July 2016 Moms

Bed rest check in

So as more of us good out on leave for bed rest or modified bed rest, I thought it would be a good idea to do a weekly check in.
 Just know you are not alone, and why it is hard, it is worth it.
I am on modified bed rest at 30 weeks for early Pre E symptoms.  This is my 3rd pregnancy and my 3rd bed rest. 
I guess this thread would be a check in, support and ideas on how to manage it.

Re: Bed rest check in

  • @BecauseBabyIamAPug what does modified bed rest consist of?
  • I was just put on bed rest Wed. I'm 30wks and during a size check ultrasound my dr said  a small piece of placenta had tore away from my uterus. my Dr doesn't know if it will be a complete abruption i had to get 2 shots of Celestine steroid  to help her lungs mature just in case of preterm delivery 
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  • @theshannondee I am to rest,  be sitting or lying down as much as possible. But I can get up, cook dinner, take my kid to school/home, and do needed errands...
    They did tell me 'I better not see you in the mall'. I told them 'I don't do the mall, I have Amazon Prime'. She then laughed.

    With my 2nd, I was on full bed rest. I could get up to the bathroom,  to eat and go to the Drs. 

  • @BecauseBabyIamAPug  gotcha! Thanks! I hope you've found some decent netflix and crafts or something to pass the time. :(
  • I don't mean to bring up a zombie thread, but I was just put on modified bed rest today due to high blood pressure (I did the 24 hour urine collection this weekend to test for proteins, so hopefully that comes back normal). Is there anything special you ladies do to keep yourself from going insane? 
  • @nikkimarie159
    FB games, Sim City Build it, Kindle free library. 
  • Not on a bedrest but had a little scare a few weeks back that made me prep for it just in case... my doc didnt put me on any type of bedrest but told me I needed to take it down a few notches.
     I got a bunch of nice colored pencils and an adult coloring book, a crossword puzzle book, and had plans to reread the Harry Potter series and re-watch Orange is the New Black before the new season started...

    I'd double check with your doc as far as what his expectations are for modified best rest and what you're able to do during the day. I made sure I had my hospital bag packed and diaper bag was ready to go. Also, I spread out my errands during the week... one so I don't overdue it and two because I know it will get me out of the house at least for a short period of time. 

    You could always prep some freezer meals as well...
  • thank you!!!
  • Can I join in? I was hospitalized on bedrest and it's day 5...I have placenta previa and was showing signs of pre--term labour...I'm 34W 3 days. The time is going so slowly, but am in good hands, so thankful for that...Played crazy 8s tonight with my husband who brought in dinner and we ate it together on my bed....Date night?
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