June 2016 Moms

Just need to vent!

I have been on bed rest for a while now and am going batshit crazy! I have been admitted to the hospital for observation 3 times due to my blood pressure being too high and my heart is skipping beats due to low potassium. I want what is best for the baby, but at this point I just want her out of me like right now! I am 38 weeks what are they waiting for...I am now on blood pressure medicine which makes me shakey, my brain feels cloudy, and I cannot eat without becoming nauseous. My body hurts from just laying around. I know this is really long to just complain but I feel so out of it! 

Re: Just need to vent!

  • So sorry you are so miserable. These babies better be dang cute after all of the misery we have endured ;)
  • Sounds miserable!  Hang in there! 
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  • Bedrest sucks - ive been on for about 3 weeks now. Just remember each day is so helpful for the baby!

    You are doing amazing! Hang in there! Once you hold your baby in your arms, it will all be worth it!! 
  • My situation is not as severe but I can atleast empathize.

    I had 1 hospital visit for blood pressure as well. They ruled out preeclampsia but still did send me home with bed rest orders. The problem is that i also have symphysis pubis dysfunction and i have to go to the chiropractor and physical therapy every week, and its more important than ever that i stick with it right now. So i do have to keep going out of the house for those, but still im pretty stirr crazy.

    On top of that i have a chronic illness that has insanely flared up the past 3 weeks, so i am definitely just pretty damn miserable too. Body cant keep up with my mind, growing impatient because i cant do enough to distract myself. Found out today baby is all the way in 0 Station so i am hoping that she decides its time to come out soon :/

    Hope your time left is as tolerable as possible! Best of luck.
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