October 2016 Moms

PGAL check in **5/16**

1. How far along are you?

2. Next milestone you're looking forward to?

3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:

4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery?

LFAF April Siggy: TV/Movie BFFs

BFP #1 12/2012, DS born 8/2013
BFP #2 7/2015, MMC and D&C 9/2015
BFP #3 11/2015, CP
BFP #4 1/2016, DD born 10/2016


Re: PGAL check in **5/16**

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  • @MRSCORKER My mom bought me one of those "snoogle" pillows and it's magical!  I can now sleep pretty much how I normally would mostly on my belly, face down since the pillow props everything on one side up to void pressure points and it goes between my knees and ankles.  Best sleep I've had in a while.
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • krzyriverkrzyriver member
    edited May 2016
    @anna.oskar  I keep assuming it's all in my head. Lol. Your scan is on my birthday! I hope it eases your mind. PGAL anxiety sucks. *Hugs*

    @MRSCORKER I'm having trouble laying on my side too. The pillow between my knees helps the hip I'm sleeping on, but hurts the other one!! Lol. I have one of those horseshoe shaped pillows, which helps my hips, but I had to ditch it because I move around a lot. I would wiggle so much that I would create enough room to turn and lay on my back. But it might work for you! Also, I love your nursery theme! Elephants are my favorite, I would have done them if hubby hadn't come up with his own idea. 

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • @MRSCORKER My mom bought me one of those "snoogle" pillows and it's magical!  I can now sleep pretty much how I normally would mostly on my belly, face down since the pillow props everything on one side up to void pressure points and it goes between my knees and ankles.  Best sleep I've had in a while.
    I bought a knock off snoogle at babies-r-us which I haven't really been using because you have to velcro it together. I might break it back out to see if I can figure out a way to lay face down on it. Thanks!

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

  • 1. How far along are you? 19 + 7 - I'll be halfway done tomorrow! I can't believe it.

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Our friends are throwing us a baby shower next Saturday, which I'm really looking forward to. We have a set of friends who are due 6 weeks before us so it's going to be a very casual joint shower which is exactly what we wanted. And of course the anatomy US in two weeks. I can't wait to see how much she's grown.

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: The past week I've really felt my body changing. Lots of tightening in my stomach, pressure, lots of kicks. It's so weird! Good, but weird. I mostly feel OK, though I still have some food aversion/apathy in the evenings. I've managed to stay active with going to the gym, and I can still work (shooting weddings now that wedding season has started) and I'm really grateful that I'm able to do both.

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We haven't nailed down anything solid yet as the room hasn't even been cleaned out, but we're thinking neutrals (probably gray) with some light pink/rose gold accents. I would love to tie in some woodland/nature themes since we both love nature and being outdoors. I'm from the East Coast, DH is from out west, so I'm thinking of maybe doing some stenciling of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Rocky Mountains.

    @anna.oskar I love the hiking motif! And @MRSCORKER I love the colors you've chosen!

  • kmtz89kmtz89 member
    1. How far along are you? 19 weeks

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Feeling the baby move! Come on already! haha. Anatomy scan June 7.

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Since seeing little one at my ultrasound last week  PGAL-brain has really been kept at bay! It was just SO reasuring that they were okay and I saw the heartbeating and every thing.

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? Non existent at this point... if only we could get our dang house finished.
    *American in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
  • 1. How far along are you? 19 weeks, 4 days 

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? This sounds silly, but I'm looking forward to actually LOOKING pregnant. I have a bump that is super noticeable to me, but is still kind of a cheeseburger belly to other people. Additionally, I can't wait until my husband can feel the movements. He's been so involved in this pregnancy and I want him to have some of the pay-off! 

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: The anatomy scan was very cool, even though I spent the first half of it terrified that something was wrong and the ultrasound tech just wasn't telling us. Everything actually looked great and that has eased my mind so much. We also found a daycare that we loved and we're applying this month, even though we won't need it until April 2017! 

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? I've got nothing! We're moving at the end of this month and will figure it out when that is finished. 
  • 1. How far along are you? 19 weeks 2 days

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to?  Getting her room ready and starting to prepare stuff!. We lost my 1st baby at 19w3d, so after my next appointment, I will probably feel ready to start preparing more. I am just always so hesitant.

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  Appointment last Friday was great, but due to scar tissue, my MFM is having a hard time seeing everything on the baby clearly. I get an ultrasound every 4 weeks when I go, so hopefully better next time. The scar tissue is from my c-section with my girls.

