Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Exhausted but can't sleep, and I feel like I have to pee all the freaking time. Someone at work the other day told me I look ready to explode, which is great, since I have six weeks left, and if my size with DS is any indication, I still have a lot bigger to get. But a nice lady let me cut in front of the line at Starbucks today, so that was awesome.
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? Just met with HR and set the date for my maternity leave to begin. :cue freakout: Putting the finishing touches on DS' toddler room this week and plan to transition him this weekend, and then I can get into the nursery to redecorate (repaint, hang new stuff, put bedding/clothes away, so not a ton to do).
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Baby related, REALLY looking forward to having the pelvic discomfort go away. And sleeping on my stomach again! (Although, it will prob still be uncomfortable for a little bit because of engorgement.)
Rants/ raves/ symptoms: only 2 more shifts left at work!!!!! I'm just wondering how I will physically make it through them though : /. Lots of backache hip pain and my contractions are lasting longer and getting painful, glad my last day of work is the 2nd so I don't work myself into labor.
what are you doing this week to get ready for baby? My mom and my twins and I may go to once upon a child today if the weather holds out, other than that hopefully a mega house cleaning session this weekend. It needs to get done like ASAP because I'm at the point I can't do much anymore and everything leads me to contractions.
GTKY: I'm really looking forward to feeling normal body wise again, as well as having a beer.
Raves- Lots of raves today. My baby showers are this weekend and next weekend, then my husband comes home from deployment!!!! I also set up my last day of work, so there is an end in sight.
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? Baby showers!!!!
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Wine. I kind of want DH to sneak it into my room at the hospital.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Rant: A kid bumped into me in the hallway before school and when I asked the group of boys politely to be careful, one of his friends talked back to me. Seriously? Not a fun way to start my day with having to escort said student to his dean's office. On top of that I didn't sleep well and have had really bad pain in my hips and groin, probably SPD I think? I feel like I'm waddling now, not fun. Rave: We re-did our laundry room so we are now ready for the onslaught of baby clothes washing! Painted the walls a fresh new color and built a platform to raise our front loading machines up to a more manageable height. Its awesome!
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? Packing my hospital bag this week and working on names.
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Baby snuggles, having my body back (kind of), and beer. I want a nice dark stout like something fierce.
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: The swelling has gotten out of control!! But I went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was better, so she's not as concerned that it could be Pre E, which is really good! But I'm still going to cut back on my work, just to make sure they stay in a little longer! I'm starting to get so nervous about how the hospital stay is going to work with my DS. He's never spent the night with anyone before, so the thought of him staying with my mom or sister, makes me sad that he'll be scared or confused. He's so little (20 months), I don't think he gets a lot of this!
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? I had my shower last weekend, so we've been getting the last of the things we still need (bottles, car seat base, etc.) I'm not able to shop that much, but I'd like to return some of the things we got and use some of the gift cards. We'll see how much I'm able to do!
Questions?: I've developed pregnancy carpal tunnel, my fingers are so swollen and sore and my fingertips are almost numb! It's worse in the morning. Anyone else experience this?
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Baby related - I can't wait for them to be here so I can know that they are healthy and everything is fine! Non Baby related - I can't wait to have my body back! I want to wear non-maternity clothes, I don't know if I'll ever wear a maxi dress again! I want to wear shorts and a t-shirt! I also am excited to just be able to physically do things again, like talk a walk around the block, go shopping. Right now, I'm so limited in what I can do and everything is so hard!!
@colesmom33 I hear you, my son is 22 months so it's a bit young to really understand what's going on. We have been away without him before, and we usually have whoever is watching him stay at our house so he's surrounded by his things and in his room. Is that an option for you? Perhaps that could make it a little easier on him since you'll be away for a few days? (Plus, you don't have to pack...)
Aw, sorry to hear that so many of us are uncomfortable.
How far along?
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Rant- honestly a little bummed that so many familiar faces have left this group. I really enjoyed the community. I'm so glad you folks are still here and hope we can keep it going. I wish I'd been around here for the facebook migration because I would have gladly stayed active on both. Symptoms- So so tired. This week has been an endless run of late nights, being awake at night etc. I'm also bloated. But, at least my hemorrhoid is getting better! Small victories...
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? Swapping a bunch of clothes on Sunday with a friend who is having a little girl. It'll be sad to say goodbye to all my daughter's things but fun to see what's in store for the wee man. I'm also volunteering at a community moms' group sale all weekend and will likely score some sweet deals for both kids while I'm there.
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Beer on patios!
Rants: (Warning: Trivial whiny rant ahead)We went shopping on Saturday (Costco for stockpiling diapers & Ikea for shelves) and Costco didn't have the diapers I was looking for and Ikea didn't have shelves in the size we needed. By the end of the trip, my husband was tired, hungry, and cranky so he was all 'ttude and impatient. So fun!
Raves: My mom gave me a gift card to buy more maternity clothes, which is unexpected and awesome...though I think she's trying to tell me something...
Symptoms: Just tired a lot and some heartburn periodically.
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? Nothing, just relaxing.
Questions: None at the moment.
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Sleeping in whatever %@#&ing position I please. This right-side/left-side restriction crap is for the birds.
@SMLmom is that what happened? I noticed it got quiet, but didn't realize there was a big exodus to FB. When did that happen?
I was wondering what happened as well. I haven't been as active myself just because work and getting ready for baby has been hectic. I thought I remember seeing people upset about ads making the site unusable, but it seems better to me. Perhaps that's when it happened? I personally hate Facebook and deleted the app on my phone a few months ago.
