May 2016 Moms

VBAC turned c section?

Any new mommies attempted a VBAC that turned into an emergency c section? Any successful ones? I'm 36+1 and still haven't made the decision about a VBAC or repeat c section.Any repeat sections mommies ? When is your scheduled date? Advice.. Experiences are all appreciated thank you!

Re: VBAC turned c section?

  • If this LO hadn't settled breech like his brother, I would have attempted a VBAC this time. My RCS is scheduled during my 39th week, this week. The one thing that my doctor recommended when I was still a VBAC candidate was getting an epidural fairly early (or at least getting the catheter placed) so that in case a csection was needed quickly, I wouldn't need general anesthesia. It's been fairly slow over there lately, but the VBAC board has some good stories of both successful VBACs and VBAC turned csection. Good luck with whichever you decide!
  • kbrands7 said:
    If this LO hadn't settled breech like his brother, I would have attempted a VBAC this time. My RCS is scheduled during my 39th week, this week. The one thing that my doctor recommended when I was still a VBAC candidate was getting an epidural fairly early (or at least getting the catheter placed) so that in case a csection was needed quickly, I wouldn't need general anesthesia. It's been fairly slow over there lately, but the VBAC board has some good stories of both successful VBACs and VBAC turned csection. Good luck with whichever you decide!
    Good luck with you c section this week. I will head over to the VBAC board thank you!
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  • Pinterest has a lot of good VBAC stories. If you are trying to decide I will say that we went to a VBAC class and all the stats were positive, meaning that for the mother and baby outcomes were either better or the same as with a RCS, plus if you are successful you have (generally) a better recovery and it takes less time. The two main reasons I'm trying a VBAC are the recovery time and the fact that each subsequent RCS gets more dangerous. So if we maybe decided to have a third kid it would be better for me to have a VBAC this time. I'm due May 26th
  • Im hoping for a VBAC, its the normal thing here. But my OB did say first sign if anything going wrong, off tho theatre it is.  Due date is 29 may, and induction booked for 6 June if nothing by then. I really hope to go into spontaneous labour because if I do get induced there is more chance of csect. 
    Angel baby June 2013, DD born 22 April 2014, BFP 10 Sept 2015 - Due 22 May 2016
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