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery?  Purple with hints of pink. I have some stuff from the girls that is new and I want to be able to use again, and their rooms were pink. So, I want to do purple, but with enough pink that I can reuse some of their stuff.

    Ticker/Siggy Warning:  Children and losses mentioned

    TTC #1 since 7/2011
    ME: 37  DH: 38
    HSG-1/16/12-possible blocked left tube
    BFP#1---CP 7/9/12
    Hysteroscopy-8/9/12-blocked left tube for sure, proceeding with IUI#1
    IUI#1 (Gonal-F + trigger)=BFP#2 m/c @ 19w1d D&E 1/23/13
    IUI #2 (Gonal F + trigger)=BFP#3 EDD 1/6/14 TWINS!!!
    Identical girls born 11/17/13
    BFP#4 EDD 8/27/15 MMC at 7w6d

    BFP#5 m/c at 6w

    BFP#6 EDD 10/5/16  Going Strong!  It's a Girl!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers



  • PupatellaPupatella member
    edited May 2016
    1. How far along are you? 16w1d

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? 20 weeks. Just being at the halfway point will be such a huge deal. Also, I think I've felt Peanut move a few times. But feeling him move on a more consistent basis will also be a great milestone!

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Rave: We just found out that it's a boy!!!! I was in tears because now I can name my son after my late Father. I am just so extremely happy!! Rant: This RLP is on and off and almost feels like menstrual cramps at times which is really messing with my PGAL brain. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We unconsciously registered for mostly a blue whale theme yesterday. So I guess that's what it will be. :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @Pupatella Yes to the RLP/Cramps! It was so bad last week that I called my OB for peace of mind. She assured me it was just normal growing pains and man was she right because I popped out like crazy! Try to think of those cramps as evidence that everything is going perfectly instead of as a sign that something might be wrong. It's hard to change our PGAL view, I know!

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

  • Ashleymn said:

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery?
    This maybe be weird but I don't believe in nurserys. I don't understand why build a room for a baby that the baby isn't going to use. I feel like it is pretty much just there for looks. So were not doing a nursery, we will do a room for our child when it is a toddler but no nursery, plus like I said I am a worry wart so I am completely happy with the baby sleeping in my room;however, if we were to do a nursery I would do gender neutral and earthy/nature theme. (also no hate to anyone who is doing a nursery, to each their own right :D)
    What I don't get is people who don't use their nursery but have one.  Our plan is to make it a calming and happy place for everything baby.  Feedings, music, naps, tummy time, and hopefully it's made in such a way that our child will still enjoy it through toddler times and beyond.

    A friend of mine has a nursery and her child is literally never in it.  Sleeps in mom's room, plays in the living room.  So weird to me.
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • MRSCORKER said:
    @Pupatella Yes to the RLP/Cramps! It was so bad last week that I called my OB for peace of mind. She assured me it was just normal growing pains and man was she right because I popped out like crazy! Try to think of those cramps as evidence that everything is going perfectly instead of as a sign that something might be wrong. It's hard to change our PGAL view, I know!
    Thank you!!!!! @MRSCORKER :) Yes, very hard to shake PGAL brain. So glad to hear I'm not the only one, and that it means that everything is progressing normally.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @anna.oskar , Right, and I totally feel like I'd be that parent so better to not make one than it bother me that its never being used lol. I like that you're planning on using your nursery a lot. It sounds like you have a solid plan for it.

    SO and I have been together: 5 Years+
    BFP: 03/10
    First Baby: 10/20/2016
  • ejmo68ejmo68 member
    1. How far along are you? 20w 2d Halfway!!! 

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Honestly just her birth. I am so ready to have her already even though of course she needs to stay in there to develop completely. 

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Feeling good really but I just can't stand for too long without back and hip pain. 

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We don't have a theme but it is pink, green, and aqua. We are not changing it since we are having another girl. 


    Me: 33 DH: 39
    DD 1: 5-24-13
    TTC#2: BFP: 8-23-15 MMC: 10-29-15
    DD 2: 9-15-16
    DD 3: 9-16-17

  • 1. How far along are you? 18w4d

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? anatomy ultrasound on May 27 but hoping to distinctly feel the baby before that!

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I think having a full stomach makes the baby's heartbeat harder to find. It seems much easier when I do it in the morning before I've eaten. Yes I am limiting my doppler time (as hard as that is! I need evidence!) 

