Trying to Get Pregnant

TTC after Miscarriage

So i had a miscarriage almost a month ago now and my husband and i start TTC after bleeding stopped. (I know you arent supposed to we just really wanted to) anyways i just started bleeding only when i wiped today and im wondering if this could be the start of a period??

Re: TTC after Miscarriage

  • I'm really, truly sorry for your loss.  This would be a great question for a medical provider, not a board of random internet strangers.  We have no idea what is going on inside your uterus.

    I'm going to assume you're new to this community. Welcome!  I encourage you to read the newbie thread at the top of the board.
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  • skiingstarkskiingstark member
    edited May 2016
    **TW MC**

    Sorry for your loss. But it is really important to wait. There are a lot of complications that happen when you start TCC before your body is really healed and I understand I wanted to do anything, to become pregnant again to after my MC in Oct and I was pass the point most MC happen at 10 weeks almost 11. But the doctor really emphasized  to me that I should wait till I have my period and then wait even one more month. That way your body has time to heal reset and less complications happen because in the end we want healthy pregnancies. 

    Married to my Soul Mate since 09/06/09

    BabyFruit Ticker

    MC 10.23.15 @ 10 weeks
  • I admit, I started to have sex earlier than I was supposed to, but it sounds like my doc's advice was on the conservative side. Still not a good idea. 

    Anything and everything can happen after a MC. I was charting and I got a temp spike so I thought I O'd, then I was surprised by my period a day or two later. It took about until my third cycle for things to seem pretty normal. So yeah, that probably is what it is, or it could be something is irritated from having sex. Have you had a scan or betas to confirm that everything is out? 

    I'm sorry for your loss.

    *ticker warning*

    BFP #1 10/30/15 MMC found 11/30/15 D&C 12/11/15 EDD 7/9/16
    BFP #2  3/21/16    Nora Mae born 12/6/16
    BFP #3 11/27/20    EDD 8/6/21
    healing comes in waves, and maybe today the wave hits the rocks and that’s ok, that’s ok, darling. you are still healing, you are still healing- Ijeoma Umebinyuo, be gentle with yourself

  • NamelessAriaNamelessAria member
    edited May 2016
    I'm so sorry for your loss. To echo the others if you think the bleeding may not be your period and could be something wrong then you absolutely need to have everything checked out by your doctor.

    After my MC my doctor told me that I could start TTC again as soon as my hCG was back to normal. My tests were negative again by the time I ovulated so, since my doctor gave me the green light, I did start TTC about 2 weeks after my MC. However, just because my doctor gave me the OK to TTC again so soon certainly doesn't mean everyone should. You should really listen to your doctor because s/he knows way more about your situation and your health than anyone else and is therefore the most qualified to make decisions on how long you should wait before trying again. (On an unrelated aside: Yes I did just murder the English language there with that run-on.)

    Hopefully everything is OK and it's just your period. But whenever you're not sure your doctor is the best person to ask.

    ETA: I just felt like I should include this to be thorough: since you did start TTCing again immediately after the MC if you're by chance wondering if the bleeding only when you wipe isn't a period and is say, implantation bleeding, then I'd say you should test. Testing is the only way to have a definitive answer if you suspect a new pregnancy. Just keep in mind that if your hCG levels weren't tracked back down you could get a positive from hCG leftover after the MC.
    Me: 28 Husband: 31
    TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
    Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
    Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017  ❤️

    Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I just want to let everyone that miscarried know that you are not alone out there.  So much love to all of your.  When you miscarry, your body really goes through a big adjustment.  It's second nature to want to TCC immediately, but your body (and soul) needs time. 
  • @britters314 Yes! The day is mine!

    Me: 28 Husband: 31
    TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
    Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
    Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017  ❤️

    Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • saguiniga said:
    I just want to let everyone that miscarried know that you are not alone out there.  So much love to all of your.  When you miscarry, your body really goes through a big adjustment.  It's second nature to want to TCC immediately, but your body (and soul) needs time. 
    Absolutely.  I tend to flip flop - my immediate reaction was to give it 2/3 cycles before we started to try again, but now that the physical pain has subsided and I'm starting to feel emotionally stable again, I just want to be pregnant now.  I actually miss the aching in my abdomen and the constant peeing and snacking.  As annoying as it was, I was thrilled to be growing a little life <3.  It's amazing how the compulsion to care for something more than yourself happens so instantly.  
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