So I know this is a weird one. My first pregnancy (I was 19 abortion please don't judge) was completely unplanned and ended at 4months. I actually leaked milk after and had some weird symptoms with a super tiny bump. Second pregnancy ended at 8 weeks with a blighted ovum. This pregnancy I am a day shy of being 13weeks and I know some symptoms happen earlier only if you have had other pregnancies. My questions is: seeing that my first pregnancy made it as far as it did, will I experience symptoms earlier? This pregnancy was completely planned and even though I am 4'11" with next to no torso, I look pregnant already (OB likes to joke and say that I am having twins when I am not). I also wonder because LO is very active during my ultrasounds that I will experience some early flutters. What do you think? The tech for my last US was having trouble with getting images needed for NT scan and told me that once I start to feel LO moving, that I am going to pray it stops, lol. It was like LO was dancing in my belly!
Re: Odd Question: Second/Third Pregnancy Symptoms