2nd Trimester

Odd Question: Second/Third Pregnancy Symptoms

So I know this is a weird one. My first pregnancy (I was 19 abortion please don't judge) was completely unplanned and ended at 4months. I actually leaked milk after and had some weird symptoms with a super tiny bump. Second pregnancy ended at 8 weeks with a blighted ovum. This pregnancy I am a day shy of being 13weeks and I know some symptoms happen earlier only if you have had other pregnancies. My questions is: seeing that my first pregnancy made it as far as it did, will I experience symptoms earlier? This pregnancy was completely planned and even though I am 4'11" with next to no torso, I look pregnant already (OB likes to joke and say that I am having twins when I am not). I also wonder because LO is very active during my ultrasounds that I will experience some early flutters. What do you think? The tech for my last US was having trouble with getting images needed for NT scan and told me that once I start to feel LO moving, that I am going to pray it stops, lol. It was like LO was dancing in my belly!

Best Answer

Re: Odd Question: Second/Third Pregnancy Symptoms

  • bsckgb7bsckgb7 member
    It's different for everyone and every pregnancy is different.  There is no way to tell.  When you feel your baby also depends on your placenta location.  Just because it's a second pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean you "feel" flutters earlier, but it's easier to recognize those as flutters since you have felt them before.
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  • I think anywhwre between 16-18 weeks to feel first movements is whats "normal"
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