Nothing really baby-related this week. We have plans to drive down to a real city and pick up things like Poise overnight pads, throwaway undies, newborn diapers, etc. I'm feeling the time crunch of needing to be ready soon.
My rants are all about the awful pain in my ribs! I've also been constipated and that is not helping at all with the insane pressure in my ribs and belly. I really hope she'll be dropping soon. I know that will make me uncomfortable in other ways, but I'm ready to have my ribs back.
How far along are you? Size comparison? - 30 weeks and Baby Green is the size of a summer cantaloupe/motorcycle helmet/tailless platypus
Baby related stuff this week? - My first biweekly appointment is tomorrow. We got her rug and picked the paint colors for the nursery & furniture. Feels like things will be moving super fast for the next 10 weeks!
Rants / Raves / Symptoms? - Nothing weird we aren't all experiencing (hip and back pain, inconsistent sleep, heartburn)
@kgrgreen This pregnancy has been just like people say parenting is: "The days are long but the years (or in our case, months) are short." It has flown by!
July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
How far along are you? Size comparison? 32 weeks... no idea.
Baby related stuff this week? I purchased these shoes (on sale). She'll mostly have hand-me-downs from big sister so I felt okay to splurge on fancy shoes. LOL! (note: I got a size 6 when I know she'll be walking)
Rants / Raves / Symptoms? baby is moving much more forcefully lately. Makes impending childbirth much more real (even for this STM!)
I am 30 weeks along with baby Samantha and she is the size of a large Cheesecake Factory cheesecake.
As far as baby related stuff goes this week I had an OB appointment yesterday and my shower is this Sunday.
My main annoying symptom this week would have to be the swelling of my fingers. They hurt and it's hard to type at work. I'm not swelling anywhere else though, so at least that's a plus.
How far along are you? Size comparison? 33wks- Celery and Durian fruit
Baby related stuff this week? Doctors appointment tomorrow
Rants: I need to eat, sleep, and pee ALL DAY! This stupid sinus infection can go F*** itself! My back and vagina both hurt (I can't even with this) Raves: Related to back, hubby got me a hammock and new mattress topper! He's the sweetest! I'm having less back and hip pain. I'm able to go to sleep faster, which is nice. Symptoms: Besides above stated; nausea is back with some heartburn on the side, BH are coming around and hurt like a biatch when I over do-it (which is often when you have a 22 mo toddler), headaches and stars every now and again. Granted those last two are few and far between and only last a little while. Oh and how could I forget the lovely ankle/cankle swelling!
Re: Wednesday Ticker Change
Nothing really baby-related this week. We have plans to drive down to a real city and pick up things like Poise overnight pads, throwaway undies, newborn diapers, etc. I'm feeling the time crunch of needing to be ready soon.
My rants are all about the awful pain in my ribs! I've also been constipated and that is not helping at all with the insane pressure in my ribs and belly. I really hope she'll be dropping soon. I know that will make me uncomfortable in other ways, but I'm ready to have my ribs back.
- 30 weeks and Baby Green is the size of a summer cantaloupe/motorcycle helmet/tailless platypus
Baby related stuff this week?
- My first biweekly appointment is tomorrow. We got her rug and picked the paint colors for the nursery & furniture. Feels like things will be moving super fast for the next 10 weeks!
Rants / Raves / Symptoms?
- Nothing weird we aren't all experiencing (hip and back pain, inconsistent sleep, heartburn)
Baby related stuff this week? I purchased these shoes (on sale). She'll mostly have hand-me-downs from big sister so I felt okay to splurge on fancy shoes. LOL! (note: I got a size 6 when I know she'll be walking)
Rants / Raves / Symptoms? baby is moving much more forcefully lately. Makes impending childbirth much more real (even for this STM!)
As far as baby related stuff goes this week I had an OB appointment yesterday and my shower is this Sunday.
My main annoying symptom this week would have to be the swelling of my fingers. They hurt and it's hard to type at work. I'm not swelling anywhere else though, so at least that's a plus.
Baby related stuff this week? Doctors appointment tomorrow
Rants: I need to eat, sleep, and pee ALL DAY! This stupid sinus infection can go F*** itself! My back and vagina both hurt (I can't even with this)
Raves: Related to back, hubby got me a hammock and new mattress topper! He's the sweetest! I'm having less back and hip pain. I'm able to go to sleep faster, which is nice.
Symptoms: Besides above stated; nausea is back with some heartburn on the side, BH are coming around and hurt like a biatch when I over do-it (which is often when you have a 22 mo toddler), headaches and stars every now and again. Granted those last two are few and far between and only last a little while. Oh and how could I forget the lovely ankle/cankle swelling!