim Kardashian's "pregnancy scare" snapchat? I just found myself swearing at the TV.
@SnobunnieMel- I'll be sending thoughts and good vibes your way this weekend. I'm sure it will be hard, hopefully it will be filled with lots of distractions!
@babymish and @Daisy621 I'm sorry about cd1
@kiki75 Dying of laughter over your "bleeding and boozing" comment!
I just need to get a solid smiley or some EWCM like yesterday though since DH goes out of town on Sunday.
Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL
IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
@Kenya715 Thanks for the suggestion! Definitely can't go wrong with HP and the other book sounds cool. I can dig creepy books.
@mrsdaddario Sorry for your frustration. FX for you!
@marriedhamstermom That podcast sounds awesome! I also LOVE crime stuff so that would probably be up my alley. Thanks for sharing!
*siggy warning*
mmc . mar 2016
dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
BFP . jan 2017
DD . oct 2017
ntnp #2 . summer 2018
mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
surprise BFP . aug 2019
DS . may 2020
dx Hashimoto's 2023
ttc #3 . feb 2023
mmc . apr 2023
mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
dx elevated nk cells
tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@clover28 Oh I know what you're talking about! I was too young to understand it when I first played it so when I played it recently I really wondered why my mom would buy that for me. It's fun nostalgia though. I love this style game with puzzles and mystery. I miss the days of Myst.
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!