Is anyone else losing it a bit watching the scale creep up? Cause I am. Brutal honesty: I have hated my actual weight number forever- doesn't matter how hard I work out (5-6x a week + 3 marathons in 5 hrs) or how well I eat the scale barely budges- steady at 160-165lbs. And I'm only 5'5. It's just sounds terrible. I didn't think I looked terrible before getting pregnant (see below for a 14w shot) but 165 always sounded like a lot. Now I'm 184 and starting to freak out a bit. It's only going to go higher- I'm 33w now, so I've got a ways to go. I'm trying hard not to obsess-- this is not a time to diet, I know that. But man. I hate this part. There has to be one or two of you that feel the same here... Curvy girls, where you at??
1st Pregnancy: EDD 12/31/15; Diagnosed Turner's with terminal cystic hygroma 13wks; induced at 14wks, +3 d+c's.
2nd Pregnancy: BFP 10/8/15; EDD 6/21/16
Re: The dreaded scale
2nd Pregnancy: BFP 10/8/15; EDD 6/21/16
@nekedfeet You look wonderful, at 14 weeks and 26, and I'm sure now too. I always had to remind myself before pregnancy that weight is just a number, especially if you're exercising with any sort of muscle strengthening included. When I started going to the gym 2 years ago, I gained 5 pounds over a summer, but didn't feel like I looked any different, I just started lifting more and running less. I know it doesn't feel good, I'm right there with you, but just a couple of months and we get to watch the scale naturally fall back down (especially if you're breast feeding). Look forward to that!
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
I did quite a few years ago and really on tape measurements.
It will take a weight off your mind (pun intended)
we're all putting on weight
2nd Pregnancy: BFP 10/8/15; EDD 6/21/16
and seriously-you aren't curvy. Sorry to break it to you
but I looked and felt better than ever going into this pregnancy! It's JUST a number! That being said, even though I totally know better, I dread the weigh in every appointment and had a mini breakdown yesterday when I saw the number. It's totally normal but we have to remember the facts and not let it get us down!!
You look fantastic!! I also dread weighing myself at every appointment
I bought a scale about a month ago, because I was worried I was gaining too much too fast, but I've decided to just keep eating well and exercising, and I'll trust my body to gain what it needs to!
1- I think you look fabulous!
2- I gained over 50lbs with my first, and I was comfortable with my body before getting pregnant, but still, that was a lot of weight. My parents' constant comments didn't help. Thinking about how you're awesome for growing a human does help though!
I just had a consult with a potential pediatrician who commented how big I was. She seemed like a decent doctor, but I don't think we'll be going there. That definitely made me the most self conscious I've been during pregnancy.
Athletes can't base their worth on the scale. The scale is not a good measurement for highly active and fit people. You can Google pictures where women post pictures of themselves before working out and their weight and after working out and their weight and often times women look better fit and at a slightly higher weight than they did unfit and "skinny". Muscle and fit looks hella sexier than unfit.
You guys are awesome. So, so nice to hear that so many of you are equally hating the weigh ins. I only keep doing it to keep myself on track in some way-- I know 19lbs so far is not too bad, but I'd certainly want to know if was wildly out of range (then it would be on me, and my occasional ice cream splurge-habit). Hence why I keep torturing myself.
I'm going to have to get back into the exercising afterward-- aside from walking(lots of it- living in a city/no car), and my generally active job I've kind of given up on my usual stuff- it's too bloody hard! Honestly, it's been a lovely break- after 10 yrs of steady 5-6x week workouts, this has been kind of glorious
Thanks again for the commiseration. xx
2nd Pregnancy: BFP 10/8/15; EDD 6/21/16
2nd Pregnancy: BFP 10/8/15; EDD 6/21/16
I told my boss a couple weeks back that I was starting to feel like I looked like a square and she said mean like a cube? I said no, but thank you for bringing in the 3rd dimension. I have now fully embraced that I am a cube until the end of June and then I will give a crap. My coworker calls me Rubix. YAY!
Agree with pp. I had a bit of a full fledged meltdown the other day because I weighed in at 197 (160ish pre pregnancy I rarely every weighed myself). So I very well knew I'd likely hit 200lbs but nothing prepared me for actually seeing that number on the scale at my appointment last week and to know that it will just continue to creep up these next 7 weeks is scary to me. I grew up with a mother with an ED and she always harped on us about weight so being overweight is something I'm literally terrified of.
You're definitely not alone, but if your doctor isn't worried try not to be either!
No it doesn't. A pound of fat and a pound of muscle, are still just a pound. The difference is that muscle is more dense, so your measurements will change, even if the scale doesn't. You could weight 160 pounds, work out for several months and lose ten pounds of fat, only to gain ten pounds of muscle.....get on that scale, and it will still say 160 pounds. But I can pretty much guarantee that if you took measurements, you would notice the change, and also notice the change in the way your clothing fits. When I run fitness groups, it is amazing how many women are obsessed with the number on the scale, and let that determine their happiness with their body. There were even ladies that would come in raving about how amazing they were feeling, how they got a workout in almost every day, how they were eating right, their clothing was fitting better, and we would take their measurements and they were always down in inches......but then they went home, stepped on the scale, and their entire mood/motivation/etc came crashing down.
That being said, @nekedfeet I tried eating clean and making sure that I was active my first pregnancy, but I still gained 75 pounds (I was 5'6'' and 150 when I got pregnant). It was an extremely hard pill to swallow, but I had to keep reminding myself that I was doing everything right, my body just didn't get the memo apparently....and liked to retain water. You could push on my skin, and draw with your finger, and the indent would stay for awhile. It was horrible! That being said in the few weeks after my DD was born, I lost 60 pounds of the weight, just by peeing like crazy and sweating out all of that water that I retained, in my sleep. I literally would wake up in the middle of the night, completely drenched in sweat and would have to get up and change my was like I climbed into the shower fully clothed, and then climbed back into bed. The remaining 15 pounds didn't come off until I stopped BF-ing. Don't be so hard on yourself, I think that you look great! My OB said something to me about the fact that I gained 6 pounds in two weeks, but I just brushed it off because I knew that I ate 80% healthy, I was active a lot, and that I was doing my best. I also know how my body handles pregnancy, and that I am drinking 100-120oz of water a day, and only going to the bathroom 6-7 times a day (and not even waking at night to pee) I know at this point, my body is starting to retain fluids.
Remember, that scale is just telling you the overall weight. It isn't breaking down your muscle mass, how much of it is baby/placenta/amniotic fluid, how much of it is retained water, etc.
I like the "don't know, don't care" method. That sounds pretty sensible!! Maybe I should give myself a break these last few weeks and skip looking at the scale. If I can prevent myself from diving head first into every pint of ice cream I meet between now and then, I should be ok!!!
2nd Pregnancy: BFP 10/8/15; EDD 6/21/16