Good morning ladies. Who's winning this Wednesday? Let's hear whats keeping us going for those still pregnant. And how you're hanging in there with the newborns!
Still pregnant, but this morning ad I got up I discovered I "may" have lost my mucus plug...that's good...right? I'm calling it a WIN and ignoring the fact that EVERYTHING is a sign that I may or may NOT be going into labor within a few hours or within the next 2 weeks lol
Winning: Making it onto the bump at all! Also the fact that we have a semi latch SOME of the time with Evelyn. She would not latch at all at the hospital, so we've been bottle feeding pumped colostrum/milk- but yesterday the nurse practitioner at our pediatrician office was able to get her latched! And she also gave me tips for pumping so we're almost completely off the formula supplement we had to start at the hospital. SO pretty much everything is a win at the moment lol
Still pregnant! And the lady at Subway only charged me for the $3 sub of the day (which was turkey) even though I got tuna. Wooot saving a dollar is about as much as I'm winning today. lol
I have a beautiful baby boy! AND My DH just messaged me 'I miss you and Alex'. So I have the best, most sweetest husband AND a beautiful baby boy. My heart is full.
Winning for me today is that LO's newborn pictures came in today and my milk supply is finally catching up to her appetite! I was able to pump 5oz today! Also, she only woke up once last night so today is totally winning for me so far
We survived breastfeeding through our first growth spurt!! I always had trouble with them with my first two babes, yesterday wasn't easy but we managed!!
My baby blues have been considerably less the past two days (and every minute feels like a lifetime when you are struggling with it), so that is a monumental win for me. Still not in the clear yet, but feeling better in any amount is great.
I have been eating all of the pastries lately and since I'm so freaking pregnant everyone seems compelled to throw in an extra cookie/croissant/donut for free. Which is totally winning! At least until I have the kid and try and lose all of my croissant weight!
Also, now that I'm done working I finally have time to read all of your posts and look at all of your adorable babies.
Lots of winning going on today... 1) Lost part of my MP last night which I never expected to be SO excited about! 2) Found out at the Dr this morning that I'm 1-2cm dilated (1 with wiggle room) and baby is engaged and low. I know both of these could mean nothing but I'm taking it as a glimmer at the end of a long tunnel! 3) I wore yoga pants to work and no one said anything! 4) I threw my trainee into the daily work today...time to sink or swim lady. 5) We're redoing all of our confidential court files to make them even more confidential (long story) and I tackled about half of them today! It's so much work but it's my goal to finish them before I go on ML so my coworkers don't have to worry about them. Apparently I'm nesting at work. 6) Now I'm getting a mani & pedi!
Gotta post a 2nd timd! I thought the AC was broken, I was so frustrated it's been one thing after another with this place! We moved in in late November. It was just the circuit breaker! I was so mad I didn't even think to check it! But my husband is off today and is worse with hest than I am. That's the first thing he checked. ....and I feel it, sweet heavenly cold air! I love this man!
I took a nap when LO was napping. Definitely a win! I was tired today so it was much needed and I usually never nap. Luckily she's pretty good at night and I don't feel sleep deprived. Just a little more tired. But I'm hoping her and I are on a closer schedule than last night.
In the morning successfully got out of the house post c-section with a shower, make up and hair, both kids freshly bathed and dressed in nice clothes and fed both again right before we left house, packed snacks and toys and a bribe prize for cooperation from the toddler, extra changes of clothes for all, for our newborn photo shoot with an active toddler and newborn. Felt like I completed a marathon.
Later I found a frozen cinnamon roll I had forgotten about in the back of the freezer. It was every bit as wonderful as I had hoped.
Made it to 38 weeks with LO! I had been pulled out of work at 28 weeks and told she'd likely need to come quite early (and that I needed to move to a high risk group/better equipped hospital for micro preemies) which I think I've posted about a ton over the last few months. But now she's estimated as 6.5lbs and still in place. Feels amazing to know she'll be full term after so many months of stress and upset and near constant appointments.
In addition since she's breech and no one wants to attempt a version on me, I'll be meeting her a week from today! Nervous and not thrilled with the CS but I can't believe I'm almost there. And in a way, since I'm a planner it feels so great to know exactly when to expect her. Of course she's welcome to flip herself and then come out when she's ready too.
