
Metformin and Birth Control

Hi All!
I have PCOS and tubal issues. My right fallopian tube was removed about a month ago, and extensive work done on the left. RE still isn't sure how healthy the remaining tube is, so she recommended we go straight to IVF. She did give me the option of 3-4 months of monitored or unmonitored cycles and we chose to take a break and do the 3 unmonitored (medication only) cycles. So, in July, we will add Letrozole to the mix I'm on now. She has me on birth control and Metformin until 2 months post op. But now that I'm about a month in to the Metformin (1500 mg) I'm starting to have spotting, and some days even a light flow with a whole week of active BC pills left! It's not really worrisome to me, just annoying if anything. Anyone else on BC and Metformin at the same time and have this happen? I'm starting to think I'm going to skip starting the second pack of BC pills just to let my body do what it's trying to do...

Married February 2014

Me:34 DH: 34
TTC since May 2014

Jan. 2016: 1st round of Clomid - stopped due to OHSS

Feb 2016: 1st RE apt - diagnosed with PCOS still possible uterine septum. Put on BC for cysts, HSG will be in March

March 2016: HSG showed both tubes blocked (right tube holding fluid), no uterine septum, need surgery

April 2016:  Surgery to remove right (hydrosalpinx) fallopian tube and adhesions from the left - all went well!

May 2016: Waiting to start 3 months of un-monitored cycles in July with metformin and letrozole. If no success, going straight to IVF!

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