May 2016 Moms

Any cat ladies out there?

kitandcatkitandcat member
edited May 2016 in May 2016 Moms
I am a proud "crazy cat lady" ... Cat mom to two furry babes!! Charley and Jedi (pronounced "Jetty", because we're weird!) Anyone else out there a cat lover? What have you done to get your kitties ready for LO? Have they had any behavioral issues or changes since you've become pregnant? Cute cat pics to share?!

Our hospital gave us a hand out at one of our classes about getting your cats ready. It suggested letting your cats get into the baby stuff for awhile, and then once they've had a chance to investigate, then start training them to stay out of the places you don't want them. So ours have been hanging out in the crib, in the pack in play, etc for about a month... and then maybe about a week or so ago we put tin foil in the crib and the pack n play. I assumed the idea is that they jump into it, get freaked out, and then don't want to jump back into it. But apparently a fear of tin foil is built into their kitty genes LOL ever since we put the foil down they haven't even attempted to jump in! ONE TIME one of my cats jumped up onto the rail of the crib, purposefully not jumping inside, and he walked all around the outside, just looking at the foil, and jumped back down. I can't decide if this is good or bad :-) Will they continue to stay out once the foil is gone and the baby is in there?! We shall see!! 

One of my cats, who turned 6 yesterday (yes- we celebrate kitty birthdays!!), has never ever had problems peeing outside the litter box. He's the best behaved cat in the world :) But for a month or two he's been peeing in our front family room. After shampooing the carpets a couple times and moving one of the litter boxes to where he's been peeing, I think he's finally stopped. I asked the vet about it and she checked him out and he doesn't seem to have any bladder issues, pain, etc, so she's thinking it's just behavioral. Coincidentally it's right about the time we started filling the house with baby stuff that he started doing it. Poor guy :-( 

Otherwise not many differences!! A lot of people say their cats start behaving more affectionately towards them, like they KNOW they're pregnant, but mine have always followed me around and hang out/sit/lay where ever I am so I haven't noticed too much difference. 

My favorite thing so far is their interest in all the baby stuff. If I buy them a new toy, or a cat bed, they A) ignore it forever, B) pee on it and then I have to throw it away, or C) ignore it for 6 months and then FINALLY use it. Every baby related item we bring into the house they immediately want to lay on, play with, etc. It's hilarious! They love the rug in the nursery, they're oddly obsessed with the rocking chair... They also love to sit in the sort of mini "rock n play" that came with our pack n play, and yesterday I bought a basket for our newborn pics to put LO in... seriously the second I got home Charley was lounging in it, like THIS IS MINE! 

Can you tell I love cats!!?? I want to hear about yours!! <3 Here are somee glorious cat pics for your Monday morning!!


Re: Any cat ladies out there?

  • We've got 3 cats here. They're definitely super sensitive to change, but we haven't had any behavioral issues (knock on wood) yet. I've played recordings of a baby crying, and I've had people bring their babies/kids to the house. I'm more anxious about toddlerdom than infant (although I'm hoping a kid raised around cats is a bit more gentle than one who is seeing cats for like the first time). I admit when my SIL brought her toddler over, I was ridiculously anxious watching that kid try to grab at/pick up/etc. my cats absolutely constantly. They were very tolerant, but I'm not OK with that kind of behavior... but... we have some time before that stage.

    We're basically taking it one stage/thing at a time. They've been fine with me being pregnant. They're curious about the nursery, but I don't let them in there really and don't plan to when the baby is here (they don't go in our bedroom either). We shall see...and soon
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

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  • We have 3 kitties. The first one is very shy and won't come out from under our bed if she notices there are more than 2 sets of feet in the house. We're curious to see if she does the same thing once LO gets here. Our second one is a different story. We found her and her siblings when she was a few days old and had to bottle feed them because mom was too sick to do it herself. My dad adopted the 2 boys and we kept the girl. She is into everything in the baby's room but once we decided to keep the door open she seems more used to everything and doesn't really go in there much now. I'm hoping it stays that way. I am worried about how she'll handle the baby because she is madly in love with my husband and hates it when his attention gets pulled away from her. We kept mom as well but she hates being in the house so she's out more than she's in. 
  • salbbsalbb member
    I didn't really prep cat for meeting baby and as baby was 4 weeks early we all got thrown into it!!

    have to say the cat is jealous of the baby, she used to always snuggle me and is not happy baby has taken her place. I hope she cuddles with us soon but she is wary of his noises just now. Doing our best to still give her as much time as before but it's hard just now as baby needs so much of our attention. 

    cat treats and affection as much as we can in the meantime! To be fair also an adjustment someone being home all day I should imagine!!

