May 2016 Moms

Winning Wednesday!

Good morning ladies.
Who's winning this Wednesday? Let's hear whats keeping us going for those still pregnant.  And how you're hanging in there with the newborns!

Re: Winning Wednesday!

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  • Winning today is getting my car in order before going into labor (new tires, battery, oil change and renewed my towing and labor membership) I am NOT having a baby on the side of the road. Also got the car seat re-installed since we took it out earlier this week to take my 2 Great Danes to the vet (stomach flu which is now over thank goodness)! Winning!!! 
  • Winning for me is still that I made it through my daughter's second birthday party this past weekend still pregnant. However, bub is allowed to make an appearance anytime now.

    Also - got up, got ready, got my toddler ready, dropped her at daycare, and I'm at work. 39 weeks. I'll call that a win.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

    BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
    BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016

  • @sillyfox I can imagine the relief! My only job is to keep baby from being born on 5/24, three days before my DD so my husband doesn't have to share his birthday with our daughter for the rest of his life!
  • @pascal86 I totally understand! My DD's birthday is 5/23 and I'm due 5/26! Before or after would be fine, but please just not on her birthday! We had her party pretty early, but I was still 38 weeks and miserable for it, but I'm just glad she got a birthday party all to herself before baby brother comes so close to her birthday and she has to "share" forever!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

    BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
    BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016

  • @sillyfox Yes! I know from experience... My birthday is the day after my dad's, and he's never been that into his birthday, but mine always totally overshadowed his because I was the kid. If you have two siblings close together you probably just have to be careful to give them both adequate attention, but that definitely didn't happen in my family for my dad. Oops. 
  • Ezra was born three days before my birthday. I was a little bummed because I'm really REALLY into my birthday, but my family reminded me that Mother's Day is right by my birthday too so I sort of get two days now :)
  • clw617clw617 member
    @sillyfox - That's so funny. DS1's birthday is 5/21 and I'm due 5/26 too. May is a happening time!
  • DH was so proud when I first told him my due date. He likes to constantly remind me "Well, you said you wanted them two years apart! You're welcome!"

    Men... haha

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

    BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
    BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016

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