1. 30 weeks. Baby is the size of a butternut squash
2. Nothing so far. Still waiting for my baby shower which is on the 21st.
3. Speaking of my baby shower my boss denied my time off request.... Yeah. So now I have to beg my co-workers to cover my shift. I thought she would be more understanding but apparently I'm getting the middle finger.
4. We are naming our girl Eleanor Rose. We plan on calling her by her nickname Ellie. Nothing special about the name. But we loved how old school it was. I don't know anyone named Eleanor.
32 weeks; a squash....does not specify what type of squash, but it feels like an enormous pumpkin in my ute.
2. Baby related stuff this week?
I had my baby shower last weekend and there are still a few gifts showing up in the mail here and there. I am a freak and got the nursery all set up, so now I'll get to putt around for the next 8 weeks and play with the furniture positioning until I pop. The waiting is the worst...
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms?
She's now big enough (and my torso is short enough) that she pushes against my right pelvic bone and the bottom of my right rib simultaneously. It feels like she's trying to stretch me length-wise to make room for what I know will be her chunky little bum. I can definitely tell she's running out of room. Also, hubby has to help me off the couch....a lot. And when he's not around, 6yo DS does his best.
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name?
Evelyn. It's my grandmother's name and I have always loved it. She is now suffering from severe dementia but holds a special place in her heart for me and the baby despite not being able to remember a whole heck of a lot else. I can't wait to see her this weekend and tell her we chose Evelyn for the baby. She'll be delighted
1. 29 weeks, and too big for my little body already lol.
2. Planning our little party for little one. (No baby shower this is my fourth and we have everything we need, but we still celebrate so we get together and have cake and everyone usually brings clothes and diapers lol)
3. I believe little boy is already head down cause I have an incredible amount of pelvic pressure and sharp pain when moving. He's also taken to putting a hand against my hip bone and foot in my ribs and trying to stretch out. Officially at that point where you know they need all the extra time to become perfect in there but also wishing that would hurry the hell up so you can go back to doing simple things on your own lol.
4. We are naming him Owen Wayne. Our first son is named after not only his father but both grandfathers and his great grandfather (Grandfather and great grandfather are James, other grandfather was Francis Gardner, father is James Francis Gardner) so with our second son we have decided to name him after his great grandfather and great great grandfather on my side. The great great grandfather was Owen and the great grandfathers middle name is Wayne.
1. How far along are you? Size of baby? 28 wks. Eggplant.
2. Baby related stuff this week? DH got the curtain rods and sheers up last weekend, so this weekend I want to get the curtains. We'll probably try to hang a few things up. Our first shower is next week, and I'm excited about that! Had to move my 28 wk appointment from yesterday to Tuesday, so I get to chug some sugar to start the week next week.
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms? Past two weeks have been full of nausea and either vomiting or feeling like I'm about to. Today, it's gone away, so I'm hoping to gain a little bit of weight back before my next visit.
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name? Team green, so we have Ada Grace and Sawyer Mark. I've always loved the name Ada since I heard it in "Cold Mountain". DH and I liked Ada Marie before he suggested Grace, and Grace just sounds beautiful, so we're going with Grace. Sawyer is a name DH and I have both liked for years; it turns out my wedding dress I selected was called Sawyer too, so it feels meant to be. Mark is DH's middle name.
1. How far along are you? Size of baby? 30 Weeks. Zucchini, Summer cantaloupe, Motorcycle helmet, Platypus
2. Baby related stuff this week? My coworkers are throwing me a join baby shower on Wednesday. Myself and 2 other employees are currently expecting (June, July, and August). No doctor's appointment until May 19th.
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms? I have never been a big dessert/sweets person, but this baby loves ice cream, Gatorade, candy! I am really trying to limit eating all this, but it is so hard. And holy swelling, my feet have to be elevated and I have to remain hydrated for them to fit into shoes. Varicose veins are starting to appear on my left leg, and its starting to get a little uncomfortable when sleeping and did I mention I am always hot! It's 50 degrees here and raining and I have the air condition on full blast.
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name? We have a list of a few, but will not decide until she is born. The top names as of now are: Caroline, Molly, Sarah, Madeleine, Gwendolyn, and Iris. Nothing special about these names, my husband and I just really like them. We have decided on the middle name, Reagan, but who knows this might turn out to be the first name.
1. How far along are you? Size of baby? 28+5. Eggplant or a kabocha squash, whatever the hell that is.
2. Baby related stuff this week? Finishing touches on painting the baby's room and setting up the crib and linens!
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms? I noticed today no belly band and my rib pain has come back. Guess it will be glued to me for the remainder of my pregnancy. Raves would be that DH's nana is coming in from Florida for my baby shower in June! I'm so happy because she is the sweetest woman on the face of this earth! My grandmother passe away when I was very young and I feel like she has been the closest thing to one!
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name? DH and I cannot decide on a name. He LOVES Mariano after Mariano Rivera, the retired pitcher for the NY Yankees. I'm not too sold on it though. We both have decided Thomas for his middle name after my uncle who raised me.
1. How far along are you? Size of baby? 28 weeks, eggplant
2. Baby related stuff this week? Touching up the paint in the nursery then can finally hang stuff up
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms? acid reflux up the throat ahhhhh... Im loving smores blizzards:)
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name? I think so... William will be the middle name after my gpa (its a fam name on my side)....first name im too chicken to put on here in case someones stalking me bahahhahahahaha
Re: Friday Ticker Change 5/6
2. Nothing so far. Still waiting for my baby shower which is on the 21st.
3. Speaking of my baby shower my boss denied my time off request.... Yeah. So now I have to beg my co-workers to cover my shift. I thought she would be more understanding but apparently I'm getting the middle finger.