    Love the cat hats  :)
  • I'm super jealous of all of you! With DS1 we had a cat and he was amazing with everything - sweet to the baby and not invasive at all. He passed and a few months later we got two brother cats. We had them for about 2 years. The INSTANT I got pregnant, not even visibly, just BFP, they were peeing on everything. We had to take them back to the shelter :( They were the sweetest kitties and it really sucked. DS keeps asking about a getting a new cat too, and after being a cat person my whole life I have no idea if we will have one again :(
  • Aww, Henry looks like such a sweetie. Sorry for your loss.
  • @rlworzalla ahh you have a Becky too! Your cats are beautiful - I have a special love of calicos as I had one for 19 years until she passed.
  • Maynard doing his best Blue Steel. He likes to help incubate my bump.

    Ahh! I love that his tongue is out. Too cute! @LondonToSavannah

  • vinerievinerie member
    Ok, I am a died-in-the-wool dog person, but I must admit, you all's cats are ridiculously cute! 
    Me: 38; DH: 41
    DS: Born 5-17-16 

  • yogahh said:
    jenbkc said:
    So this is a pic my husband took of me recently after I passed out in the recliner with my kitty GusGus. He's been my baby since I got him about 12 years ago when he was a kitten. He likes to be carried around like a baby, so I'm guessing he's going to be a bit jealous of the baby. We'll see. He's a super laid back cat though, so hopefully it won't be too bad. We have two other cats that were my husband's before we got married, and also a big ol Lab Mutt. Should be interesting around here once the baby shows up!  I do think that all the cats atleast know that something is up. They are all being super affectionate and want to hang out around in me in a circle when I am home.

    Awwwww he reminds me of my Henry who passed away 2 years ago. Henry was a HUGE mush too and thought he was my baby.

    Aw! Goodness, they do bear a striking resemblance! I'm so sorry for your loss. <3
  • I loooooove seeing all these cats!  @PYLWhammy - we never changed any of our cat's names when we adopted them.  Most people look at us weird when we say Precious because the other two have such 'normal' sounding names, but oh well! 
  • arj14arj14 member
    I love seeing all the Kitty pictures! 

    @kit&amp;cat thanks for the cardboard and tape suggestion!  Our cat is the same, he hates being shut out of rooms he knows we're in.  He also likes to bang on the bedroom side of the bathroom door to wake us up at ungodly hours, so I think that will make a good test run for Baby's door!

    On another note, I am a little worried about going overboard with cat-related stuff for Baby...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited May 2016
    I adore my cat! And so does LO! 

    LO knows how to treat cats gently and respectfully and the cat has been super close BFF with LO from the day I brought "her" baby home from the hospital. 

    We we own dogs too but the relationship with cat and baby/toddler has been the best; really something sweet to watch over the years. 
  • edited May 2016
    Oh and my cat really is attached to my pregnancies too. I think it is the extra body heat. She will not ever leave me alone it seems!  It honestly gets ridiculous. But she is a good natured cat in general and very outgoing/attention seeking.
  • edited May 2016

    saladflambe  I'm more anxious about toddlerdom than infant (although I'm hoping a kid raised around cats is a bit more gentle than one who is seeing cats for like the first time). I admit when my SIL brought her toddler over, I was ridiculously anxious watching that kid try to grab at/pick up/etc. my cats absolutely constantly. 
    My LO never carries cats around, they aren't dolls. LO respects live animals even as a toddler. So there is stuff you can do to help your toddler learn how to act appropriately around animals, yours and others. 

    I would never let mine do that to another persons cats and wouldn't let another toddler terrorize my pets in my home either. I would put the pets away if I saw it was going to be a problem or at the very least make sure the cats have a place to be completely out of reach (via baby gate or whatever). 
  • @artteacher19 you got the mamaroo too! Mine is still in the box. Was it complicated to assemble?
     I just purchased the infant insert. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @Dasha420 i can't even take how cute that pic is of your kitty all cuddled up in the white comforter. So adorable!!! :):):)
  • Dasha420Dasha420 member
    edited May 2016
    Thank you  :) she rules the household. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • saladflambe  I'm more anxious about toddlerdom than infant (although I'm hoping a kid raised around cats is a bit more gentle than one who is seeing cats for like the first time). I admit when my SIL brought her toddler over, I was ridiculously anxious watching that kid try to grab at/pick up/etc. my cats absolutely constantly. 
    My LO never carries cats around, they aren't dolls. LO respects live animals even as a toddler. So there is stuff you can do to help your toddler learn how to act appropriately around animals, yours and others. 

    I would never let mine do that to another persons cats and wouldn't let another toddler terrorize my pets in my home either. I would put the pets away if I saw it was going to be a problem or at the very least make sure the cats have a place to be completely out of reach (via baby gate or whatever). 
    Yeah I put them away pretty quickly. I couldn't handle seeing them stressed.
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

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