It's now past 10 pm and I'm still pregnant at 40w4d, which would not normally feel like "winning" except I really didn't want this baby to be born on the 18th, since a co-worker (normally a good friend but oh my god so presumptous about the baby stuff) has been offering unsolicited and unwanted predictions that May 18th would totally be the delivery day (yeah okay sure), and now it's not and HAHAHAHAA IN YOUR FACE
I guarantee this person has already forgotten about it and will never feel bad about being wrong, but it would have bugged the absolute unreasonable living shit out of me if she'd gotten it right, so I am happy that I don't have to be secretly resentful that my baby's birthday got ruined by something as trivial and stupid as this.
Also at this point I'm just taking whatever excuses I can to not be annoyed that I am STILL GODDAMN PREGNANT, and with zero signs of actually impending labor to console me.
I'm actually looking forward to my membrane sweep tomorrow. How sad is that.
Winning today is getting my car in order before going into labor (new tires, battery, oil change and renewed my towing and labor membership) I am NOT having a baby on the side of the road. Also got the car seat re-installed since we took it out earlier this week to take my 2 Great Danes to the vet (stomach flu which is now over thank goodness)! Winning!!!
Winning for me is still that I made it through my daughter's second birthday party this past weekend still pregnant. However, bub is allowed to make an appearance anytime now.
Also - got up, got ready, got my toddler ready, dropped her at daycare, and I'm at work. 39 weeks. I'll call that a win.
@sillyfox I can imagine the relief! My only job is to keep baby from being born on 5/24, three days before my DD so my husband doesn't have to share his birthday with our daughter for the rest of his life!
@pascal86 I totally understand! My DD's birthday is 5/23 and I'm due 5/26! Before or after would be fine, but please just not on her birthday! We had her party pretty early, but I was still 38 weeks and miserable for it, but I'm just glad she got a birthday party all to herself before baby brother comes so close to her birthday and she has to "share" forever!
@sillyfox Yes! I know from experience... My birthday is the day after my dad's, and he's never been that into his birthday, but mine always totally overshadowed his because I was the kid. If you have two siblings close together you probably just have to be careful to give them both adequate attention, but that definitely didn't happen in my family for my dad. Oops.
Ezra was born three days before my birthday. I was a little bummed because I'm really REALLY into my birthday, but my family reminded me that Mother's Day is right by my birthday too so I sort of get two days now
Re: Winning Wednesday!
I'm calling it a WIN and ignoring the fact that EVERYTHING is a sign that I may or may NOT be going into labor within a few hours or within the next 2 weeks lol
Also, now that I'm done working I finally have time to read all of your posts and look at all of your adorable babies.
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!1) Lost part of my MP last night which I never expected to be SO excited about!
2) Found out at the Dr this morning that I'm 1-2cm dilated (1 with wiggle room) and baby is engaged and low. I know both of these could mean nothing but I'm taking it as a glimmer at the end of a long tunnel!
3) I wore yoga pants to work and no one said anything!
4) I threw my trainee into the daily work today...time to sink or swim lady.
5) We're redoing all of our confidential court files to make them even more confidential (long story) and I tackled about half of them today! It's so much work but it's my goal to finish them before I go on ML so my coworkers don't have to worry about them. Apparently I'm nesting at work.
6) Now I'm getting a mani & pedi!
BFP #1: 9/12/2015
DD: 6/1/2016
BFP #2: 1/16/2018 MC 2/2/2018
Later I found a frozen cinnamon roll I had forgotten about in the back of the freezer. It was every bit as wonderful as I had hoped.
In addition since she's breech and no one wants to attempt a version on me, I'll be meeting her a week from today! Nervous and not thrilled with the CS but I can't believe I'm almost there. And in a way, since I'm a planner it feels so great to know exactly when to expect her. Of course she's welcome to flip herself and then come out when she's ready too.
I guarantee this person has already forgotten about it and will never feel bad about being wrong, but it would have bugged the absolute unreasonable living shit out of me if she'd gotten it right, so I am happy that I don't have to be secretly resentful that my baby's birthday got ruined by something as trivial and stupid as this.
Also at this point I'm just taking whatever excuses I can to not be annoyed that I am STILL GODDAMN PREGNANT, and with zero signs of actually impending labor to console me.
I'm actually looking forward to my membrane sweep tomorrow. How sad is that.
Also - got up, got ready, got my toddler ready, dropped her at daycare, and I'm at work. 39 weeks. I'll call that a win.
BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016
BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016
Men... haha
BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016