I'm trying to figure out some funky behavior from my Clearblue OPK. My first round of Clomid I bought the basic digital one, which gives either a blank answer or a smiley face. We were unsuccessful so I am onto round 2 of Clomid. I decided to splurge and got the Clearblue test with three different result possibilities.
I noticed with this one that the digital responses take a lot longer to pop up, but they do. However when I remove the strip, the blue lines in the test window are completely smeared. Some weren't even there. I know it's measuring levels of the hormone but it's making me wonder if these are faulty. I have never had an OPK of any kind do that before. Ideas?
Re: OPK with blurred results
Married 6.22.13
Hoping for a Herd Linky
12/15--IF testing
3/16--Dx Unexplained IF
Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI + Progesterone cycle
Cancelled due to cysts. Started 3 weeks of BCP.
4/16--Cute Ute! Clomid+Ovidrel+IUI+Progesterone TI.
Cancelled-no response
5/16--Hemmorhagic cyst and other cyst discovered.
No medicated cycle. MRI scheduled to rule out
septate uterus.
6/16--Septum discovered. Consultation for surgery.
Surprise BFP 6/8/16--EDD 2/13/17
Kole David--1.7.17--Tiny but Mighty, born at 34+5 after HELLP syndrome
Chart Stalk Me