June 2016 Moms

A little scare, But all okay!

So yesterday during my routine appointment the midwife sent me directly to the hospital from my appointment because the thought I had preeclampsia. I am 35+5 so i was definitely a little bit scared. I was having high blood pressure which i have never had before in my life or in pregnancy. I was also having spots in my vision and they said my reflexes seemed a little crazy, so they sent me to the hospital and admitted me.

I have no explanation for how this happened after probably 3 days of high blood pressure, once i got to the hospital my blood pressure starting going down almost right away and within 2 hours it was completely down to a very normal rate. I was at the hospital for a few hours and ended up getting to go home thankfully.

All of my lab work came back normal and no proteins in my urine, which i believe clairifed that there was no preeclampsia. I almost wonder if i wasnt a little dehydrated too as ive had a lot of trouble drinking a lot with my acid reflux since i weirdly kind of felt better afterwards and this morning and the crappy sort of feeling only came back like an hour ago. Which i imagine means its back up a little bit. 

I have a feeling this baby isn't staying in there til 40 weeks! 

Re: A little scare, But all okay!

  • Oh man I'm glad you're OK. Just hang in there for at least another week+ and just be ready. We are nearing the finish line. You got this mama!
  • meggymemeggyme member
    I'm glad it's under control for now. Stay in there kiddo!
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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  • Thank you!! Even if we just make it another week, I will feel a little better! 
  • SMLmomSMLmom member
    Wow- scary stuff... glad to hear it all worked out.  Thinking of you!  
  • Scary! Glad everything was ok though. I've been having some bp issues since about 20 weeks, and last night I had some major swelling that came on suddenly so I called my doctor. She had me take my bp at home and said if it was over 160/100 she wanted me to go straight to labor and delivery. I was at 154/90.Thankfully under the threshold but it still made me panic a little bit. I can only imagine how scared I would have been in your position!! I hope you make it at least a few more weeks!  
  • That same thing happened to me! My doctor put me on bedrest and just wants me to make it to 37 weeks! They said that they can see preeclampsia occurring so I go to the dr 3xs a week now and if they see any protein in my urine they will induce me! 
  • BettyRuBettyRu member
    edited May 2016
    I went to the eye doctors because I was seeing a flashing "c" for the second time in a week... It turned out to be an ocular migraine... I had my OB apt the next day and all was fine, but the whole seeing things is freaky... (Since then I've had two more... In one day... :/)
  • Glad everything is ok. Drink up and rest up.
  • So glad everything is ok. Hang in there girl. You got this
  • Glad you're ok!
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  • lm45678lm45678 member
    Glad you're okay!! :smile: 
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • Thanks everyone! <3<3<3

    I dont know what my exact BP was but they had 3 different nurses with 3 different sets of tools take it and all were getting high. I know ateast one was something over 93, but i also dont totally understand blood pressure and my husband does so i just trusted him to keep an eye on it since i was in no mood to learn how blood pressure worked in that moment. 

    So that was thursday night. Friday morning i felt pretty okay but then around noon yesterday i started feeling weird again but i dont necessarily want to say it was blood pressure. im definitely getting braxton hicks, having a huge amount of belly pain, and baby has been moving like crazy almost non stop. So i mean i dont know if any of this means absolutely anything but theres definitely just been a ''shift'' in how i feel and its definitely different from how ive been feeling, so im doing quite a bit of just resting, trying to get in as much water as I can with the stupid acid reflux and just kind of keeping tabs on whats going on.
  • I have just been put on bed rest bc of my blood pressure ... appears this kiddo is going to make an appearance the first week of June instead of the 22. I've had a great pregnancy thus far so it's a bit crazy how I thought I had about 6 weeks and now it have about 3!

    As long as she is safe and so am I. I will deal with the bed rest!
  • Im definitely supposed to be doing as close to bed rest as possible, but i still have to go to 7 appointments a week between my SPD treatments, psychotherapy and midwife. So i have no choice but to get out of the house nearly once a day. I am 36+5 and yesterday they did an ultrasound and baby is already engaged. So i think shes coming prettttttyyy soon. Luckily it looks like my blood pressure is doing OKAY for now as its been a bit better, but i noticed if just walk around 1 store even to get 1 thing im like SUPER done feeling and my ankles feet and hands blow up. 
  • I have a BP cuff that I bought for $10-20 off of Amazon. Not a lot of money for better peace of mind, in between appts.
    *****Losses Mentioned*****BFP MENTIONED*****ALL WELCOME******ALL ABOARD!!

    Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
    Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
    Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.

    DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!

    Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!

  • I have a BP cuff that I bought for $10-20 off of Amazon. Not a lot of money for better peace of mind, in between appts.

    I have one as well from amazon. I have to document my blood pressure 3 times a day. Idk if i get a piece of mind or if it just stresses me out more haha. 

    My Dr said my bed rest does not mean I should not get up but for now I'll just relax bc I don't want to push myself at all


  • My husband mentioned the same thing @ChristinaMichelucci, he thinks i will stress myself out taking it too much so we opted not to buy one. Though i dont know maybe it would have been a good idea. I go through stages on and off of feeling so weird that i am almost positive its gone back up a few times but the 1 time i ended up getting checked again it was decently normal. But like the first time they caught it I just happened to be in the office when it was up, but whose to say that i wasnt just in the office at a ''good'' time the next time they checked. So its just an odd thing cause to me, in my non medical opinion, it feels like it goes up and down.
  • Since I've been home I definitely can tell when it's higher than its new normal. My head starts to kill me and my hands and legs swell. I'm over the headache for the past 4 days on and off. 

    @TheHauntedHauswifeAre you going to be induced if it's high at your next appointment?

    My Dr wants me to track my bp 3x a week to see where I am at. Basically it's going to be the reason I'm induced in 2 weeks or 3.
  • edited May 2016
    @ChristinaMichelucci I have a midwife so it seems like maybe shes being a bit more lenient about it. Especially since it went down so fast in the hospital and then the follow up it was normalish. So as far as they can see, it was just one time, but i mean... doesnt it seem strange that the ''ónly'' time that it was high was when i happened to be in the office 2 weeks ago? Though my personal concerns on the matter did cause her to atleast run the preeclampsia blood labs a second time just encase. Which is technically all that really matters anyway.

    I am pretty sure at this stage i am totally able to tell when it gets high. My head doesnt really hurt but its a whole feeling that comes over me. I have a lot of medical issues and have often been told i am '''too'' intuned to whats going on with my body because i often have like a book length description of whats bothering me at at given moment and have a bit of a hard time NOT acknowledging what is up. But i cant really help it. That being said, i do think the past handful of days the blood pressure has actually been a little better, but i think my chronic illness is flaring up. My swelling is ridiculous! I pretty much just cannot wear shoes or socks anymore and my hands pretty much go numb if i grab anything..

    Ive reached the ''done'' stage for sure.
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