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We're doing grass green and sky blue, with white clouds. Husband REALLY wants pink accents for the girl so I'm hoping to keep that to removable stuff like curtains and sheets. Planning on doing Super Mario wall decals. The idea with this room is that the baby might not use it much at first, but it can also work for a toddler or younger child, and the wall decals can be switched out to change it to angry birds, my little ponies, dinosaurs, whatever the kid is into.

  • 1. How far along are you? 16W 2D

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Elective scan on Saturday to find out the sex of the baby!!!

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: This waiting game on not knowing if everything is going okay drives me crazy, hoping that ultrasound this weekend will put my nerves to ease for awhile.

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery?  For a girl purple and gray for a boy teal and gray with guitars.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • 1. How far along are you? 19 weeks!

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Being able to feel kicks on the outside.

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I fell at the gym this morning. I wasn't paying attention and missed a step. I hit my butt on the banister and fell not too hard on my knees. My ass and back are killing me right now.

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? I'm going with a beach/ocean theme. Teal walls with coral accents and fun (not cartoonish) decorations.

    LFAF April Siggy: TV/Movie BFFs

    BFP #1 12/2012, DS born 8/2013
    BFP #2 7/2015, MMC and D&C 9/2015
    BFP #3 11/2015, CP
    BFP #4 1/2016, DD born 10/2016

  • 1. How far along are you? 18W3D

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to?  Making it past 20W5D which is when we lost our daughter.

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  I am so damn sleepy, I swear I could sleep all day and night.  ZZZzzzzzzz

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery?  I am thinking a campsite them, wildlife, or something similar in nature.  If we don't come to an agreement on that, I am thinking solar system.
  • 1. How far along are you? 16w4d

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Feeling consistent movement

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I'm feeling much better lately, only nauseous in the mornings. I felt a little fluter of baby movement Saturday! 

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? I'm leaning towards Noah's Ark to tie in the rainbow theme. 


    BabyFruit Ticker

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

  • @PeggyOlsonFTW I hope you are okay and feeling better soon. Ouch!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. How far along are you? 20w4d

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Feeling baby on the outside. Can't wait until DH and the kids can feel him.

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I wore my too tight pants today and totally regret it. I'm so uncomfortable and it's making me cranky. I didn't get a chance to do my laundry yesterday so these were the only clean pants I had.

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We're going with a baby Monsters Inc. theme. We're not using bright colors though, we're going to try to tone down the brightness.
  • 1. How far along are you? 16 + 3

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to?  Feeling baby strongly/anatomy scan on the 26th (next week!!!!!!!).  I think -- THINK -- that I have been feeling some tiny flutters and other movements that are baby.  They're really weak, though.  I have to be still and concentrate on what I'm feeling to notice it, and I have a hard time believing I'd feel anything this early at my weight with an anterior placenta.  I can't wait until I can feel baby strongly enough that there's no doubt about what it is!

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  Definitely starting to grow a belly.  Most of my old pants still fit but I have broken into my maternity tops and a maternity dress without shame.  Partly it's because they're so comfy, partly it's because I've (re)gained weight in the past few years, and I refused to buy myself new clothes, so everything I have worn in the past two years has been (1) too tight and (2) old.  I'd forgotten how nice it is to have new clothes that fit right, even if they are covering a growing belly. 

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We're team green so baby's room will be unisex.  Right now it's painted blue and we are inclined not to repaint.  We're considering a (very subtle) undersea theme with lots of blues, grays, and creams.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    DH and I:  Early/mid 30s
    Married 7/15
    TTC #1 as of 8/15
    BFP 11/21/15 -- MC confirmed 12/1/15
    BFP #2 2/18/16
  • zuzu87zuzu87 member
    1. How far along are you? 18w6d

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? a/s this friday

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  I hope baby behaves so that we can find out what we are having, I am so anxious to know

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We haven't discussed this since we still don't know the gender
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • zuzu87zuzu87 member
    @vanessa11411 i feel you. I also wore too tight pants today and i just can not wait to go home and take these bad boys off!!!! lol

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1. How far along are you? 20+1

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Anatomy scan this Thursday. Nervous but excited and really hoping it is a positive experience

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: At work today I've been fantasizing about being home with my baby girl instead. It still seems so surreal to think of hopefully being in that position in a few months!

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We painted the room off-white last year so I think now I want to do some light pink and gold/shimmery accents. I have the idea but not really sure how to put it into place! Maybe this can take up my free worry time for the next few months haha
  • Michi1382Michi1382 member
    edited May 2016
    1. How far along are you? 18+6. 

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? My Level 2 Anatomy Scan on May 24th. 