Re: Thursday Check-In
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Exhausted but can't sleep, and I feel like I have to pee all the freaking time. Someone at work the other day told me I look ready to explode, which is great, since I have six weeks left, and if my size with DS is any indication, I still have a lot bigger to get. But a nice lady let me cut in front of the line at Starbucks today, so that was awesome.
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? Just met with HR and set the date for my maternity leave to begin. :cue freakout: Putting the finishing touches on DS' toddler room this week and plan to transition him this weekend, and then I can get into the nursery to redecorate (repaint, hang new stuff, put bedding/clothes away, so not a ton to do).
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Baby related, REALLY looking forward to having the pelvic discomfort go away. And sleeping on my stomach again! (Although, it will prob still be uncomfortable for a little bit because of engorgement.)
Rants/ raves/ symptoms: only 2 more shifts left at work!!!!! I'm just wondering how I will physically make it through them though : /. Lots of backache hip pain and my contractions are lasting longer and getting painful, glad my last day of work is the 2nd so I don't work myself into labor.
what are you doing this week to get ready for baby? My mom and my twins and I may go to once upon a child today if the weather holds out, other than that hopefully a mega house cleaning session this weekend. It needs to get done like ASAP because I'm at the point I can't do much anymore and everything leads me to contractions.
GTKY: I'm really looking forward to feeling normal body wise again, as well as having a beer.
My nausea has come back and now I'm having such bad heartburn. I'm also getting out of breath a lot more. On the good side baby is moving a lot
We are painting the nursery today
Looking forward to having a Margarita after baby is out and to be able to bend over for things haha.
How far along? 33 wks
Rant-Back pain is killing me.
Raves- Lots of raves today. My baby showers are this weekend and next weekend, then my husband comes home from deployment!!!! I also set up my last day of work, so there is an end in sight.
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? Baby showers!!!!
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Wine. I kind of want DH to sneak it into my room at the hospital.
Rant: A kid bumped into me in the hallway before school and when I asked the group of boys politely to be careful, one of his friends talked back to me. Seriously? Not a fun way to start my day with having to escort said student to his dean's office. On top of that I didn't sleep well and have had really bad pain in my hips and groin, probably SPD I think? I feel like I'm waddling now, not fun.
Rave: We re-did our laundry room so we are now ready for the onslaught of baby clothes washing! Painted the walls a fresh new color and built a platform to raise our front loading machines up to a more manageable height. Its awesome!
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby?
Packing my hospital bag this week and working on names.
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)?
Baby snuggles, having my body back (kind of), and beer. I want a nice dark stout like something fierce.
How far along? 31 weeks 2 days
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: The swelling has gotten out of control!! But I went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was better, so she's not as concerned that it could be Pre E, which is really good! But I'm still going to cut back on my work, just to make sure they stay in a little longer! I'm starting to get so nervous about how the hospital stay is going to work with my DS. He's never spent the night with anyone before, so the thought of him staying with my mom or sister, makes me sad that he'll be scared or confused. He's so little (20 months), I don't think he gets a lot of this!
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? I had my shower last weekend, so we've been getting the last of the things we still need (bottles, car seat base, etc.) I'm not able to shop that much, but I'd like to return some of the things we got and use some of the gift cards. We'll see how much I'm able to do!
Questions?: I've developed pregnancy carpal tunnel, my fingers are so swollen and sore and my fingertips are almost numb! It's worse in the morning. Anyone else experience this?
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Baby related - I can't wait for them to be here so I can know that they are healthy and everything is fine! Non Baby related - I can't wait to have my body back! I want to wear non-maternity clothes, I don't know if I'll ever wear a maxi dress again! I want to wear shorts and a t-shirt! I also am excited to just be able to physically do things again, like talk a walk around the block, go shopping. Right now, I'm so limited in what I can do and everything is so hard!!
How far along?
Rant- honestly a little bummed that so many familiar faces have left this group. I really enjoyed the community. I'm so glad you folks are still here and hope we can keep it going. I wish I'd been around here for the facebook migration because I would have gladly stayed active on both.
Symptoms- So so tired. This week has been an endless run of late nights, being awake at night etc. I'm also bloated. But, at least my hemorrhoid is getting better! Small victories...
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby?
Swapping a bunch of clothes on Sunday with a friend who is having a little girl. It'll be sad to say goodbye to all my daughter's things but fun to see what's in store for the wee man. I'm also volunteering at a community moms' group sale all weekend and will likely score some sweet deals for both kids while I'm there.
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)?
Beer on patios!
- Rants: (Warning: Trivial whiny rant ahead) We went shopping on Saturday (Costco for stockpiling diapers & Ikea for shelves) and Costco didn't have the diapers I was looking for and Ikea didn't have shelves in the size we needed. By the end of the trip, my husband was tired, hungry, and cranky so he was all 'ttude and impatient. So fun!
- Raves: My mom gave me a gift card to buy more maternity clothes, which is unexpected and awesome...though I think she's trying to tell me something...

- Symptoms: Just tired a lot and some heartburn periodically.
What are you doing this week to get ready for baby? Nothing, just relaxing.Questions: None at the moment.
GTKY: What are you most looking forward to after the delivery (can be baby or non-baby related)? Sleeping in whatever %@#&ing position I please. This right-side/left-side restriction crap is for the birds.
Rants: I need sleep
Raves: Not waking up to pee so much. I just wake up. Big difference and it matters to my sleep deprived brain.
Drinking adult beverages and being able to plan a family vacation for a future date since this will be for real the last child I have.
Anyway, I'm glad folks are still active on here... I know we're all busy but I love the community vibe.