June 2016 Moms

Cramping down low?

Hi all, FTM here with yet another question. I have my next appt. on Monday and will certainly call my OBGYN if necessary, but I thought a STM may be able to help me figure out what this feeling is! I'm 35 weeks along.

In the last few weeks, I think baby has been dropping. I'm still carrying her high, but now I feel sharp pressure on my bladder frequently and am waking up 2-3 times a night to pee.

I am having some strange cramping very low in my pelvis (underwear line area). I'll be walking and suddenly need to bend over and stop for 5-15 seconds from a weird painful pulling sensation. This happens maybe once a day, except today when it happened four times. Paired with what feels like menstrual cramps and a bruised crotch, I am just wondering if this is anything I need to be concerned with? Is this Braxton Hicks? Or just growing pains? And are any other FTMs feeling like their body is just one giant science experiment right about now?!

If you made it all the way through this post, thank you. :)

Re: Cramping down low?

  • FTM, but I've had similar pains at times. I have a lot of BH, and some menstrual cramp like feeling, and my doctors said this is normal. If you are concerned, call your doctor.

    Also, welcome to the club in peeing all the time! :)

  • This is my third baby and I've been getting those pains for a bit now. I noticed walking to the park and back was making it worse, so I've stopped that. My doctor told me to just take a break when it happens and if I put my feet up for 20 mins that helps. I'm 37 weeks and it started around 32 weeks with this baby. Does your doctors office have a nurse line? You could call and just talk to a nurse and then they could decide if you needed to come in and see the doctor. Good luck and I hope it gets better. 
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  • My doctor gave me the guideline of 511, call if I'm feeling cramps/contractions that are occurring every 5 minutes or closer, lasting for at least a minute a piece and it goes on for at least an hour despite drinking water and laying down/resting.  Even if you don't meet the 511 guideline, if you're concerned, I would definitely give the doctor a call in the morning.  At the least , it can give you peace of mind.  
  • Just wanted to second everything from your post! I'm also 35 weeks (ftm) & for the past few days the pelvic pressure & low cramping feeling has really kicked up a few knotches! Especially the weight transfer from laying down to standing up sends shooting pains down below. Feel your pain, literally
  • I'm a STM everything you are experiencing sounds pretty normal to me. Everything feels pretty miserable, crampy and sore because baby is dropping and much heavier now. Of course call if your concerned but I feel that same way. 
  • Feeling the same period like cramps now too. Very uncomfortable. Also having a hard time discerning her movements from the cramping and freaking out everytime i feel even a little fluid movement which has turned out to be extra discharge. Going to call my doctor within office hours just to check and ease my mind but after the bad dream i had last night about losing the baby, im debating calling now
  • STM here. I didn't have it with DS but I've been having the same pulling pain in my groin that you're describing as well as period cramps. I'm 36w3d today. I mentioned it at my appt this week and my dr said it was all normal. 
  • SMLmomSMLmom member
    At almost 35 weeks, I don't have what I'd call cramping, but DEFINITE pulling in my pelvic area- really debilitating the other night.  I didn't notice it so much with my first.  I was worried when it got so strong Tuesday night but since then it's eased off so I'm not really worried- it's just a nuisance.
  • Having all those same things too! 
  • alitriaalitria member
    Yes, STM and I had that heavy menstrual cramp sensation with my first son for weeks and they continued into labor.  This time, I'm having them again, including last night when they got pretty severe but never established any pattern.  My first labor was all those types of cramps with back labor, no contractions picked up on a monitor and I wouldn't be shocked for that to happen again this time based on having those rather than the more traditional BH. They followed the exact same pattern as "normal" contractions though, I had a ton of them off and on for weeks, but it wasn't labor until they followed that 511 pattern.  I wasn't sure how I'd be able to tell the difference until I could, and then when it was real labor, I could definitely tell the difference. 
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