June 2016 Moms

Nearing the end?! Ftm

Almost there ladies! And boy, do I feel it!!!  :s
Going on 36 weeks for me. I noticed I dropped around 33/34 weeks. I have had prelabor symptoms since around that time as well. Awful lower backache, pressure, period cramps, nausea, random contractions. I have lost my mucus plug, and last week I was told I'm 1 cm and slowly starting to efface. We have a growth scan scheduled for Friday. 
The cramps are terrible, especially this morning! Noticing them more as well as more intense Braxton hicks. She's a very active baby still.
Crazy pains and tingling/tickling in my cervix/vagina. 

How long after having these fun symptoms did you meet your baby?  o:)

Re: Nearing the end?! Ftm

  • tan&webtan&web member
    does membrane sweeps hurt?
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  • tan&web said:
    does membrane sweeps hurt?
    It didn't really hurt because I was already dilated, and if I remember correctly, I was closer to 2cm. I had a lot of strong contractions after, but they fizzled. I went into active labor sometime late the next night. 

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  • alileecamalileecam member
    edited May 2016
    My water broke 7 hours after I lost my mucus plug and my son was born the next morning. BUT my sister lost pieces of her mucus plug for weeks and had to be induced at 41+ weeks, so YMMV. 

    ETA: Having a baby at 35 weeks sucks butthole. I wasn't prepared, and he wasn't prepared either. I want this one to stay in and my docs and I are taking measures to keep him in longer. FWIW.
    TTC#1 since May 2011

    BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks

    BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d

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    BFP #3 October 6, 2015. WHAT???

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  • I was dilated at 2 for 3 weeks and lost my mucus plug 2 weeks before my second came. I know it can be tough this last stretch but we all need to keep these babies cooking for awhile longer. This is the home stretch and in my opinion the hardest part but our babies will be here before we know it!
  • tan&web said:
    does membrane sweeps hurt?
    Mine hurt a lot, because I was not at all dilated.  But all my friends told me that cervix checks were the worst pain they'd ever experienced and I didn't have any issues with those.  So, I guess it's different for everyone.
  • Didn't lose my plug early with either one and was never dilated until the day I went into labor. Dilation and effacemnt are not indicators that you are close to labor. Have your OB check your  bishop score
  • You could easily still go 10 days over.FTM's can drop weeks before they actually go into labor.
    just saw your not even 36 weeks, why did they check your cervix so early? I had an OB with my first and they wouldn't start checks until I was at or past my due date, with my 2nd two I never had cervix checks until I was in labour. 
  • You could easily still go 10 days over.FTM's can drop weeks before they actually go into labor.
    just saw your not even 36 weeks, why did they check your cervix so early? I had an OB with my first and they wouldn't start checks until I was at or past my due date, with my 2nd two I never had cervix checks until I was in labour. 
    I had my GBS test done exactly at 35 weeks (last friday) and my OB went ahead and checked my cervix.
    With my first pregnancy, (different OB) she didn't check until I was 37 weeks.
  • With DS I was 3cm at 32 weeks and lost big pieces of mucus plug for weeks. I ended up being induced at 39+1 for medical reasons (and it ended in a cs, for what it's worth).
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  • Bear14+Bear14+ member
    You could easily still go 10 days over.FTM's can drop weeks before they actually go into labor.
    just saw your not even 36 weeks, why did they check your cervix so early? I had an OB with my first and they wouldn't start checks until I was at or past my due date, with my 2nd two I never had cervix checks until I was in labour. 
    My office does them too at 35 weeks when they do the GBS swab since they are already in there. At my appointment with DS I was 80% effaced and 1cm dilated, I'm happy she told me I could go anytime because I was in pre labor at the beginning of 36 weeks and ended up having my son at 37 exact. I was at least a little prepared because of this! 

    Im hoping to get different news next Friday at my 35 week appointment and this one stays in a little longer. 

  • As someone who has been discussing steriod injections in case my baby doesn't make it to 37 weeks due to previa, I can tell you that you definitely don't want to deliver any time soon. 

    I had loads of symptoms during my third trimester with DD. But I went to 40 weeks and was 0 cm the night before even though she had dropped ages before that. 

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  • With DS, I was nothing at 38w3 days when my doctor checked me and they I started bleeding the following evening. Raced to the hospital because I previously had low lying placenta and learned that sometimes, women bleed when they dilate. I quickly went from 1cm to 5cm on my own, but they broke my water and induced me.

    Last night, I went to hospital because I was having several BH contractions. All is fine and only 10% effaced, but I am nervous the check will speed things up. Trust me, you want your baby to cook longer!

  • @sorarose , sorry you ended up in the hospital last night! But glad all ended okay for you and baby. 


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  • @sorarose , sorry you ended up in the hospital last night! But glad all ended okay for you and baby. 

    Thanks. I knew everything was likely okay, just didn't want to risk anything. It was pretty surreal, however, to head to the hospital where I had DS for the first time since having him. Made me realize DD is almost here!

  • sorarose said:
    @sorarose , sorry you ended up in the hospital last night! But glad all ended okay for you and baby. 

    Thanks. I knew everything was likely okay, just didn't want to risk anything. It was pretty surreal, however, to head to the hospital where I had DS for the first time since having him. Made me realize DD is almost here!
    Nothing like a trip to l&d for a "shits getting real" moment. Glad to hear the BHs weren't concerning. Fx the check up didn't speed things along at all. 
  • My doc starts checking the cervix at 37 weeks also. Ftm here too and im pretty nervous. I have my GBS test today and he checks then too. I think a lot of us are just super excited about our babies getting here and dont think about how important it is for baby to cook as long as possible. None of our pregnancys are going to be the same. You could go from no symptoms and no dialation one day to everything all at once the next day. Or, have it start and progress within a week.. My mom was dialated for a week and didnt even know because back then they didnt do cervix checks and she wasnt told to come to the hospital until she was having regular contractions or her water broke. 
  • I was having some false labor symptoms and one of my midwives offers to check my cervix to reassure me that I'm not in real labor and I just felt that it would have been a waste of time because I know people can be starting to dialate for weeks before delivery so why bother unless they think the labor is real, you know.
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