May 2016 Moms

Milk Blister/Bleb?

Ok, weird question. Is it possible to get a milk blister on your nipple before the baby even arrives? I have a white blister looking thing on one nipple already, and it's somewhat tender. I'm 40 weeks, and I have been leaking some colostrum for awhile now. I can't seem to find anything online about whether you can get these before you even try breastfeeding.

Re: Milk Blister/Bleb?

  • I'm sorry I'm not going to be very helpful because Im still pregnant with my first, but if I were you I might go see my doctor, a lactation consultant, or maybe try finding a La Leche League leader or meeting? You'll probably want to get everything sorted before your little one arrives so you can get off to a good start with breastfeeding if you are planning to nurse. Best of luck! 
  • Yep! Very possible. It has nothing to do with baby nursing, they just happen sometimes. You can try hand expressing it out, but more likely you'll need to either leave it alone to let it resolve on its own or use your clean fingernail or a sterilized needle to gently lift that skin up and release the blister. If you choose to release the bleb and baby comes within a couple of days, latching could be quite painful, but it should heal pretty quickly once the bleb is resolved. Or if you leave it alone, baby could actually help draw it out by nursing. Either way, call your OB or midwife and ask for a prescription for APNO!
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  • Are you working Monday? If not my LLL is meeting Monday morning, it would be great to meet you there! It's a drive for you though, we meet in BSMO.
  • @araecasey I just saw this. I decided to go ahead and continue working this week since little one isn't here :(
    It doesn't hurt super bad or anything... I feel like messing with it before he gets here might make it worse? But I could totally be wrong. I meant to ask my OB about it at my last appointment, but pregnancy brain made me forget. I'll definitely ask when I see her again in a couple days.
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