Almost there ladies! And boy, do I feel it!!!
Going on 36 weeks for me. I noticed I dropped around 33/34 weeks. I have had prelabor symptoms since around that time as well. Awful lower backache, pressure, period cramps, nausea, random contractions. I have lost my mucus plug, and last week I was told I'm 1 cm and slowly starting to efface. We have a growth scan scheduled for Friday.
The cramps are terrible, especially this morning! Noticing them more as well as more intense Braxton hicks. She's a very active baby still.
Crazy pains and tingling/tickling in my cervix/vagina.
How long after having these fun symptoms did you meet your baby?
Re: Nearing the end?! Ftm
I know women who have dropped and are several cm dilated for weeks before labor begins. Your mp can regenerate.
ETA, I just saw that you're not 36 weeks yet. I know your excited, but you really need that baby to stay put a few more weeks.
ETA: Having a baby at 35 weeks sucks butthole. I wasn't prepared, and he wasn't prepared either. I want this one to stay in and my docs and I are taking measures to keep him in longer. FWIW.
BFP #1 June 2011 m/c@6wks
BFP #2 December 2011, EDD 8/21/12, born 7/21/12 at 35w4d
BFP #3 October 6, 2015. WHAT???
just saw your not even 36 weeks, why did they check your cervix so early? I had an OB with my first and they wouldn't start checks until I was at or past my due date, with my 2nd two I never had cervix checks until I was in labour.
With my first pregnancy, (different OB) she didn't check until I was 37 weeks.
Im hoping to get different news next Friday at my 35 week appointment and this one stays in a little longer.
I had loads of symptoms during my third trimester with DD. But I went to 40 weeks and was 0 cm the night before even though she had dropped ages before that.
Last night, I went to hospital because I was having several BH contractions. All is fine and only 10% effaced, but I am nervous the check will speed things up. Trust me, you want your baby to cook longer!