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I felt Hazelnut (official baby nn  :D ) move for the first time a couple of days ago and was moving a ton! I had some minor bleeding a couple of days prior to that, we called my OB and because of my history, he told us to meet him at the hospital. One vaginal check and one ultrasound later, they confirmed that the baby was okay, has a strong heartbeat and that I was no longer bleeding. Scare of my life. I was getting my mindset ready for bad news but thank God everything was okay. Taking it easy and keeping my fingers crossed. 

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? We have a two bedroom house right now DD is in a gender neautral room since we were Team Green with her. We're Team Green again so I probably won't be making many changes to the room. The real decorating and planning will come when we move!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • 1. How far along are you? 20+1

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? The kids being able to feel kicks on the outside! I also love the rolling when baby gets bigger :)  And her birth of course.. I dream about it all the time. I think the fact that I know everyone who will be delivering my baby on a professional capacity is weighing heavily on my psyche.. :)

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: not much to rant or rave about.. I did a lot of weeding today (the worst) so I can plant flowers on Saturday, so I'm excited about that.

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? She will be shariNG a room with big sis who has kind of a shabby chic/hot air balloon type theme going on.. :) lots of framed quotes and miss matched picture frames, plus cute hot air balloon wall decals, a hot air balloon mobile that I LOVE.

  • 1. How far along are you?

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? 
    20 weeks tomorrow baby! Woo-hoo halfway mark!

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    Congrats ladies, we're pretty much all halfway there!

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery?
    I have no idea. We still have to get the garage remodeled and turned into the new master bedroom so we can make our master the nursery. We can't even agree on names, I dread the colors and theme conversation haha

  • 1. How far along are you? 18 weeks

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Anatomy scan 

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: just spent the day yesterday celebrating my 7 year wedding anniversary and even had a date night with DH while my mom watched the boys!

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery? No idea! Probably teal/brown?
    image Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1. How far along are you? 18 + 2

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to? Anatomy scan - a week from Friday! And, hoping to feel the little one move one of these days...I need the assurance it's still kicking in there!  I'm a first timer, so I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to feel, but hoping I know it when I feel it, and don't chalk it up to gas or cramps.

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Fingers crossed so that I don't jinx myself, but the dizziness seems to be letting up...not completely gone, but definitely able to go several hours and not think about it. But that's it, not talking about it anymore in case it heard me...

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery?  Gray and white...figure since we're team green, I can add in pinks/purples or blues/greens as accents after the baby is born.  I'm also thinking puppies, but that's mainly cuz I'm a huge dog lover.  But, not cutesy cartoony puppies, just subtle, grown up dog decor...if that makes any sense.

    P.S. (and mabye TMI) - does anyone have a perpetual fear that every time they wipe after using the bathroom that there will be spoting?  I only had one loss, and there's been nothing so far to indicate anything is wrong this time...but I just can't shake it. It's like I hold my breath every time I go... And, having not felt anything yet, well, it's like I'm just waiting.... *sigh* I think I just always find something to worry about.
  • @LMNOBaby Yes, I was obsessed with checking my TP after I wiped from the day of my BFP until about 15 weeks. It became such a habit that one day I did it when my husband was in the bathroom talking to me. I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing, so I just held it in front of my face staring at it while I was listening and he was so confused as to what I was doing. I had to force myself to stop because I was over analyzing any discharge that I found and it was stressing me out.

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • I also just realized that yesterday was my due date for my most recent angel baby. I can't believe it passed by without me even noticing. That's a huge relief I have to say. Now I just have to get through the 26th, which will be the first anniversary of my grandpa's death, and then I will have successfully survived May. Lol

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

  • @LMNOBaby I still check the TP every time I use the bathroom also. 

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

  • zuzu87zuzu87 member
    @LMNOBaby I too check the TP every single time. It's something u just cant help!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • krzyriver said:
    1. How far along are you?

    2. Next milestone you're looking forward to?
    One week till our anatomy scan! We'll ask them to write down the sex and we'll give the envelope to our moms, who will go to Build-a-Bear and make us a boy or girl bear. No reveal party or anything, just something fun for us to do with our moms. They're so excited!!

    3. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    I *think* I've been feeling the baby move! This is my first, so I'm not sure. But there's definitely something going on in there! 

    4. GTKY: What colors/theme are you going with for baby's nursery?
    My not-nerdy husband actually suggested a Star Wars nursery. He knows how to keep this little nerd happy! I'm trying not to overdo it with the actual SW stuff in the room though, so hopefully it'll come together nicely and not just look like a blue and grey room. 
    So cute that the moms are doing this together. 
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