4. We are naming our girl Eleanor Rose. We plan on calling her by her nickname Ellie. Nothing special about the name. But we loved how old school it was. I don't know anyone named Eleanor.
1. How far along are you? Size of baby?
32 weeks; a squash....does not specify what type of squash, but it feels like an enormous pumpkin in my ute.
2. Baby related stuff this week?
I had my baby shower last weekend and there are still a few gifts showing up in the mail here and there. I am a freak and got the nursery all set up, so now I'll get to putt around for the next 8 weeks and play with the furniture positioning until I pop. The waiting is the worst...
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms?
She's now big enough (and my torso is short enough) that she pushes against my right pelvic bone and the bottom of my right rib simultaneously. It feels like she's trying to stretch me length-wise to make room for what I know will be her chunky little bum. I can definitely tell she's running out of room. Also, hubby has to help me off the couch....a lot. And when he's not around, 6yo DS does his best.
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name?
Evelyn. It's my grandmother's name and I have always loved it. She is now suffering from severe dementia but holds a special place in her heart for me and the baby despite not being able to remember a whole heck of a lot else. I can't wait to see her this weekend and tell her we chose Evelyn for the baby. She'll be delighted
29 weeks. 10 weeks left for me! A Hawaiian pineapple
2. Baby related stuff this week? Growth scan today
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms? My socks are now little torture devices. I can't wait for it to be consistently warm enough for flip flops.
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name?
Savannah Cadence
*tw* past loss mentioned
we chose Savannah because it's pretty, and Cadence after her older sister who we lost last year
2. Planning our little party for little one. (No baby shower this is my fourth and we have everything we need, but we still celebrate so we get together and have cake and everyone usually brings clothes and diapers lol)
3. I believe little boy is already head down cause I have an incredible amount of pelvic pressure and sharp pain when moving. He's also taken to putting a hand against my hip bone and foot in my ribs and trying to stretch out. Officially at that point where you know they need all the extra time to become perfect in there but also wishing that would hurry the hell up so you can go back to doing simple things on your own lol.
4. We are naming him Owen Wayne. Our first son is named after not only his father but both grandfathers and his great grandfather (Grandfather and great grandfather are James, other grandfather was Francis Gardner, father is James Francis Gardner) so with our second son we have decided to name him after his great grandfather and great great grandfather on my side. The great great grandfather was Owen and the great grandfathers middle name is Wayne.
28 wks. Eggplant.
2. Baby related stuff this week?
DH got the curtain rods and sheers up last weekend, so this weekend I want to get the curtains. We'll probably try to hang a few things up. Our first shower is next week, and I'm excited about that! Had to move my 28 wk appointment from yesterday to Tuesday, so I get to chug some sugar to start the week next week.
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms?
Past two weeks have been full of nausea and either vomiting or feeling like I'm about to. Today, it's gone away, so I'm hoping to gain a little bit of weight back before my next visit.
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name?
Team green, so we have Ada Grace and Sawyer Mark. I've always loved the name Ada since I heard it in "Cold Mountain". DH and I liked Ada Marie before he suggested Grace, and Grace just sounds beautiful, so we're going with Grace. Sawyer is a name DH and I have both liked for years; it turns out my wedding dress I selected was called Sawyer too, so it feels meant to be. Mark is DH's middle name.
30 Weeks. Zucchini, Summer cantaloupe, Motorcycle helmet, Platypus
2. Baby related stuff this week?
My coworkers are throwing me a join baby shower on Wednesday. Myself and 2 other employees are currently expecting (June, July, and August). No doctor's appointment until May 19th.
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms?
I have never been a big dessert/sweets person, but this baby loves ice cream, Gatorade, candy! I am really trying to limit eating all this, but it is so hard. And holy swelling, my feet have to be elevated and I have to remain hydrated for them to fit into shoes. Varicose veins are starting to appear on my left leg, and its starting to get a little uncomfortable when sleeping and did I mention I am always hot! It's 50 degrees here and raining and I have the air condition on full blast.
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name?
We have a list of a few, but will not decide until she is born. The top names as of now are: Caroline, Molly, Sarah, Madeleine, Gwendolyn, and Iris. Nothing special about these names, my husband and I just really like them. We have decided on the middle name, Reagan, but who knows this might turn out to be the first name.
2. Baby related stuff this week? Finishing touches on painting the baby's room and setting up the crib and linens!
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms? I noticed today no belly band and my rib pain has come back. Guess it will be glued to me for the remainder of my pregnancy. Raves would be that DH's nana is coming in from Florida for my baby shower in June! I'm so happy because she is the sweetest woman on the face of this earth! My grandmother passe away when I was very young and I feel like she has been the closest thing to one!
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name? DH and I cannot decide on a name. He LOVES Mariano after Mariano Rivera, the retired pitcher for the NY Yankees. I'm not too sold on it though. We both have decided Thomas for his middle name after my uncle who raised me.
28 weeks, eggplant
2. Baby related stuff this week?
Touching up the paint in the nursery then can finally hang stuff up
3. Rants/Raves/Symptoms?
acid reflux up the throat ahhhhh... Im loving smores blizzards:)
4. GTKY: What are you naming your baby? Is there a special reason behind the name?
I think so... William will be the middle name after my gpa (its a fam name on my side)....first name im too chicken to put on here in case someones stalking me bahahhahahahaha