So yesterday during my routine appointment the midwife sent me directly to the hospital from my appointment because the thought I had preeclampsia. I am 35+5 so i was definitely a little bit scared. I was having high blood pressure which i have never had before in my life or in pregnancy. I was also having spots in my vision and they said my reflexes seemed a little crazy, so they sent me to the hospital and admitted me.
I have no explanation for how this happened after probably 3 days of high blood pressure, once i got to the hospital my blood pressure starting going down almost right away and within 2 hours it was completely down to a very normal rate. I was at the hospital for a few hours and ended up getting to go home thankfully.
All of my lab work came back normal and no proteins in my urine, which i believe clairifed that there was no preeclampsia. I almost wonder if i wasnt a little dehydrated too as ive had a lot of trouble drinking a lot with my acid reflux since i weirdly kind of felt better afterwards and this morning and the crappy sort of feeling only came back like an hour ago. Which i imagine means its back up a little bit.
I have a feeling this baby isn't staying in there til 40 weeks!
Re: A little scare, But all okay!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I dont know what my exact BP was but they had 3 different nurses with 3 different sets of tools take it and all were getting high. I know ateast one was something over 93, but i also dont totally understand blood pressure and my husband does so i just trusted him to keep an eye on it since i was in no mood to learn how blood pressure worked in that moment.
So that was thursday night. Friday morning i felt pretty okay but then around noon yesterday i started feeling weird again but i dont necessarily want to say it was blood pressure. im definitely getting braxton hicks, having a huge amount of belly pain, and baby has been moving like crazy almost non stop. So i mean i dont know if any of this means absolutely anything but theres definitely just been a ''shift'' in how i feel and its definitely different from how ive been feeling, so im doing quite a bit of just resting, trying to get in as much water as I can with the stupid acid reflux and just kind of keeping tabs on whats going on.
As long as she is safe and so am I. I will deal with the bed rest!
Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.
DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!
Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!
@TheHauntedHauswifeAre you going to be induced if it's high at your next appointment?
My Dr wants me to track my bp 3x a week to see where I am at. Basically it's going to be the reason I'm induced in 2 weeks or 3.
I am pretty sure at this stage i am totally able to tell when it gets high. My head doesnt really hurt but its a whole feeling that comes over me. I have a lot of medical issues and have often been told i am '''too'' intuned to whats going on with my body because i often have like a book length description of whats bothering me at at given moment and have a bit of a hard time NOT acknowledging what is up. But i cant really help it. That being said, i do think the past handful of days the blood pressure has actually been a little better, but i think my chronic illness is flaring up. My swelling is ridiculous! I pretty much just cannot wear shoes or socks anymore and my hands pretty much go numb if i grab anything..
Ive reached the ''done'' stage for sure.