July 2015 Moms


Has anyone else had thyroid issues after pregnancy? Back in December I went to my doctor for a check-up. I was told my thyroid count was off and that I needed to see a specialist. After I long time, I was finally able to go in and see the specialist today. He did an ultrasound on my throat and said everything looked pretty normal, but he wanted me to do new blood work now and then in 3 months to check my levels. I really hate going to see a doctor and this is stressing me out. We wanted to have our babies close in age, but with this thyroid issue we don't know when it'll be safe to try for another baby. I am hoping someone has a good story for me to hear to help me de-stress.

Re: Thyroid

  • n3na94n3na94 member
    AKOL0 said:
    Has anyone else had thyroid issues after pregnancy? Back in December I went to my doctor for a check-up. I was told my thyroid count was off and that I needed to see a specialist. After I long time, I was finally able to go in and see the specialist today. He did an ultrasound on my throat and said everything looked pretty normal, but he wanted me to do new blood work now and then in 3 months to check my levels. I really hate going to see a doctor and this is stressing me out. We wanted to have our babies close in age, but with this thyroid issue we don't know when it'll be safe to try for another baby. I am hoping someone has a good story for me to hear to help me de-stress.
    Hi! No advice here, but my mom had a thyroid a few years back, thank God it disappeared. We believe miracles are real! I hope this makes you feel better and know God is in control! Praying for a quick recovery and don't stress mama, feel better and enjoy that beautiful baby girl. Things will get better and hopefully everything will work out! Keep us posted mama! 
  • meq124meq124 member
    I haven't experienced it, but being a nurse I know about it. Postpartum thyroid issues are certainly not uncommon, and a lot of them go away on their own around a year or so. Your numbers can be off without necessarily having to treat it, and it sounds like the plan for you, since your ultrasound came back normal, is just to monitor it and make sure there aren't any sudden changes in your numbers between blood draws. The big concerns would have been if the ultrasound came back abnormal. I know it's easier said than done, but I wouldn't stress about it. It's probably going to be more of an annoyance than anything having to get the blood drawn every few months. Hopefully the numbers will be back to normal with the blood draw in 3 months! Again, I can't speak from experience, but this link may help explain some stuff https://avivaromm.com/thyroid-problems-after-pregnancy 
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  • My mom and I have thyroid problems. It really depends how severe. My moms is worst then mine and to be honest, just try and live a healthy lifestyle and if medication is required then it is required. Thyroid problems is not uncommon and it can be treated. And I'm sure you will be able to have another baby :) 
  • After having my daughter in July, 8 months later in March I felt a bump on my throat. I got an ultrasound done and saw a doctor and they said it was a goiter and that my thyroid was SUPER underactive. I now take a thyroid hormone in pill form everyday and watch what I eat (no soy and try to stay away from heavy in cholesterol foods- apparently it's related) it's annoying and I was really upset at first... But I feel fine and the doctor said it is manageable and nothing to worry about as far as having more children etc. good luck! Hopefully it's nothing, but if it is- everything will be OK!
  • I'd never had thyroid issues until my 2nd pregnancy. I had to be on medication during pregnancy to protect the baby, but my levels returned to normal after pregnancy. I know that is a different situation than yours, but just wanted you to know you can have a healthy pregnancy with thyroid issues if you take the proper medications! Best of luck! 
  • AKOL0AKOL0 member
    Thank you ladies. I still need to get my blood work done, but I am less stressed out now. I really hope it is postpartum thyroid because I am bad at taking pills daily. I was glad that if I missed a prenatal vitamin that it wouldn't have been the end of the world. lol. Thank you again for helping me calm down.
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