Hi all, FTM here with yet another question. I have my next appt. on Monday and will certainly call my OBGYN if necessary, but I thought a STM may be able to help me figure out what this feeling is! I'm 35 weeks along.
In the last few weeks, I think baby has been dropping. I'm still carrying her high, but now I feel sharp pressure on my bladder frequently and am waking up 2-3 times a night to pee.
I am having some strange cramping very low in my pelvis (underwear line area). I'll be walking and suddenly need to bend over and stop for 5-15 seconds from a weird painful pulling sensation. This happens maybe once a day, except today when it happened four times. Paired with what feels like menstrual cramps and a bruised crotch, I am just wondering if this is anything I need to be concerned with? Is this Braxton Hicks? Or just growing pains? And are any other FTMs feeling like their body is just one giant science experiment right about now?!
If you made it all the way through this post, thank you.
Re: Cramping down low?
Also, welcome to the club in peeing all the time!